From the perspective of Romans 10:9-13, we take a step of faith and procure salvation by that step of faith.
Doers Calvinism preach the same?
It does. Notice that Romans 10:9-13 doesn't say, " will become saved as a result."
"9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”[a] 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Remember that the gift of God, salvation, is by grace through faith, and that not of yourself.
I don't make claims about whether or not regeneration occurs simultaneously with confession and repentance and profession of faith. I do claim: Salvific faith comes by the word of God, and is produced by the Spirit of God; and that it is necessary to be changed from death to life (regeneration) in order to submit to God and believe; and that regeneration is by the gift of the Holy Spirit who takes up residence in the person, changing them from death to life; and I claim that it is "logically-'before'", time-sequence irrelevant. But you being bound by temporal, self-deterministic thinking, will not accept that last.
Maybe I should state it in a more sterile manner:
"Ye must be born again."
Whatever else you may say, being born again is necessary to salvation. If Salvation is by faith, and by confessing with the mouth, and by believing with the heart, being born again is part and parcel of those things, because they are impossible apart from the Holy Spirit transforming the dead to life.
Or does it preach that one is saved and then takes the step of faith because they have been saved (or else do not need to take the step of faith at all because they are saved without it)?
From my perspective the Bible clearly teaches that there is something that we do in order to procure salvation, in Romans 10:9-13.
Romans 10:9-13 says nothing about taking a step of faith. It only says, 'if you believe'. But, I agree that Romans 10:9-13 gives a reliable if-then statement. If you do these things, then you will be saved. What
you have not shown is how we are able to do them, being spiritually dead.
But that is not what I hear in Calvinistic teaching.
You seem to forget that Calvinism does not claim a comprehensive treatise of the Bible. It is, after all, a reaction to falsehood. It vehemently and happily shows scripture disputing that we are saved by what WE do. It is even adamant that we do, we must do, and we will do, once God has regenerated us, but that those are a result of regeneration.
As, I believe,
@Josheb showed, Salvation is (at least) a three-fold proposition. We are saved, we are being saved, and we will be saved. We become saved, we continue in our Salvation, we will see our Salvation. Consider that before you decide too quickly just what the salvation is in the verses that you think counter Calvinism. Self-determinism is not a biblical concept.
Also, in Romans 5:2, we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand.
This indicates that we entered in through the door using the key of faith. There was a time when we were not inhabitants of the mansion wherein we now dwell (grace). We entered in (gained access) by entering in through the door using the key to the door.
Thoughts? Comments?
"Key to a door"? That's poetic, I suppose, but that isn't what it says. But, nevertheless, it also says it is through Christ that we have access by faith to God's grace. You need to understand, GRACE is not grace if we attain it by the strength and integrity of our will. Grace by definition is the gift of God, not of man. (Eph 2:8,9) Therefore, the faith is not the work of the self-determining man, but of God.