It's a matter of where one places their faith.
Salvation --the gift of God, and not of works-- is by grace through faith. Therefore, the faith through which we are saved, too, is the gift of God. Of course, if the faith is in oneself it is not saving faith! Of course, if it is not in Christ, it is not saving faith! My question is, faith of the usual kind, that everybody has, such as one might say they have that the sun will rise within the next 12 hours, or that the bus driver knows the route --faith that one can decide to place in someone or something-- how can that be purposeful, continuous and unwavering, intelligent and wise, knowing exactly to what it is committing, unassailable, if it is generated by the human, (and particularly, by the human who has the "powerless" "mind of flesh" per Romans 5:6 and Romans 8)?
Faith generated within the human (and so, "ours") by the Spirit of God, is salvific faith, in whatever measure. Therefore it is not a matter of degree of faith, but of kind of faith. This is not the fleeting, silly, ignorant, self-centered, self-important, presumptuous, dependent on emotion, faith we have that is destroyed by the sense that things are not going how we had expected. This faith is by the Spirit that KNOWS God intimately, is directly involved in the object of our faith, is only ever directed towards Christ (and so "whatsoever is not of faith is sin"), and possesses the power of God.