What is a Amillennial Idealist?
Ask Arial, it's her op.
All the millennial views get their name from their view of the "
1000 years" mentioned in Revelation. A "
millennium" is 1000 years, hence the label, "
Premillennialism believe Jesus returns prior to the 1000 years and tend to read the "
1000 years" literally. The millennium will, therefore, be specifically and exactly a literal 1000 years long.
Amillennialism, along with
Postmillennialist and Idealists tend to believe Jesus comes after the millennium and they do not read Revelation 20's mentions of "
1000 years" literally. Those three millennial views read the 1000 years figuratively and they do so for various reasons. Exegetically the reasons are because that chapter is filled with figurative language that provides reason not to read the 1000 years literally and there is no verse stating Jesus is physically on earth during that time. Doctrinally, or theologically, the Trinitarian view dictates the divinity of Jesus means there has never been a time when Jesus has not been God, Lord, King, and ruler of all the earth (despite temporal observations to the contrary). These are only a few of the reasons, approaches, methods used to arrive at the Amillennial view. If you would like to know more about the Amillennial view then I strongly recommend Kim Riddlebarger's "
A Case for Amillennialism." I read it when I was a Postmillennialist and I found his exegetical prowess impressive. I keep a copy in my office for routine reference.
Idealism is something different altogether. Idealism is not specifically a millennial view. Idealism simply believes the patterns of history found in scripture recapitulate throughout the entirety of human history and will continue to do so until such a time that Jesus returns. It takes a highly allegorical and anagogical (spiritual) approach to reading scripture. There is allegorical and anagogical meaning even in the most literal texts of scripture. Symbolism is commonly seen even in the seemingly ordinary.
Amillennialists are not typically Idealist but they do share an acceptance of allegory and analogical meaning, along with the use of the redemptive-historical hermeneutic. Simply put, the Bible is a historical record of God's redemptive action in creation and scripture can and should be read with that understanding. Historical Premillennialists may agree, but Dispensational Premillennialism uses other approaches, eschewing the more classic approaches, methods, and tools.
As far as any specifics intended to be asserted about an "Amillennial/idealist method" in this op, you'll have to ask the op.