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  • Thread starter Thread starter jeremiah1five
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A person might be born Jewish, but Rom 11 is about people who have faith as being the olive tree. Mt 21's parable makes the same new use of the old: a new ethne has been made to tend the vineyard.
It is still a "Jewish" Covenant and Israel is the possessor of the oracles of God and in time Israel will take front seat in all things Bible.
By the time of Isaiah's prophecy Israel was already in the Abrahamic Covenant.
They were the light to lighten the Gentiles.
There is NO COVENANT God has made with Gentiles. They are only the beneficiaries of the Abrahamic Covenant, but it is still a "Jewish" Covenant.
And the Abrahamic Covenant is a family Covenant as it went from Abraham to Isaac (son) and then to Jacob (grandson) and then to his twelve children (tribes - great-grandson) and on down through their descendants. It is a Covenant still in force today which is why "Jews" are being saved and born again. But the day will come when the Times of the Gentiles will complete and God will turn His attention back to Israel, all will be forgiven, and Israel will be a continuation of the OT Church (Great Congregation) and will take the lead in evangelizing the world of "Jewry" scattered around the world just as was begun in Acts 1:8.
It started with Abraham and will finish with Abraham's descendants. The two witnesses of Revelation will be of "Jewish" descent and in their prophesying will show through the Old Testament prophecies that this Jesus was their long-awaited Messiah and King. There will be (or should not be) new Scripture written. The Book of the Covenant is closed.

That is 2 programs/2 peoples and it is fraught with problems.

Q: what good is forgiving the sins of people long dead? What does that even mean or look like?

Many of the Psalms and Isaiah are actually about Christ. They are only true about the other Israel (Rom 9:6, 24)--the one that is 'in Christ.'

This why the resurrection of Christ itself is the fulfillment of all things promised to Israel, Acts 2:30-31, 13:32+ and Rom 15:1-7.
It is still a "Jewish" Covenant and Israel is the possessor of the oracles of God and in time Israel will take front seat in all things Bible.

I do not know of even one NT passage that validates this, but give it a go. Have you ever read Eph 2B--3A? All the technical terms about Israel's identity, destiny, role, inheritance, citizenship, fellowship etc are already true "through the Gospel."