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The Beast system is coming...

You didn't answer the question, so, let me ask it again....If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?

The bible isn't all about specific words or details its about conveying a message. These messages were written to certain people at certain times thus the books of the bible aren't written to us alive today it was for them back then but although it wasn't written to us it is also for us.

So words like you can't buy and sell without the mark is more of a message then a detail and had different meanings back then than it does today. What it meant back then is that they won't be apart of the society if they didn't pay homage to the beast and his empire. But threat not God will provide just like He did to the saints in Acts chapter two.

The mark was on the hand and fore head for a purpose the head for your devotion and the hand for proving your devotion by what you do.

But once again why are you honing in on a detail rather then believing in the very words out of Jesus mouth? Jesus is scripture and told us what the mark is.
The bible isn't all about specific words or details its about conveying a message. These messages were written to certain people at certain times thus the books of the bible aren't written to us alive today it was for them back then but although it wasn't written to us it is also for us.
???????? John 3:16 was n't written for us?????
So words like you can't buy and sell without the mark is more of a message then a detail and had different meanings back then than it does today. What it meant back then is that they won't be apart of the society if they didn't pay homage to the beast and his empire. But threat not God will provide just like He did to the saints in Acts chapter two.
How would that prevent one from buying or selling?
The mark was on the hand and fore head for a purpose the head for your devotion and the hand for proving your devotion by what you do.
Once again.....How would that prevent one from buying or selling?
But once again why are you honing in on a detail rather then believing in the very words out of Jesus mouth? Jesus is scripture and told us what the mark is.
The Word of God said you wouldn't able to buy or sell...without the mark.

How would one know your "mind set"??????....How would that prevent one from buying or selling?
???????? John 3:16 was n't written for us?????

How would that prevent one from buying or selling?

Once again.....How would that prevent one from buying or selling?

The Word of God said you wouldn't able to buy or sell...without the mark.

How would one know your "mind set"??????....How would that prevent one from buying or selling?
I am busy all day but I didn’t say that I said more than once that it is for us
???????? John 3:16 was n't written for us?????

How would that prevent one from buying or selling?

Once again.....How would that prevent one from buying or selling?

The Word of God said you wouldn't able to buy or sell...without the mark.

How would one know your "mind set"??????....How would that prevent one from buying or selling?

You keep side step my question and I keep answering yours

Did Jesus say that there is only one unforgivable sin?

Does the bible say that all who take the mark will perish?

Theres your answer

One more thing would God not forgive you for taking a literal mark or would it be because of you heart?

He forgave Paul for hunting down and persecuting the church so I’m sure that He would for taking a mark
You keep side step my question and I keep answering yours

Did Jesus say that there is only one unforgivable sin?

Does the bible say that all who take the mark will perish?
Yes. The bible says if you take the mark you perish.
Theres your answer

One more thing would God not forgive you for taking a literal mark or would it be because of you heart?

He forgave Paul for hunting down and persecuting the church so I’m sure that He would for taking a mark
So then obviously the mark is the mark of satan for rejecting the Holy Spirit
It is satan that forces the mark..not God.

If you like you can check this out...I'm not saying it's the mark but can be a form of or photo-type of the mark.
You didn't answer the question, so, let me ask it again....If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?
CrowCross & Marty...lets go at it like this...unless you wish to continue your argument...shall we?

CrowCross asks…“If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?”

Perhaps I can shed some light upon this question CrowCross…the concept of the “motb”…which is scripturally defined for us as the “name” of the beast…or the “number” representative of the “name” of the beast. It’s the name or the number…that is represented by that mark…which constitutes the “motb.”

The listed number is “6” the number of man…and it is listed as “666” or 6-66-666 as I have found…we can discuss that at another time perhaps...people focus on that too deeply and ignore that fact that there is a name listed as the mark as well...there is some good understanding here for us.

It could be stated as literal…as you suggest CrowCross...but remember we are not simply talking about the natural or physical realm here…there is the “spiritual realm” as well. The beast is the “face” or physical representation of Satan who is a spirit…so the name or number is that of Satan himself. Remember…”the dragon [Satan] gave him [beast] his power, his throne, and great authority.”

So to move on into the discussion of your question CrowCross…we are going to have to agree that this mark originates in the dark invisible spiritual realm of the devil. It comes forth from him…the god of the “world.”He is known as the father of lies…the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world…he deceives those who dwell on the “earth.”

This is important because of the fact that the devil can only commit deception…which is done in the cover of a spiritual…not limited to physical…”darkness.” Meaning a realm where the light of God in Christ does not yet shine…and what we can see of the manifestation of him and his presence…is always a lie.

The devil exists in the dark spiritual realm known as the “second heaven” and does affect the temporal realm where we live.

CrowCross & Marty...lets go at it like this...unless you wish to continue your argument...shall we?

CrowCross asks…“If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?”

Perhaps I can shed some light upon this question CrowCross…the concept of the “motb”…which is scripturally defined for us as the “name” of the beast…or the “number” representative of the “name” of the beast. It’s the name or the number…that is represented by that mark…which constitutes the “motb.”

The listed number is “6” the number of man…and it is listed as “666” or 6-66-666 as I have found…we can discuss that at another time perhaps...people focus on that too deeply and ignore that fact that there is a name listed as the mark as well...there is some good understanding here for us.

It could be stated as literal…as you suggest CrowCross...but remember we are not simply talking about the natural or physical realm here…there is the “spiritual realm” as well. The beast is the “face” or physical representation of Satan who is a spirit…so the name or number is that of Satan himself. Remember…”the dragon [Satan] gave him [beast] his power, his throne, and great authority.”

So to move on into the discussion of your question CrowCross…we are going to have to agree that this mark originates in the dark invisible spiritual realm of the devil. It comes forth from him…the god of the “world.”He is known as the father of lies…the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world…he deceives those who dwell on the “earth.”

This is important because of the fact that the devil can only commit deception…which is done in the cover of a spiritual…not limited to physical…”darkness.” Meaning a realm where the light of God in Christ does not yet shine…and what we can see of the manifestation of him and his presence…is always a lie.

The devil exists in the dark spiritual realm known as the “second heaven” and does affect the temporal realm where we live.

You didn't answer the question.

How would the mark being symbolic only and not literal keep people from buying and selling?
I am going to get there...first we have to cover the ground necessary...why didn't you answer my question?
I believe it has been answered...why don't you ask it a different way if you think it hasn't been answered.
You didn't answer the question.
You will have to permit me to layout the process of wisdom and understanding called for to bring revelation forth…I have made this as concise as I know how…be patient but read with the understanding you posses. Here are the questions you asked…

CrowCross asks…“If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?” and “How would the mark, being symbolic only and not literal, keep people from buying and selling?” same question essentially.

There are two realms…natural temporal realm and spiritual heavenly realm. The natural/temporal is where we live physically in our bodies on the earth…and the spiritual heavenly realm is comprised of two spiritual realms.

One is the heavens where God and His sons live spiritually and the other is the heavens where the devil and his sons live spiritually…both the light of Christ and the darkness of the devil are invisible to the physical human eye.

Just as the Lord said in John 3…“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

So in the same way “we” have not seen Christ Yahshua in the flesh…we have not seen Satan in the flesh…this is because both of these are “spiritually” discerned…or “seen”…by the eyes of our spirit. The Holy Spirit sees all things…the unholy spirit sees only what God will reveal to him…that is why he is blind to Truth.

For the sons of God, they have access to the mind of God for their discernment…their mind is set on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

However the devil and his sons do not have access to the mind of God… their mind is set on the things below, hence the term “darkness” their discernment comes from the mind of the devil and is carnal, earthly and sensual….lies and deception only and always.

This is exactly what Paul was describing in 1st Corinthians 2…he wrote…[emphasis mine]

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, [distinctly different spirits/realms] so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, [the Spirit of God we have received…is what allows us to hear and understand what the Spirit of God is giving us.] which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. [We speak these things God is giving us based upon “spiritual thought using spiritual words” of wisdom…not human wisdom.] But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.”

Paul is telling us that the sons of God operate on the Spirit of God frequency that mere humanity can neither understand nor speak. How does this answer your question?

When it comes to the wisdom and understanding of what God is giving or saying to His sons about anything…it is through that which is “…taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words” which is not available to the unregenerate…and religious.

So…in regards to Satan, the beast, his name, his number, his mark, his kingdom etc…in order to understand any of it in Truth…one must be born again of the Holy Spirit so that they might interact with the Spirit of God directly Spirit to spirit.

Now it is in this light that we can consider Johns words in Revelation 13:18 when considering “name or number” as the motb…emphasis mine.

“Here is wisdom. [This is a reference to the spiritual “wisdom of God” that Paul was describing, not human wisdom] Let him who has understanding [This is a reference to the spiritual “understanding of God” not human understanding. Both the spiritual wisdom and understanding that is given by God are 2 of the seven Spirits of the Lord Isaiah 11:2] calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

So…brother John is telling us…that it requires the Holy Spirit in the “mature sons” of God…to access and then reveal God’s spiritual wisdom and understanding of this beast. This wisdom and understanding will be attended by the full power and authority of the throne of God in the kingdom of God in heaven and on the earth…and…thereby it is unavailable to anyone not in Christ at this time.

I am referring to something Daniel and Paul both wrote and taught concerning Gods understanding and wisdom respectively…Daniel wrote…“It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding. In Dan 2:21

Paul wrote…”Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory; (1Co 2:6-8 NASB)

In an attempt to answer your following question CrowCross…“If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?” and “How would the mark, being symbolic only and not literal, keep people from buying and selling?”

I have thoroughly explained the reality of “combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words” that originate in the mind of God as being something only the sons of God are capable of…they see it…they see the name and number of this beast…his mark…it is here among us today and has been as far back as the Garden of Eden. It is clearly chronicled in the scriptural log we have been given…the beast and his mark are put on an open display from Genesis through Revelation.

The beast…which has always been empowered by the spirit of Satan…gives the devil control over the souls of those who live a life of rebellion and disobedience towards God in their life on the earth…humanity. It deceives them utterly…thoroughly…completely via the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life.

The motb is…the sin of those who are rebellious and disobedient in humanity due to their rejection of Gods Son Christ Yahshua. Marty has been showing us this all along as well. Sin was here in the past…it is here in the present…and it is yet future for a time.

This beast’s “mark” has been clearly illuminated to the family of God led of His Spirit…it is the debt of sin from which they were purchased...so, the beast, his kingdom/systems, and his mark is here and becoming more apparent each day.

It has grown from a serpent in the Garden of Eden that “deceived” Eve (sin)…to what we can observe in the earth today as the beast that “causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name…All who dwell on the earth will worship him”

Now if you do not understand this transcendent principle of scriptural truth…”the devil is a liar and the wages of sin is death” then nothing I could ever type and post will convince you in any way to change your view…it requires the Holy Spirit to reveal Truth to your spirit…as all should do CrowCross…humble yourself before our mighty God and inquire of Him as to the truth of these realities…it is a matter of eternal life or death.

It’s the mark or seal of God described as…”His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads” which "mark" is the Holy Spirit...that sets apart the sons of God from those who have the “name or number” of the beast written on their foreheads CrowCross...which "mark" is his dark spirit...which explains why they live in sin.

If this was all an outward observable physical literal mark in the flesh of a man’s forehead…then the “mark or name” of the heavenly Father should be observable to you right now…it was Christ Yahshua who first bore this seal and many sons since then. It is this seal that identifies who belongs to Christ…as Paul said to Timothy…”having this seal, the Lord knows who are His."
You will have to permit me to layout the process of wisdom and understanding called for to bring revelation forth…I have made this as concise as I know how…be patient but read with the understanding you posses. Here are the questions you asked…

CrowCross asks…“If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?” and “How would the mark, being symbolic only and not literal, keep people from buying and selling?” same question essentially.

There are two realms…natural temporal realm and spiritual heavenly realm. The natural/temporal is where we live physically in our bodies on the earth…and the spiritual heavenly realm is comprised of two spiritual realms.

One is the heavens where God and His sons live spiritually and the other is the heavens where the devil and his sons live spiritually…both the light of Christ and the darkness of the devil are invisible to the physical human eye.

Just as the Lord said in John 3…“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

So in the same way “we” have not seen Christ Yahshua in the flesh…we have not seen Satan in the flesh…this is because both of these are “spiritually” discerned…or “seen”…by the eyes of our spirit. The Holy Spirit sees all things…the unholy spirit sees only what God will reveal to him…that is why he is blind to Truth.

For the sons of God, they have access to the mind of God for their discernment…their mind is set on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

However the devil and his sons do not have access to the mind of God… their mind is set on the things below, hence the term “darkness” their discernment comes from the mind of the devil and is carnal, earthly and sensual….lies and deception only and always.

This is exactly what Paul was describing in 1st Corinthians 2…he wrote…[emphasis mine]

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, [distinctly different spirits/realms] so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, [the Spirit of God we have received…is what allows us to hear and understand what the Spirit of God is giving us.] which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. [We speak these things God is giving us based upon “spiritual thought using spiritual words” of wisdom…not human wisdom.] But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.”

Paul is telling us that the sons of God operate on the Spirit of God frequency that mere humanity can neither understand nor speak. How does this answer your question?

When it comes to the wisdom and understanding of what God is giving or saying to His sons about anything…it is through that which is “…taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words” which is not available to the unregenerate…and religious.

So…in regards to Satan, the beast, his name, his number, his mark, his kingdom etc…in order to understand any of it in Truth…one must be born again of the Holy Spirit so that they might interact with the Spirit of God directly Spirit to spirit.

Now it is in this light that we can consider Johns words in Revelation 13:18 when considering “name or number” as the motb…emphasis mine.

“Here is wisdom. [This is a reference to the spiritual “wisdom of God” that Paul was describing, not human wisdom] Let him who has understanding [This is a reference to the spiritual “understanding of God” not human understanding. Both the spiritual wisdom and understanding that is given by God are 2 of the seven Spirits of the Lord Isaiah 11:2] calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

So…brother John is telling us…that it requires the Holy Spirit in the “mature sons” of God…to access and then reveal God’s spiritual wisdom and understanding of this beast. This wisdom and understanding will be attended by the full power and authority of the throne of God in the kingdom of God in heaven and on the earth…and…thereby it is unavailable to anyone not in Christ at this time.

I am referring to something Daniel and Paul both wrote and taught concerning Gods understanding and wisdom respectively…Daniel wrote…“It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding. In Dan 2:21

Paul wrote…”Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away; but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory; (1Co 2:6-8 NASB)

In an attempt to answer your following question CrowCross…“If the mark wasn't literal but symbolic as you say....how would that prevent one from buying or selling?” and “How would the mark, being symbolic only and not literal, keep people from buying and selling?”

I have thoroughly explained the reality of “combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words” that originate in the mind of God as being something only the sons of God are capable of…they see it…they see the name and number of this beast…his mark…it is here among us today and has been as far back as the Garden of Eden. It is clearly chronicled in the scriptural log we have been given…the beast and his mark are put on an open display from Genesis through Revelation.

The beast…which has always been empowered by the spirit of Satan…gives the devil control over the souls of those who live a life of rebellion and disobedience towards God in their life on the earth…humanity. It deceives them utterly…thoroughly…completely via the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life.

The motb is…the sin of those who are rebellious and disobedient in humanity due to their rejection of Gods Son Christ Yahshua. Marty has been showing us this all along as well. Sin was here in the past…it is here in the present…and it is yet future for a time.

This beast’s “mark” has been clearly illuminated to the family of God led of His Spirit…it is the debt of sin from which they were purchased...so, the beast, his kingdom/systems, and his mark is here and becoming more apparent each day.

It has grown from a serpent in the Garden of Eden that “deceived” Eve (sin)…to what we can observe in the earth today as the beast that “causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name…All who dwell on the earth will worship him”

Now if you do not understand this transcendent principle of scriptural truth…”the devil is a liar and the wages of sin is death” then nothing I could ever type and post will convince you in any way to change your view…it requires the Holy Spirit to reveal Truth to your spirit…as all should do CrowCross…humble yourself before our mighty God and inquire of Him as to the truth of these realities…it is a matter of eternal life or death.

It’s the mark or seal of God described as…”His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads” which "mark" is the Holy Spirit...that sets apart the sons of God from those who have the “name or number” of the beast written on their foreheads CrowCross...which "mark" is his dark spirit...which explains why they live in sin.

If this was all an outward observable physical literal mark in the flesh of a man’s forehead…then the “mark or name” of the heavenly Father should be observable to you right now…it was Christ Yahshua who first bore this seal and many sons since then. It is this seal that identifies who belongs to Christ…as Paul said to Timothy…”having this seal, the Lord knows who are His."
Yikes...you said a lot of nothing. Still, you didn't answer the question. When you walk into a store in the future...or even go to pay your taxes and you don't have the literal mark mentioned in Rev 13...how will you going to do business?
I disagree. I hope you don't mind.

The bible refers to receiving the "mark"....and if you don't have it you can't buy or sell. A system that is verifiable. The system is presented as much more than a mindset.
Who is going to get a 666 tattooed on their hand or forehead knowing the Bible says they will tattoo a 666 on their hand or forehead? It's going to be implemented in other ways, after all Satan is the great deceiver right?
Who is going to get a 666 tattooed on their hand or forehead knowing the Bible says they will tattoo a 666 on their hand or forehead? It's going to be implemented in other ways, after all Satan is the great deceiver right?
I've asked people about Rev 13....and most don't even know what I'm talking about.

Then again almost everyone wore a mask that didn't work....and a majority of the population took the tainted jab with no questions asked.
I've asked people about Rev 13....and most don't even know what I'm talking about.

Then again almost everyone wore a mask that didn't work....and a majority of the population took the tainted jab with no questions asked.
There's plenty of secular movies that discuss the mark. I believe most of humanity is aware of it one way or another.
There's plenty of secular movies that discuss the mark. I believe most of humanity is aware of it one way or another.
Perhaps. But when it is required to buy and sell....the sheople will fall in line.
The Beast System is coming...

Rev 13:16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.

This in itself isn't the 666 Mark....perhaps you might consider it as a proto-type as technology moves in that direction.

Amazon announced Thursday it is rolling out its pay-by-palm services in Whole Foods Market stores across the country, making it possible for customers to use their palms for purchases without a wallet or phone.

The palm recognition service, called Amazon One, will be available for payment and Prime membership benefits in all Whole Foods Market locations by the end of this year. Instead of traditional payment methods, Amazon One allows customers to hover their palm over an Amazon One device.

Customers who link their Prime membership with their Amazon One profile will also automatically receive savings once their palm is registered, according to the Seattle-based retail giant. continue to article.
The beast is a man, and his 'system' is false ministry of Christ.

The gun is not the problem, but the people that handle it.