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The Beast system is coming...


Well Known Member
Jun 16, 2023
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The Beast System is coming...

Rev 13:16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.

This in itself isn't the 666 Mark....perhaps you might consider it as a proto-type as technology moves in that direction.

Amazon announced Thursday it is rolling out its pay-by-palm services in Whole Foods Market stores across the country, making it possible for customers to use their palms for purchases without a wallet or phone.

The palm recognition service, called Amazon One, will be available for payment and Prime membership benefits in all Whole Foods Market locations by the end of this year. Instead of traditional payment methods, Amazon One allows customers to hover their palm over an Amazon One device.

Customers who link their Prime membership with their Amazon One profile will also automatically receive savings once their palm is registered, according to the Seattle-based retail giant. continue to article.
The beast and his mark have been here since the Garden of Eden…ok so you don’t like that…how about since Cain and Abel…if that won’t suffice…how about since Israel’s Babylonian captivity where Daniel describes what? 4 beasts…both coming up from the sea and earth…in other words from humanity and the world.

Interestingly enough, Daniels description of the first beast was Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon the very man and nation that enslaved Israel in Daniel’s day…that is exactly why Daniel [Israel] was in Babylon [beast] to begin with…that then is the first iteration of satan’s beast…according to Daniel. There are three more beasts according to Daniel that come up.

Clearly satan’s beast has been here in some form since at least Daniels day…which then means his “mark” has been here as well. The beasts mark is that which identifies him and his subjects or followers. This becomes obvious when you study the character and nature of the four beasts of Daniel and of Revelation.

Additionally…Daniel lists satan’s beasts as the lion, bear and leopard…then the fourth beast having ten horns. John in Revelation sees the same beast from a different perspective…John sees one beast…with the addition of seven heads and the horns now have crowns upon them.

A closer investigation reveals that Daniels beast and Johns beast are the same beast seen at different times…this helps explain the differences. An interesting item of note…John lists the fourth beast of seven heads and ten horns, and then he sees a leopard, bear and lion…in the reverse order of Daniel.

Daniel is looking from his day into the future…lion, bear, leopard, 10 horned beast, 4 distinct beasts from his day, with the first one in place on the earth in his time. John is looking from his day back…seven headed 10 horned beast leopard, bear, lion…with the last three beasts all included as “attributes” of the 4th beast, which is on the earth in his day.

Satan’s beast has been on the earth a long time…and it is growing. This is clearly shown in John’s depiction vs. Daniels depiction…it is clearly identified by its “mark” which would indicate that his “mark” is on anything that is his. Study these beasts and you will see the mark.

There is a devastating deception in the belief that the mark of the beast and the beast “is yet future and will be a physical obvious indicator.” There is likely to be any number and types of physical “marks” available to choose from…all offered by the beast. However for those who are waiting for that…to be sure…you are in danger of already being marked without knowing it. His systems will simply come along and collect you up…you will not see an option nor have an option at that point.

As is typical with most who believe and maintain that it is yet future. To them…as of now “it might or could be any sort of physical thing” that has not been identified. So they argue that the mark is not yet here…and some maintain that the beast is not yet here. This is a spiritually lethal doctrine.

How perfect…keep the carnal masses looking to the future for a future event that will continue into the future and that has already been in place for millennia. No guessing required for those who see it.
The mark on the forehead represents a mindset…the mark on the right hand represents that mindset as a lifestyle. That lifestyle is the result of satan’s trapping of the human soul…the bait is “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. This deceptive trap breeds fear in the human soul and they are driven to protect and provide for themselves, just look around.

Think Adam and Eve…suddenly they were naked and decided that they should now provide their own covering…thus providing for themselves. They also hid from God in an attempt to protect themselves…up to that point God had clothed them in His glory and they had no need to hide from God in deed they walked with Him.

Cain and Abel…we see the first evidence of the two seeds…in their attempt to offer God a sacrifice, Cain offers the works of his hands, he knows what God wants…however he offers whatever “he feels” God deserves and he missed the mark. Whereas Abel also knowing what God desires…he offers the lamb…Cain is false religion, Abel is righteous. From the garden to the death of righteous Abel we are seeing the “growth of Satan’s beast.”

This is the story of man walking out of the 7th day economy of rest in God and walking back into the 6th day economy of toil by the sweat of your brow...in other words man is god so what pleases man pleases god.

This is both the meaning of the mark of the beast…and 6, 66, and 666. They have been in the making as long as Satan has been here…it is his way of “marking” what belongs to him…and the “sons of God” can see it…always has been always will be as long as he is in business on the earth.

Yet there is a future mark of the beast…it will be exactly like the mark in the past…sin…sin is the mark of the beast…the open rejection of Christ or the more popular deception…believing the deceptive lie of the harlot…that she is the bride of Christ. Think modern church going religion.

That is the false church…pretending to be the Body of Christ…she is irresistible to her followers, she is a harlot that tells them multitudes of lies [false doctrines] which they slurp up, cherish and beat each other with along with anyone who does not agree…especially those of the seed of the woman.

The single most identifiable characteristic of those who are marked by the beast…is mistreatment, hatred and murder of their brothers…verses loving one another as Christ loved you.

The devils beast and those subsequently marked…are closing in on this creation at an increasingly rapid pace. This is producing fear at previously unknown depths in the human race. It is this fear that reveals the hoards of those marked by the beast…as his complete and total control of the kingdom of darkness on this earth and is forcing everything in its path to bow and worship it…or initially to be excluded. Ultimately those of the earth that do not bow…will be trampled, crushed and devoured.

He controls everything humanity relies upon for life and existence…and for those who do not yet realize this…the huge majority of them religious and worldly alike are already marked for destruction and will never see it coming. That is why God provided an alternative economy of His family to live in allowing them to present God the Father in the same way the Lord Yahshua Christ did…though it may cost them their lives.
The mark on the forehead represents a mindset…the mark on the right hand represents that mindset as a lifestyle.
I disagree. I hope you don't mind.

The bible refers to receiving the "mark"....and if you don't have it you can't buy or sell. A system that is verifiable. The system is presented as much more than a mindset.
I disagree. I hope you don't mind.

The bible refers to receiving the "mark"....and if you don't have it you can't buy or sell. A system that is verifiable. The system is presented as much more than a mindset.
Hi CrowCross

I do not mind...one must be comfortable with what they believe...it determines their judgment.

"You can't buy or sell" defines an "economy"...CrowCross...you probably sense that. I doubt that this economy is based only in buying and selling...I am sure it includes all types of activities, things like where you go, where you live, what you eat and drink, whether you have shelter, essentially it is referring to the entirety of what humanity requires to exist. You probably understand that as well...

Consider what is said about this beast...“Who is like the beast, and who can make war against him?”...he "will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it." No one can make war with it...so it is apparently the most powerful controlling beast of all. It devours the whole earth, treading it down and crushing it...here one can see that this beast will be in control of everything and will apparently be able to fully and completely enforce and impose its will as needed.

I must ask...What is the benefit of an "obvious mark" to navigate a systemically controlled and enclosed "slave driven" economy? He has all control regardless of a "visible or physical mark." There apparently is no force that can make war with it to change this either. In other words...it would appear one can only participate in the beasts economy if the beast says so or not...and as such this is regardless whether or not one has some obvious, visible, physical mark or not...think about it.

The "mark" we are talking about is either the name of the beast...or the number of it's name. So how does one go about taking on the name of anything? I know how I went about taking on my name it is derived from the name of my Father, I know how my children went about getting their names...it is the "family connection"...you take on your name via the family connection.

The name of the beast...this is about whose family one belongs to CrowCross...ultimately who is ones father. The "mark" is said to be in part taking on the "name of the beast"...this means to be part of its family...raised in its "house or presence"...thus recognizable by the family characteristics. Family characteristics are generally attributable to it father. You CrowCross...probably bear some resemblance to your own biological father...it may be recognizable to some.

Then there is the number of its name...so this numerical sequence of three 6's is representative of the name of this beast which equates to the mark of this beast...(MOTB). Even this is connected to its name. This MOTB is about the taking on of a "name"...the name of the father whos house one lives in. The name one bears is revealed by the character attributes one has been raised with. In other words your name in a spiritual sense is brought forth by what you believe and how you live..."mindset."

Additionally there is a religious element to this because it is about worship...this makes it spiritual CrowCross...that means it is the seed of the serpent (Cain) or the seed of the woman (Able)...remember? Those are the only two families (fathers) there are on the earth today and since the fall.

Those marked or sealed by God...will bear the "image and likeness" of God their Father as shown in the character and nature of the Lord Yahshua Christ whom they worship. The mark or seal of God...is that an obvious, visible, physical mark as you suggest of the beast? No its a a renewed and transformed mind..."mindset." The mark is on display in how one lives...

So neither is the MOTB an "obvious, visible, physical mark"...this will become obvious as the beast settles in and takes control of everything and everyone...enslaving their souls in fear and condemnation so that they will obey its every command. In this the mark or "mindset" will serve its purpose well.

Do not be deceived by the many options there may be for what may be called the MOTB...it is none of them CrowCross.
Hi CrowCross

I do not mind...one must be comfortable with what they believe...it determines their judgment.

"You can't buy or sell" defines an "economy"...CrowCross...you probably sense that. I doubt that this economy is based only in buying and selling...I am sure it includes all types of activities, things like where you go, where you live, what you eat and drink, whether you have shelter, essentially it is referring to the entirety of what humanity requires to exist. You probably understand that as well...
Our economy ...right now...is based upon buying and selling. According to the bible the control of this system will change.
Consider what is said about this beast...“Who is like the beast, and who can make war against him?”...he "will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it." No one can make war with it...so it is apparently the most powerful controlling beast of all. It devours the whole earth, treading it down and crushing it...here one can see that this beast will be in control of everything and will apparently be able to fully and completely enforce and impose its will as needed.
To a point...as some will resist the system, knowing the outcome if they submit to the beast system and mark.

But you mentioned....the beast will be in control of everything. Without technology that would be pretty much impossible.
I must ask...What is the benefit of an "obvious mark" to navigate a systemically controlled and enclosed "slave driven" economy? He has all control regardless of a "visible or physical mark." There apparently is no force that can make war with it to change this either. In other words...it would appear one can only participate in the beasts economy if the beast says so or not...and as such this is regardless whether or not one has some obvious, visible, physical mark or not...think about it.
The mark may be as simple as the Luciferase 2020-060606 or a more technical version of it. Something that contains your information...whether it be "bank amounts" (credits) social score, biometrics, etc.
The marks benefit will allow transactions similar to a credit card...which has great benefit.
The "mark" we are talking about is either the name of the beast...or the number of it's name. So how does one go about taking on the name of anything? I know how I went about taking on my name it is derived from the name of my Father, I know how my children went about getting their names...it is the "family connection"...you take on your name via the family connection.
Rev 13 presents the mark as much more than taking on a name.
The mark will show your connection to the family of the beast...a literal connection.
The name of the beast...this is about whose family one belongs to CrowCross...ultimately who is ones father. The "mark" is said to be in part taking on the "name of the beast"...this means to be part of its family...raised in its "house or presence"...thus recognizable by the family characteristics. Family characteristics are generally attributable to it father. You CrowCross...probably bear some resemblance to your own biological father...it may be recognizable to some.

Then there is the number of its name...so this numerical sequence of three 6's is representative of the name of this beast which equates to the mark of this beast...(MOTB). Even this is connected to its name. This MOTB is about the taking on of a "name"...the name of the father whos house one lives in. The name one bears is revealed by the character attributes one has been raised with. In other words your name in a spiritual sense is brought forth by what you believe and how you live..."mindset."

Additionally there is a religious element to this because it is about worship...this makes it spiritual CrowCross...that means it is the seed of the serpent (Cain) or the seed of the woman (Able)...remember? Those are the only two families (fathers) there are on the earth today and since the fall.
Gen 6 tells another story.
Those marked or sealed by God...will bear the "image and likeness" of God their Father as shown in the character and nature of the Lord Yahshua Christ whom they worship. The mark or seal of God...is that an obvious, visible, physical mark as you suggest of the beast? No its a a renewed and transformed mind..."mindset." The mark is on display in how one lives...

So neither is the MOTB an "obvious, visible, physical mark"...this will become obvious as the beast settles in and takes control of everything and everyone...enslaving their souls in fear and condemnation so that they will obey its every command. In this the mark or "mindset" will serve its purpose well.

Do not be deceived by the many options there may be for what may be called the MOTB...it is none of them CrowCross.
From reading your post I see you have already primed yourself for taking the mark....but then again the OP simply is pointing out how we are slowly being primed as the mark becomes more and more normal....as it will eventually arrive.
Just think, since before Abraham, everyone used coins. First shekels which were a weight of silver. After a long time, Roman coins, still up to the 1900's we used coins, then dollars and coins, gradually paper money and less coins. In the last 40 years all we use now is plastic credit cards with micro chips. The next step is micro chips, then the mark of the beast. Just a micro dot is all that's needed. But, I will not be here, I'll be with Jesus.
Our economy ...right now...is based upon buying and selling. According to the bible the control of this system will change.

Agreed, that is what I said.

To a point...as some will resist the system, knowing the outcome if they submit to the beast system and mark.

But you mentioned....the beast will be in control of everything. Without technology that would be pretty much impossible.

Ultimately none of those who dwell on earth will resist the beast system. I showed you that...it is progressive in its approach.

I was never of the opinion that technology was not a player in the end of the age...but it has nothing to do with the MOTB...technology will assist in the enforcing of the beast system...but that is speaking of a multitude of humans who are already committed to whatever it takes to eat, drink, have a place to sleep as it has always been for orphans and slaves.

The mark may be as simple as the Luciferase 2020-060606 or a more technical version of it. Something that contains your information...whether it be "bank amounts" (credits) social score, biometrics, etc.
The marks benefit will allow transactions similar to a credit card...which has great benefit
None of that matters if Satan already controls your mind and life...from within.

Additionally you can show me no guarantee that one actually has the authority or ability to conduct any transaction in the beast system outside the beasts authority.

Rev 13 presents the mark as much more than taking on a name.
Really? How?

The mark will show your connection to the family of the beast...a literal connection.
Precisely what I said...it would seem you are catching on CrowCross.

Gen 6 tells another story.
This response to that specific area of my post does not connect for me...please show me what you are referring to here CrowCross...can you?

"The name of the beast...this is about whose family one belongs to CrowCross...ultimately who is ones father. The "mark" is said to be in part taking on the "name of the beast"...this means to be part of its family...raised in its "house or presence"...thus recognizable by the family characteristics. Family characteristics are generally attributable to it father. You CrowCross...probably bear some resemblance to your own biological father...it may be recognizable to some.

Then there is the number of its name...so this numerical sequence of three 6's is representative of the name of this beast which equates to the mark of this beast...(MOTB). Even this is connected to its name. This MOTB is about the taking on of a "name"...the name of the father whos house one lives in. The name one bears is revealed by the character attributes one has been raised with. In other words your name in a spiritual sense is brought forth by what you believe and how you live..."mindset."

Additionally there is a religious element to this because it is about worship...this makes it spiritual CrowCross...that means it is the seed of the serpent (Cain) or the seed of the woman (Able)...remember? Those are the only two families (fathers) there are on the earth today and since the fall."

Those marked or sealed by God...will bear the "image and likeness" of God their Father as shown in the character and nature of the Lord Yahshua Christ whom they worship. The mark or seal of God...is that an obvious, visible, physical mark as you suggest of the beast? No its a a renewed and transformed mind..."mindset." The mark is on display in how one lives...
From reading your post I see you have already primed yourself for taking the mark
I see that you neglected to address the issue I posted...you cherry picked whatever you wanted in whatever way you desired...and did not address the the question...did you...can you?

On top of that...your judgement of me is so harsh...by what authority did you receive the power to judge me in this way?
Just think, since before Abraham, everyone used coins. First shekels which were a weight of silver. After a long time, Roman coins, still up to the 1900's we used coins, then dollars and coins, gradually paper money and less coins. In the last 40 years all we use now is plastic credit cards with micro chips. The next step is micro chips, then the mark of the beast. Just a micro dot is all that's needed. But, I will not be here, I'll be with Jesus.

Thats a false hope that you are believing in there is no promise of a rapture before any persecution in the scriptures.

Think for a moment would the loving God and Father that we know condemn someone to hell for receiving a physical mark to buy food for their families? Is that who our Heavenly Father is? Is that His character?
This is the very same God who forgave and saved Paul who was hunting down and persecuting Christians and was also responsible for their death.

A physical mark of the beast contradicts scriptures like John 3:16. Is the mark really about a physical mark or an unrepentant devotion to the beast? Is the mark a mark or more of a spiritual condition of the heart?
Ultimately none of those who dwell on earth will resist the beast system. I showed you that...it is progressive in its approach.
No you didn't.

Rev 20:4
4Then I saw the thrones, and those seated on them had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
Thats a false hope that you are believing in there is no promise of a rapture before any persecution in the scriptures.

Think for a moment would the loving God and Father that we know condemn someone to hell for receiving a physical mark to buy food for their families? Is that who our Heavenly Father is? Is that His character?
This is the very same God who forgave and saved Paul who was hunting down and persecuting Christians and was also responsible for their death.

A physical mark of the beast contradicts scriptures like John 3:16. Is the mark really about a physical mark or an unrepentant devotion to the beast? Is the mark a mark or more of a spiritual condition of the heart?
What are you referring to with this babbling? You are running sentences together.

Ezekiel 18:23 - Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?
What are you referring to with this babbling? You are running sentences together.

Ezekiel 18:23 - Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?
Revelation says that all who receive the mark can’t repent thus if the mark is a literal mark that contradicts John 3:16.

Now I’m not saying that Revelation is wrong just that John 3:16 proves that it’s not a literal mark but an spiritual condition. Jesus also said that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin thus the mark has to be an unrepentant devotion to the beast.
Revelation says that all who receive the mark can’t repent thus if the mark is a literal mark that contradicts John 3:16.

Now I’m not saying that Revelation is wrong just that John 3:16 proves that it’s not a literal mark but an spiritual condition. Jesus also said that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin thus the mark has to be an unrepentant devotion to the beast.
John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

IF you are a Christian you have nothing to worry about. You read it in the bible so that you know not to take the mark. Unbelievers that didn't read the bible, or never went to church, are without excuse. I refused to wear a mask during covid because at the time you couldn't buy or sell without wearing a mask. Its easy to spot if you are a Christian. Its unbelievers that are deceived.

Revelation 19:20 - Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.

See the 2 conditions in Revelation 19:20. You must receive the mark and worship his image

Even if fooled into taking mark, surely you would know not to worship his image.
I think that the globalists are installing the beast system, though I think they are going to have some delays before they finish. There are many people who will resist their efforts, and more are waking up each day. I do believe we are in the last days of the end of the age of grace.
The Lord is my light and salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? - Psalm 27:1
John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

IF you are a Christian you have nothing to worry about. You read it in the bible so that you know not to take the mark. Unbelievers that didn't read the bible, or never went to church, are without excuse. I refused to wear a mask during covid because at the time you couldn't buy or sell without wearing a mask. Its easy to spot if you are a Christian. Its unbelievers that are deceived.

Revelation 19:20 - Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.

See the 2 conditions in Revelation 19:20. You must receive the mark and worship his image

Even if fooled into taking mark, surely you would know not to worship his image.
The two go together

My point isn’t whether they repent or not it’s can they repent or not?

According to John 3:16 they can if it’s a literal mark so it can’t be a physical mark because the bible can’t contradict itself
Revelation says that all who receive the mark can’t repent thus if the mark is a literal mark that contradicts John 3:16.

Is that not your interpretation and implied logic?
Now I’m not saying that Revelation is wrong just that John 3:16 proves that it’s not a literal mark but an spiritual condition. Jesus also said that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin thus the mark has to be an unrepentant devotion to the beast.
I think that the globalists are installing the beast system, though I think they are going to have some delays before they finish. There are many people who will resist their efforts, and more are waking up each day. I do believe we are in the last days of the end of the age of grace.
The Lord is my light and salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? - Psalm 27:1
I agree. If one looks around they can see the beast system slowly being installed. I agree, it's not completely installed as of yet.

My gut feeling...currently we are in the first stages of "labor pains"....soon to step into Revelations.
The two go together

My point isn’t whether they repent or not it’s can they repent or not?

According to John 3:16 they can if it’s a literal mark so it can’t be a physical mark because the bible can’t contradict itself
I would say if you've received the mark....game over.