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The Beast system is coming...

Many will find this 5 min RR video interesting.

New research shows that those who received the COVID shots emit a fluorescent orange glow in their faces that is visible under a UV light of 365 nano-meters. And those who have been exposed to this ID system are shedding/emitting this glow around their nose.

This isn't the mark....but is mark technology.
It's coming folks.....Jesus is the only way out.
Many will find this 5 min RR video interesting.

New research shows that those who received the COVID shots emit a fluorescent orange glow in their faces that is visible under a UV light of 365 nano-meters. And those who have been exposed to this ID system are shedding/emitting this glow around their nose.

This isn't the mark....but is mark technology.
It's coming folks.....Jesus is the only way out.
I have read that before. I was never vaxed and never got covid - thank god. Other than my grandson, everybody I know who has had covid was vaccinated. My Daughter got vaxed twice and she got the vid 4 times!
Can you quote those scriptures? My argument is that Rome is NOT an end-time beast. There's not one verse that points to Rome.
The scriptures point to Islam.
I would say neither Rome or Islam is the end-time beast but rather a charismatic/boastful/God denying personage. (previously I only mentioned what the Reformers held).
How can God cast into hell a religious system?
Revelation 19:20 NKJV
Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Now, can you give me scriptural proof showing Islam (Sunni or Shia?) is the end time beast?

Personally, if I had to choose between the two, I would agree with the Reformers, because Rome strikes at the heartbeat of the Church,..justification by faith alone, and the Scriptures themselves. Also, Islam is not as subtle as Rome.
I have read that before. I was never vaxed and never got covid - thank god. Other than my grandson, everybody I know who has had covid was vaccinated. My Daughter got vaxed twice and she got the vid 4 times!
That makes sense as the jab tears down ones immune system.