I had remorse for my sins when I was born again.The KJV "repented" is misleading
3 When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. 4 “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.”
And it's certainly not a "repentance" of faith, because Judas didn't know about the resurrection; so it wasn't repentance and faith in Jesus as the risen Lord
Whether Judas was 'saved' or not is unclear at best.
But his committing suicide while out of guilt certainly wasn't some spiritualized fulfillment of the Torah's lex talionis "eye for an eye" principle.
But to me, the more salient question is not whether or not Judas was saved, but why you feel so strongly on the issue. On genuinely curious why this is such an important issue to you.
You know, you describe the actions of repentance and confession for sin but you don't really believe in these salvation acts.
The issue of Judas is important because his life touches several foundational doctrines of Scripture and this so-great salvation.
I find it incredible people especially Christians will condemn a true apostle of the Lamb to hell and turn around and pray God saves their mother or little daughter. Such hypocrisy and lying and dishonesty. It disgusts me.
If you want to know more of my understanding on Judas search "ON THE QUESTION OF JUDAS ISCARIOT" I posted.