I know the gospels were written to Jews to testify that this Jesus was truly their Messiah and Only Begotten Son of God.
I know the Acts were written to Jews covering approximately the first 30 years of the history of the Acts of the Holy Spirit.
I know that since Jesus Christ was prophesied in the Old Testament, that He would be both God and man, that He would be a Jew (Judah), and that a great many Old Testament prophecies predicted His arrival to and for Israel and that He would sit on Dave's throne, and that He would be the Head of the Old Testament Church/Great Congregation and continue to build His New Testament Church that eventually would be comprised of Gentile converts to the Jewish religion of grace as described in the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant, and that He would die for the sins of God's people the Church of Israel and that all the epistles written by the Jewish apostles (including Jewish Mark and Gentile Luke) would herald and describe the life and Person of Israel's Messiah and King.
It is not God's intention to create man and from man take out a people for Himself, cause a great suffering upon His elect and Chosen people, prophesy that He would send a Redeemer and Delivered from among their brethren, birth this Jewish Messiah who would be holy and grow to adulthood to eventually take upon Himself the Ministry of teaching the twelve tribes of the children of Israel the way of God more perfectly, be rejected by His own people, arrested, convicted of violation of Jewish Law, condemned to die, suffer greatly upon beatings and placed upon a Roman cross to die, be buried, raised and resurrected to life and called up to heaven to sit at the right hand of God in total victory and then to turn Him over to Gentiles. Salvation is of the Jews.
I know that due to past conquering by enemy Gentile nations and the children of Israel dispersed throughout the then-known world that Christ after He was resurrected sent His disciples out to the four cardinal points of the compass to the Gentile nations where the twelve tribes had been scattered in order to herald (inform) Israel of twelve tribes that their Messiah and King had come and gone and will return again.
I know that the known apostles to the Jews (James, Peter, John, and Saul/Paul) were sent to their Jewish brethren to herald Christ to the Jewish people and that in time Saul/Paul found his calling of heralding Christ to Gentiles.
I know some other things about New Testament history as well but space and time (space-time, thank you, Einstein) is limited so I'll stop right here.