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Rome's tactics.

You're circumventing the question IMO by going on a tangent.
We'll do it your way.
By their works we will know them (Mat 7:20). If a person continues in works per the Roman Catholic theology (idol worship (transubstantiation), asking saints to forgive them, doing works for salvation, etc.) ... is this not evidence they have not be regenerated.?
It sure is.
I would say anyway.
You are confusing one catholic church with the RCC and no matter how many times you use the ECF (without actually presenting anything they said) as your crutch, the fact that you have not yet proven that the RCC is the one true church of Christ, the necessity still stands that you do so before you say it is.
he cant prove it. And he never will be able to prove it.
through His Catholic Church [NT]
Do you want proof that the pope is the antichrist?
Would you like proof that your pope isn't the head of the church nor the successor of Peter?
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Catholics, just what were they going to do with that statue?
before the bible.... the Church -- the pillar of truth; wisdom of God made known through Her.

The Church.

Hi thanks ...eight questions .

Before the Bible the church what existed ?

Did the apostles preach the wisdom of our invisible Holy Father or the wisdom of the legion of patron saints earthly inspired of dying mankind ?
You did say Gods' wisdom I believe and not of men .

Isn't God the author and perfecter of our new born again faith the wisdom through God's living word (as it is writen sola scriptura) It make the devil flee in Matthew 4 Does it make you flee?

The phrase as it is writen 50 times in the Bible, why did he use those words was he fooling the Protestants ?

Can God teach us or do we need a man?

Where is the invisible head of your sect? Is it the legion of patron saints as workers with familiar spirit his and hers gods the invisible head ?

According to the Bible when two or three gather together under the hearing of our invisible God He is there working in their hearts

Two or three make a denomination a family. No such thing as non-denomination God says there must be division. His kingdom does not come by observing the temporal dying things .

All families of the world rely on his promise to come teach, comfort guide and bring to our minds the previous things he has taught
has he not came yet?

Who brings to your mind a remembrance ? .Peter our brother in the Lord the denier who rebuked God and forbid Jesus the Son of man the chief apostle from doing the will of the Father does he bring to your memory the previous things?

I would think not the will of the invisible legion of patron saints his and hers gods .

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, (Not a legion of dead fathers) whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Catholics, just what were they going to do with that statue?
It would seem they are reminding the non-venerable pew sitter of the Cadaver trial of Pope formoso. Found guilty and his bones were passed around the circuit to be highly venerated. The Pope must likely glued it back together with Holy glue. Good as new .
Hi thanks ...eight questions .

Before the Bible the church what existed ?

Did the apostles preach the wisdom of our invisible Holy Father or the wisdom of the legion of patron saints earthly inspired of dying mankind ?
You did say Gods' wisdom I believe and not of men .

Isn't God the author and perfecter of our new born again faith the wisdom through God's living word (as it is writen sola scriptura) It make the devil flee in Matthew 4 Does it make you flee?

The phrase as it is writen 50 times in the Bible, why did he use those words was he fooling the Protestants ?

Can God teach us or do we need a man?

Where is the invisible head of your sect? Is it the legion of patron saints as workers with familiar spirit his and hers gods the invisible head ?

According to the Bible when two or three gather together under the hearing of our invisible God He is there working in their hearts

Two or three make a denomination a family. No such thing as non-denomination God says there must be division. His kingdom does not come by observing the temporal dying things .

All families of the world rely on his promise to come teach, comfort guide and bring to our minds the previous things he has taught
has he not came yet?

Who brings to your mind a remembrance ? .Peter our brother in the Lord the denier who rebuked God and forbid Jesus the Son of man the chief apostle from doing the will of the Father does he bring to your memory the previous things?

I would think not the will of the invisible legion of patron saints his and hers gods .

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, (Not a legion of dead fathers) whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Don't hold your breath waiting for answers. I have learned, that once you corner a RC and they really can't answer, most just ignore and deny.
Don't hold your breath waiting for answers. I have learned, that once you corner a RC and they really can't answer, most just ignore and deny.
I would think following a law of dying man works in them forbids them from answering.

The gospel of Christ gospel is needed to give them ears to what what Christ says to the churches

As apostles sent messengers we can plant the born again seed the word of God and another waters it with the water of living word But God does all the teaching. We preach he teaches . It simply a dark place no gospel light

I would offer .

2 Corinthians 4:4In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them
You're circumventing the question IMO by going on a tangent.
We'll do it your way.
By their works we will know them (Mat 7:20). If a person continues in works per the Roman Catholic theology (idol worship (transubstantiation), asking saints to forgive them, doing works for salvation, etc.) ... is this not evidence they have not be regenerated.?
Bottom line: BEFORE a person is saved, they know essentially NOTHING about relationship with God, and what ia involved in CHristian worship. AFTER they're Born again of the Holy Spirit, they're still pretty much ignorant, probably have never read the bible, and generally are ignorant of practical Christianity as a whole. So continuing to believe Roman Catholic propaganda isn't all that unusual - HEY!!! it's only "thelogy" after all, and there's always time to "Get over it". I was saved into the Baptist system, and over the next decade or so, I shed much of their theology, and kept some that seemed accurate.
Bottom line: BEFORE a person is saved, they know essentially NOTHING about relationship with God, and what ia involved in CHristian worship.
A person can be knowledgeable about God and worship and not be saved. You can graduate seminary and not be saved for example.

AFTER they're Born again of the Holy Spirit, they're still pretty much ignorant, probably have never read the bible, and generally are ignorant of practical Christianity as a whole.
Not necessarily. You can graduate seminary and not be saved for another 10 years for example.
Bottom line: BEFORE a person is saved, they know essentially NOTHING about relationship with God, and what ia involved in CHristian worship. AFTER they're Born again of the Holy Spirit, they're still pretty much ignorant, probably have never read the bible, and generally are ignorant of practical Christianity as a whole. So continuing to believe Roman Catholic propaganda isn't all that unusual - HEY!!! it's only "thelogy" after all, and there's always time to "Get over it". I was saved into the Baptist system, and over the next decade or so, I shed much of their theology, and kept some that seemed accurateThey have different written authority (as it is) oral traditons of dying mankind write in there bol of the law of dying mankind .

I would offer,

In that way ignorant of the gospel the power God unto salvation writen as it written the Bible

Romans1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

No man can serve two different kinds of written authorities as the one good teaching master.

it is impossible to compare the living word of God to the oral traditions of dying mankind

According to their Bible (CCC) they can.


One common source. . .

80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine well-spring, come together in some fashion to form one thing, and move towards the same goal." 40 Each of them makes present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ, who promised to remain with his own "always, to the close of the age". 41

Traditions of God cannot be mixed with oral tradition of dying mankind .Not same devine well-spring. Both the water of the word the gospel and the salt water (CCC) Judgment cannot come from the same source of forgiveness and judgement . Its either sola scriptura or sola CCC .

His Way as it is writen or the Catholic way as it is written ?

James 3:12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.
You are confusing one catholic church with the RCC and no matter how many times you use the ECF (without actually presenting anything they said) as your crutch, the fact that you have not yet proven that the RCC is the one true church of Christ, the necessity still stands that you do so before you say it is.

Christ's catholic church is, always was, and always will be non-denominational. The RCC is a denomination.

I follow man? I have said nothing of a man or men in all my posts. You on the other hand have used nothing but men, the ECF, the pope the Catholic religion and tradition as your source.

Yes those. I do have a mind and a brain however, and the indwelling Holy Spirit who shines a light on His word. And I do not claim to be infallible or the sole authorized interpreter of scripture.
No, Christ's Catholic Church was/is not a denomination. If you have read the ECF's, you would know they are Catholic.
No, Christ's Catholic Church was/is not a denomination. If you have read the ECF's, you would know they are Catholic.
HIs isn't but yours is---the RCC. You still haven't proven that it is except by its own say so. As to the ECF's none of them are the authority either and it has already been presented that they did not all agree on everything, that the earliest of them wrote when there was no RCC.Plus you give no examples. They taught many things on many subjects, some of which deny whole heartedly many things that are a part of your dogma, that of the RCC. Luther and Calvin were both Catholic (denomination) too as were many if not all the Reformers. Why does that, using your logic and premise, not mean they are correct, but that the RCC is correct instead? Because they came later? That presumes there is nothing left to learn, and we should all be like the RCC is. Stagnant, following blindly the teachings and traditions of men---for it is men who you follow, the ECF's. Setting aside the very word of God and the use of our minds which He gave us and personal pursuit in seeking God.
HIs isn't but yours is---the RCC. You still haven't proven that it is except by its own say so. As to the ECF's none of them are the authority either and it has already been presented that they did not all agree on everything, that the earliest of them wrote when there was no RCC.Plus you give no examples. They taught many things on many subjects, some of which deny whole heartedly many things that are a part of your dogma, that of the RCC. Luther and Calvin were both Catholic (denomination) too as were many if not all the Reformers. Why does that, using your logic and premise, not mean they are correct, but that the RCC is correct instead? Because they came later? That presumes there is nothing left to learn, and we should all be like the RCC is. Stagnant, following blindly the teachings and traditions of men---for it is men who you follow, the ECF's. Setting aside the very word of God and the use of our minds which He gave us and personal pursuit in seeking God.
Clement, Ignatius, Linus, Polycarp... what church did they belong to?
No, Christ's Catholic Church was/is not a denomination. If you have read the ECF's, you would know they are Catholic.
PSST!! It's Jesus Christ's catholic (small "c" - universal) Church that's NOT A DENOMINATION.

The "Roman Catholic Religious system" is as "Denominational" as it gets - claiming to be the "One True Church" to the exclusion of all others. Roman Catholicism has it's OWN governmental structure, it's OWN Doctrinal systems, and it's OWN Traditions - and YOU SAY It's not a denomination????

Get real!!!
Clement, Ignatius, Linus, Polycarp... what church did they belong to?
That has already been discussed, refuted as not valid evidence as to the RCC being the one true church of Christ, by me and others, ignored by you. It is that blindly following the traditions and teaching of men I mentioned in my last post.
That has already been discussed, refuted as not valid evidence as to the RCC being the one true church of Christ, by me and others, ignored by you. It is that blindly following the traditions and teaching of men I mentioned in my last post.
The only evidence for a church in the first few centuries is the Catholic Church.... no Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, Lutherans, Non-d, etc.

One Church, One Faith! Peter had the keys and gave them to the next in line [Linus].
Can a person who follows R.C. theology per the R.C. church be saved assuming he does not change?
I tend to say No ... what's your opinion and why?
I've always believed that 'church' neither saves or condemns a person. If a Catholic believes in Jesus' virgin birth, life, miracles, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension - they are saved. I know a lot of Catholics as I play in a band where most of them are Catholic. The Catholics I know are as Christian as any Protestant/Evangelical I know.