The rejection of Esau from God Himself was by his works, not by his creation. The same for the LORD casting down Lucifer, and driving out Adam by unrepented transgression.
And so, election is after creation, and judgment is by works.
The only 'pre' election and choosing of God, is from the womb before any works are done in life. And even in that case, there is still a struggling between the twins, followed by the mother's intercession made for them to God.
Continuing on through the OP, we now come to the end of the Op, the next post we shall consider later today, or maybe tomorrow since we do not celebrate Christmas,
neither do we judge those that do ~ to me it is a liberty, which we chose not to do.
You are one confused person, which is to be expected, once a person refuse to accept God's testimony of the truth, which all who hate and reject
unconditional election by free grace are guilty of. One more, before moving on:
Romans 9:11
the children being not yet born,
neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth

In the case of Isaac and Ishmael, it might still be said, that as the latter, as soon as he came to years, gave evidence of a wicked disposition, this was a sufficient reason for preferring Isaac,
as you believe. But here, in a parenthesis the Apostle shows that the preference was given to Jacob
independently of all ground of merit, because it was made before the children were capable of doing either good or evil. This was done
for the very purpose of taking away all pretense for merit as a ground of preference. Had the preference been given to Jacob when he had grown up to maturity, there would have been no more real ground for ascribing it to anything good in him; yet that use would have been made of it by
the perverse ingenuity of man. But God made the preference before the children were born.
“That the purpose of God according to election might stand” — This was the very end and intention of the early indication of the will of God to Rebecca, the mother of the two children.
It was hereby clearly established that, in choosing Jacob and rejecting Esau, God had respect to
nothing but His own purpose.
Than this what can more strongly declare His own eternal purpose to be the ground of all His favor to man?
Not of works but of Him that calleth” — Expressions indicating God’s sovereignty in this matter
are heaped upon one another, because it is a thing so offensive to the human mind. Yet, after all the Apostle’s precaution
, the perverseness of men still finds ground of boasting on account of works. Though the children had done neither good nor evil, yet God, it is supposed, might foresee that Jacob would be a godly man, and Esau wicked. But had not God made a difference between Jacob and Esau, Jacob would have been no better than his brother.
Were not men blinded by opposition to this part of the will of God, would they not perceive that a preference on account of foreseen good works is
a preference on account of works, and therefore expressly contrary to the assertion of the Apostle —
Not of works, but of Him that calleth? The whole ground of preference is in Him that calleth, or chooseth,
not in him that is called.
‘Paul,’ says Calvin, ‘had hitherto merely observed, in a few words, the difference between the carnal sons of Abraham; namely, though all by circumcision were made partakers of the covenant, yet the grace of God was not equally efficacious in all, and the sons of the promise enjoy the blessings of the Most High. He now plainly refers the whole cause to the gratuitous election of God,
which in no respects depends on men, so that nothing can be traced in the salvation of believers
higher than the goodness of God; nothing in the destruction of the reprobate can be discovered higher than
the just severity of the Sovereign of the world.
You said:
The same for the LORD casting down Lucifer
God never provided nor even gave a thought toward their repentance, he left them as reprobates to be destroyed. His election preserved some from fallen, or else, they would have. This is one reason no doubt Satan hates unconditional election, he was left out.
1st Timothy 5:21
“I charge
thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and
the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.”
John Gill wrote: "The angels of Jesus Christ, being made by him, and being ministers to him, and for him; and also "elect", because chosen to stand in that integrity and holiness, in which they were created; and to enjoy everlasting glory and happiness, while others of the same species were passed by and left to fall from their first estate, and appointed to everlasting wrath and damnation: so that it may be observed that God's election takes place in angels as well as in men; and which flows from the sovereign will and pleasure of God; and was made in Christ, who is their head, and by whom they are confirmed in their happy state; and in which they must be considered in the pure mass, since they never fell."