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Reality of UFOs

We are in the middle of it called last days they began at the time of the first century reformation .
Most people think of the last several years when most things happen as the last days. Of course it has been the last days since the early church, but that has nothing to do with the final events such as the AntiChrist, the return of Christ, The Rapture, the 2 witness,es, the plagues, the vials, etc.
Jesus did not return to dust He was raised in a new glorified immortal body.
That is the heart of our belief and a requirement to be saved. (believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead) Perhaps the poster tripped up on the English language or something. Any claim that Jesus did not rise from the dead and ascend into heaven is Satanic blasphemy.
That is the heart of our belief and a requirement to be saved. (believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead) Perhaps the poster tripped up on the English language or something. Any claim that Jesus did not rise from the dead and ascend into heaven is Satanic blasphemy.
Agreed. I am beginning to see some troubling doctrine posted that is not in line with scripture at all.