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Questions for Dispy’s


May 19, 2023
Reaction score
New England
Marital status
The millennium, is it a return to types and shadows?
If Jesus is the true temple, why would the temple be rebuilt during the millennium?
Why would animals be sacrificed during the millennium, when Christ's death on the cross did away with them?
How can there be people on Earth in unresurrected bodies after Christ comes back and raises the dead?

The millennium, is it a return to types and shadows?
If Jesus is the true temple, why would the temple be rebuilt during the millennium?
Why would animals be sacrificed during the millennium, when Christ's death on the cross did away with them?
How can there be people on Earth in unresurrected bodies after Christ comes back and raises the dead?

Yes if you think about it all its ridicules if Christians asked themselves these questions they would figure it out
Carbon said:
The millennium, is it a return to types and shadows?
If Jesus is the true temple, why would the temple be rebuilt during the millennium?
Why would animals be sacrificed during the millennium, when Christ's death on the cross did away with them?
How can there be people on Earth in unresurrected bodies after Christ comes back and raises the dead?

Yes if you think about it all its ridicules if Christians asked themselves these questions they would figure it out
I don't think Christians are given the insight to figure this out, until they see him as he is.

But I think this POV hints at it: The eternal is the solid reality, compared to the vapor of this temporal realm. WE look at everything backwards —what we consider literal is only the poor copy of the real thing. Thus, it is, to my mind, possible that types and shadows are THIS, and what they point to is the real, which is to come. I believe in a real millennium, but I don't think it will be even close to what WE think of when we read the Biblical descriptions. That's one reason why I don't venture far into interpreting what @Eleanor calls prophetic riddles.
The millennium, is it a return to types and shadows?
If Jesus is the true temple, why would the temple be rebuilt during the millennium?
Why would animals be sacrificed during the millennium, when Christ's death on the cross did away with them?
How can there be people on Earth in unresurrected bodies after Christ comes back and raises the dead?

The temple is not rebuilt during the millennium. It is rebuilt so that the Antichrist can step inside, blaspheme God, and mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation, and the last 3 1/2 years of the 70th week of Daniel. The temple is already here with the millennium. Why a millennium? Don't ask me, I'm not God. Why He chose not to end/destroy Satan and just be done with it is beyond my ability to answer.

Consider the other prophecies of Daniel. When Jesus Kingdom comes to Earth, it crushes the... Roman Empire. The end of all is the coming of Christ's Kingdom. However, the Roman Empire existed until 1453 AD with the fall of Constantinople. I mean, Istanbul, not Constantinople. *ba dum*.

Jesus kingdom didn't come then, so we must be looking to a revived Roman Empire, 10 toes, and clay and iron. Some believe it to be the European Common Market, now the European Union. One country already dropped out.