Oh I know it’s not scripture. I’m just showing the people you always claimed to be yours, well. Haha
“The Church Fathers sometimes
used language implying the Eucharist was symbolic, so they couldn’t have believed in the Real Presence.”
The concept of a symbol means something different today from what it did in the time of the early Church.
We have already seen that the Church Fathers were realists in their understanding of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist (see Day 120). How- ever,
Protestant historian J.N.D. Kelly writes: “Occasionally these writers use language which has been held to imply that, for all its realist sound, their use of the terms ‘body’ and ‘blood’ may after all be merely symbolical. Tertullian, for example, refers to the bread as ‘a figure’ ( figura) of Christ’s body, and once speaks of ‘the bread by which he represents (repraesentat) his very body’ (Early Christian Doctrines, 212).
However, Kelly warns: “
Yet we should be cautious about interpreting such expressions in a modern fashion. According to ancient modes of thought a mysterious relationship existed between the thing symbolized and its symbol, figure or type; the symbol in some sense was the thing symbolized” (ibid.).
Thus Tertullian’s statement that the Eucharist “represents” Christ’s body must be understood in its ancient context:
Again, the verb
repraesentare, in
Tertullian’s vocabulary, retained its original significance of “
to make present.” All that his language re- ally suggests is that, while accepting the equation of the elements with the body and blood, he remains conscious of the sacramental distinction between them. In fact, he is trying, with the aid of the concept of figura, to rationalize to himself the apparent contradiction between (a) the dogma that the elements are now Christ’s body and blood, and (b) the empirical fact that for sensation they remain bread and wine (ibid.). [CA, Jimmy Akin]