If 70 AD was the big change about such creatures, why does Eph 4 celebrate taking captivity captive 2 decades earlier as an event in Christ, another 2 decades earlier.?
Ephesian 4:8-12 celebrated Christ taking a "multitude of captives" out of the grave on the day He was resurrected in AD 33 when He gave those resurrected individuals as gifts to men. Those "gifts" brought out of the grave that day were composed of those serving as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in the early church, in order to build up the saints. In other words, that "multitude of captives" given as "gifts to men" were the many Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints acting in those different roles.
2 Peter 2 is about degenerate grace-abusing people trying to lead Christian churches out in westeran Asia out to Rome.
2 Peter 2 includes a discussion of the "doctrine of Balaam" which was a cult making inroads among the believers in those days, founded by Simon Magus of Acts 8 and joined later on by his consort Helen who had come from a brothel in Tyre. She was the "adulteress" in 2 Peter 2:14 ("...having eyes full of an adulteress..."), and she was also the self-styled prophetess nicknamed "Jezebel" in Revelation 2:20 that was teaching God's servants to commit fornication in Thyatira. The church at Pergamos also was plagued by this lascivious doctrine of Balaam.
The apostles in Acts 15 did not see Peter as an apostle to Jews. We should ignore such generalization.
What I had in mind was Paul's statement in Galatians 2:8. "For God, who was at work in
Peter as an apostle to the circumcised, was also at work in me as an apostle to the Gentiles." Of course, both men spoke to both classes of people in those days, but in general, this was the main thrust of each of their ministries. Peter tended to operate within the Jewish circles, and Paul among the Gentiles.
But before both of us get a rap on the knuckles for getting off track of the OP, there is one point I would like to make about Psalms 72 that has not been brought up. This Psalms 72 in the LXX, written by the aging King David concerning his son Solomon, is an indication that Solomon would be instrumental in his days in bringing about the restrictions on Satan's deception of the nations at the start of the Revelation 20 millennium.
Satan is called the "accuser of the brethren" in Revelation 12:10. In Psalms 72:4, King Solomon was going to "bring low the false accuser".
The Revelation 20 millennium began with Solomon's temple foundation stone being laid down in 968/967 BC, and lasted until Christ became the True foundation stone, the "chief cornerstone" of the spiritual temple not made with hands in AD 33 on His resurrection day. In other words, the Revelation 20 millennium was composed of a literal thousand years of a
physical temple worship system which pointed forward in time to Christ's
spiritual temple made of "living stones".