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No repentance for God is by our own will power alone

For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:
And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;
The Gentiles here are proselytes. They are those who have been circumcised, made vows and offered sacrifices to become Israeli citizens and allied with Israel. They've also vowed to practice Judaism and raise their families according to the commands of the Law of Moses. They've vowed to do and be and say everything Jewish without actually being of the seed of Abraham and thus NOT in Covenant but enjoying the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. If anyone can be as close to being of the Olive tree it would be this group, which is why Saul associates them as being "WILD" Olive tree and NOT members of the NATURAL Olive tree. Besides this, Gentile proselytes would have the inside track on testimony of Israel's Messiah, Jesus Christ, as they would be present in the synagogues on their sabbaths and privy to any and all witness-testimony of natural Olive tree Jewish Christians who would have attended their worship gatherings and heard about Jesus Messiah from them.
It took about four decades before "hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant, idol-worshiping Gentiles" started to become saved since everything happening in Israel among the Jews was a Jewish phenomenon occurring among the Jewish community. There was a middle-wall partition in placed erected there by God and still practiced by both Jews and uncircumcised Gentiles and despite God finally removing it at the death of Messiah it took time for the Jews to come to understand everything pertinent with regard to this "New Thing" God was doing with His people regarding the New Covenant with the House of Israel. By the time the Jerusalem Council came together in A.D. 50 the Jewish Christians were still in charge of things, people, and events happening among their people. They even commanded uncircumcised, non-covenant, born-again Gentiles to observe several important points of the Mosaic Laws in order to be accepted among the Jewish Brotherhood and this cannot be denied. I call it the Law of Moses 2.0.
Jews-only messiah seekers are still blind to simple language of the NT, because all you want to see is fellow Jews-only messiah seekers.
That would make Messiah "blind" according to your flawed understanding since He stated He was not sent except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, and sent His disciples ONLY to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Seems you and your Gentile propaganda cannot accept the truth of Scripture that God ordained a "Jews-only" Covenant with the Hebrew people and there is NO COVENANT at all in existence in Scripture of God making covenant with Idol-worshiping, uncircumcised Gentiles, for if there was such a covenant and it did exist, they would all be circumcised as a sign to Martians and other off-worlders that the whole human family are in covenant with Almighty God.
By the way, I believe myself to be Gentile and KNOW through the Truth from Scripture that I am not in covenant with God and that Salvation - and all its parts - IS OF THE JEWS, and have repented and asked God to forgive me of my ignorant stupidity in that I was guilty of Inheritance Theft of what belonged to Israel as per her covenants and used to make everything Jewish with regard to salvation into a Gentile-originated relationship with God. But I put away childish things and thank God for opening my eyesz to His truth and whom the Lord sets free is FREEEEEE Indeed! Hallelu-JAH!
Now the Lord has led me to the unmistakable direction of warning other Gentiles of their sin. But I am beginning to think that I am only being used to store up wrath for that day when God will judge the Gentile nations according to my gospel. When the Jewish prophets of Revelation 11 appear, they will have more success at true reformation of the Gentile world mindset towards God and His Chosen people because at that time God will remove Israel's blindness and put it upon Gentile Christians and roles will be reversed. God cannot judge the Gentile-world and along them, Gentile Christians that live in their Gentile world without first bringing their sin to account before their face and He is in the process of doing that right as I write. And when it does come it will not be pretty.
But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.
But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.

I don't argue against nonsense.
Then stop posting erroneous response to my Biblical Truth.
And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.
But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.
Gentile propaganda. There is nothing in Scripture identifying uncircumcised, non-covenant, idol-worshiping Gentiles as "natural" Olive tree, let alone a "WILD" Olive tree. Nothing, Nada, zip. Zilch.
But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
No one is denying you Jews-only messiah seekers stick together.
That's the way God ordained it when He gave the children of Israel His Law. They were all already circumcised, and when His Law was given UP WENT THE MIDDLE-WALL PARTITION. Separation.
However, I do wonder how many of them keep company with one naming Jesus Christ as their Jews-only messiah.
They're called "Jews for Jesus." The original Church.
So far, your the only one I've ever heard of. Maybe I'll go onto an OT Jewish site and ask them about it, if I can find one.
The only one? Good for y'all since that means God is at the beginning of storing up His wrath against inheritance-stealing Gentiles.
No doubt they would just write you off as a wanna be Christian, profaning the Jews-only messiah they still seek.
Wanna-be? Nah. "Already-is" makes for a better moniker.
You sound like a NAZI with Jew blood on the brain.
Not NAZi. But Jew-blood is on my sins.
Tell that to Ruth.
Ruthie-baby. A Gentile if there ever was one. She understood her place in the Jews-only Covenant and the closest she could get to the natural Olive tree was by being married to a Hebrew man and recipient of the BLESSINGS of the Abrahamic Covenant while not being of Abraham's seed or of the natural Olive tree. But she was a "WILD-" one without a doubt.
You can't even read the OT without a Jew-only vail over your profane heart.
You still are.
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
I found another apostle Saul's contradiction!
Being in an "endless, everlasting covenant" by being Hebrew and of Abraham's seed is genealogy. And Christ was sent to a "Jews-only" lost sheep. There are no goats on the Lord's pasture.
And now it is true that I am thy near kinsman: howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I.
Boaz was happy enough, because unlike you wanna be Jews-only, he saw character before race.
And so, you can claim for your forefather the nameless guy that refused Ruth, and so had nothing to do with the bloodline of David and Jesus Christ after the flesh.
Oh, that's another "Jews-only" covenant God made with David from the tribe of Judah. But too bad you hate Jews and their "Jews-only covenant. There's a Lion from the TRIBE of Judah out there, but we're not into genealogy, are "we"?
Which is no doubt why God didn't chose to so much as mention his name. You can just call your spiritual father, "Ho, such a one..."
Who's a "Ho"?
And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.
Onan didn't have an issue with Tamar, but with raising seed to his brother.
You truly are caught up in your Jew-only eyes, just as the German-only NAZI's.
Sieg Jesus! Mein Führer!
And neither David, nor Jesus after the flesh.
Nor Mary by whom Jesus was born.

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.
"Israel of God." Do you even know the significance of that term? It's called "JEWS-ONLY," that thing you hate.
And you may be the first, but certainly not the latter. There is no such thing as spiritually pure and outwardly unrighteous. Not in the OT nor the New.
Nor is your covenant with the God of Israel nor of Jesus Christ. It's bloodless.
Saying, "It is Finished" after being beat to a pulp like a lamb to the slaughter is NOT bloodless.
Methinkest thou needest to read again the things I've posted.
He never promised to bring Gentiles into any Jewish Covenant (Abrahamic, Mosaic,
As I said, no. Only into the risen God of Israel's new covenant.

You're 'new' Jews-only one has no blood of covenant at all, whether of old bulls and goats or of new Lamb of God.
Why promise to do something like that after the covenants were closed?
I'd almost forgotten your closed covenant junk. Although it chimes with a closed covenant for Jews-only.

He should have just included Gentiles in the covenants as He made them at the time, but He didn't. Makes no sense at all. And it would violate the existing covenants to add Gentiles after the fact, after the covenants were made and closed. But that's the error of Gentile propaganda to try to elbow their way into the Jewish Covenants only AFTER Gentiles began to be born-again after the Temple's destruction and the end of Judaism. Or, should I say, temporary cessation of Judaism. After the third Temple is built Judaism will be back on the map.

Too bad. God has covenant with Hebrews/Jews ONLY.
Abraham was Hebrew. His children and their children were Hebrew. God delivered about 4 million Hebrews from Egypt and later while in the desert made covenant with the children of Hebrews aka the children of the Hebrew Jacob. He has twelve sons and married in the family and by the time Jeremiah prophesied the New Covenant around the middle of the 700s BC that covenant also included the House of Hebrews, too.
Then while Hebrews were under the Roman boot the Hebrew Covenant of Jeremiah was realized when 3000 Hebrews were born-again which began the Church Christ promised to build. By weeks end about 21,000 Jews were added to the New Covenant Hebrew Church Christ was building every day, every week, every month, every year, for four decades. Then the Hebrew Temple was destroyed by Gentiles and later some of those Gentiles may have become born-again themselves and thus began the inheritance theft by Gentiles as the substituted Hebrews for Gentiles and here we are 1900 years later, and the end of the Times of the Gentiles will come with the destruction of the present-day Gentile nations as a result of God's judgment of those heathen nations. Last I checked millions of Gentile Christians live in those western, free-world Gentile nations and while they have become comfortable in "peace and safety," then sudden destruction comes upon them like a woman with child and they shall NOT escape.
What? You think Gentile Christians will escape God's judgment by believing in a rapture and give them a way out from His judgment? Do you really think Gentile Christians are in the clear of God's judgment? God has covenant with the Hebrew people and He not only judged them, the apple of His eye, but also scattered them to the four corners of the world and you think non-covenant, uncircumcised Gentiles are going to escape in some false rapture? That makes me laugh ha-ha.

If you're Gentile you have no covenant to speak of for Messiah was promised to covenant Israel, NOT Gentiles. Check Deut. 18:15 if you don't believe me. Ha-ha.

Good. Because if you come at them with some false Gentile covenant which includes their Messiah, you'd lose the argument and all your money. Ha-ha.

Yup. That was 1900 years ago.
And very soon God will remove that blindness, place it upon Gentiles and the reverse of what happened to Jews and Judaism will happen to Gentiles and their Christianity.
Call it prophecy from God to me to all you Gentiles.
You want to claim to be in the House of God (Israel), then man-up when judgment begins in the House of God. (Israel.) Ha-ha.
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

You've gone downhill to just copy and paste.

At this point, all you have is just another old Jews-only covenant without the blood of the Lamb of God.

All saved members of the body of Christ are washed clean in His blood. By excluding blood washed members, you exclude His blood from your Jews-only covenant.

The only difference between you and other Jews-only messiah seekers, is naming the name of Christ. No doubt they would eject you from their company, as a blasphemer of the Jews-only messiah.
You know, I'd ask for the Scripture and waste my ink because there is no Scripture to support your "covenant with Jesus" you being Gentile. There is simply no such thing. Unless, or course, you're Hebrew because the Messiah was prophesied to covenant Israel and to covenant Israel He came (Jn. 1:31.) Not only that how does your "covenant with Jesus" being Gentile hold up to the fact that you're Gentile and God nor His Messiah never made a covenant with Gentiles. More Gentile propaganda.
But I will say that the Mosaic Covenant was instituted on the Last Passover Jesus observed. He didn't come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill.
The New Covenant was instituted with the Advent of the Holy Spirit. Again, the Holy Spirit of Promise (to Israel) was between the House of Israel and God. God never promised a covenant instrument such as the Holy Spirit to Gentiles. God made NO COVENANT with Gentiles. All those Sunday's worth of observing the Last Supper with the bread and wine was made between God, Christ, and Israel. Like I said, Gentiles stole everything concerning their covenants with God and after the destruction of their Temple started the theft of Israel inheritance to what it is today.

That's because you're not a Hebrew. So, you can't even be a Gentile-only covenant keeper because there is no covenant God made with Gentiles.

Inheritance theft. ALL the covenants including Christ was made with the children of Abraham. If you seek to take what God gave to Israel then you are not a covenant-keeper, you're a covenant-thief.

Didn't I already respond to this? How did you do that? Are you practicing witchcraft? Summoning me again like Saul summoned Samuel?
Be careful with that.
Nothing new here.

So, you preach a Jews-only covenant without the blood of the Lamb. Nothing new for normal Jews-only messiah seekers, but naming Jesus' name is blasphemy to blood-washed Christians and unbelieving Jews alike.
The Gentiles here are proselytes.
Ok. Another new one.

And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:

Nowhere the Bible speak of proselytes only as Gentiles.

They even commanded uncircumcised, non-covenant, born-again Gentiles to observe several important points of the Mosaic Laws in order to be accepted among the Jewish Brotherhood and this cannot be denied. I call it the Law of Moses 2.0.
I would call you a Christian Judaizer here, but you don't qualify.

Jews-only messiah and covenant seekers are only just the same old tired unbelieving Jews.

But I am beginning to think that I am only being used to store up wrath
If you say so. Have at it.

for that day when God will judge the Gentile nations according to my gospel.
Yes. Your very own gospel indeed.

God will remove Israel's blindness and put it upon Gentile Christians and roles will be reversed.
Yep. Still seeking a Jews-only messiah to massacre their hated Gentile enemies. I think the worst part of posing as a master-race, is that most people don't even care about you, especially not about your race.

As I said, if it wasn't for you blaspheming Jesus' name as your Jews-only messiah, then I would bother arguing with just another OT unbelieving Jew.

Then stop posting erroneous response to my Biblical Truth.

It's getting there. When you run out of anything new, then I'll just leave you with your Jews-only messianic bloodless gospel.
They're called "Jews for Jesus."
You mean Jews only for Jesus bar Joseph, right?

But Jew-blood is on my sins.
?? Very, very unique. Never heard it before.

Oh, I got it! The only blood of your covenant, is your Jew-blood. Not bulls nor goats, nor Lamb of God. I've speculated that elsewhere, and here you are confirming it. Nice. Thanks.

And in accordance with your unconditional security of blood just covering your sins, and not washing them away, then voila! We have your Jew-blood is on your sins.

Excellent. Another one for the record books.

But she was a "WILD-" one without a doubt.
And so, now you move in the direction of Gentile OT proselytes being in the wild olive tree, that is gaffed into the new covenant holy tree of the house of Judah and Israel.

And so, at least proselytized natural Gentiles graffed in with natural Jews graffed in again.

It's a start.

The problem is that bogus scholars always end up contradicting themselves, when they get lifted up in their scholarly heights of talking to much.

They can't keep all the pieces fitted together rightly, because some just don't fit at all.
But too bad you hate Jews and their "Jews-only covenant.
Playing the race card again?

I don't even hate your Jews-only covenant. I find it fascinating and a fount of new areas to catalogue and correct.

As typical of false teachers, you descend into making it personal, when you're teaching is rightly corrected.

I know why this is: it's because unrepented sinners such as yourself, that try to justify themselves by their doctrine alone, take it personal when their doctrine is challenged.

Your defiled conscience relies entirely upon your doctrine to daub it, and so if the doctrine is destroyed, then so is your conscience.

You become once again as the world, where the your conscience is convicted without cover.

If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

Saying, "It is Finished" after being beat to a pulp like a lamb to the slaughter is NOT bloodless.
And it's not the blood of your Jews-only covenant, that excludes blood-washed Christians, whether Jew or Gentile.

The problem you have here, is needing to at least accept Gentiles as blood-washed redeemed Christians. But then to exclude them from your Jews-only covenant, only makes your covenant without the blood-washing Lamb of God.
As I said, no. Only into the risen God of Israel's new covenant.
Gentiles have no covenant with God, neither with Christ.
You're 'new' Jews-only one has no blood of covenant at all, whether of old bulls and goats or of new Lamb of God.
I'd almost forgotten your closed covenant junk. Although it chimes with a closed covenant for Jews-only.

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

You've gone downhill to just copy and paste.

At this point, all you have is just another old Jews-only covenant without the blood of the Lamb of God.

All saved members of the body of Christ are washed clean in His blood. By excluding blood washed members, you exclude His blood from your Jews-only covenant.

The only difference between you and other Jews-only messiah seekers, is naming the name of Christ. No doubt they would eject you from their company, as a blasphemer of the Jews-only messiah.

Ok. Another new one.

And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:

Nowhere the Bible speak of proselytes only as Gentiles.
I didn't say only as Gentiles. There are passages that do identify uncircumcised Gentiles, but where there is no designation, it must refer to proselytes (as opposed to passages that say they are uncircumcised Gentiles, or the context says/implies such.
I would call you a Christian Judaizer here, but you don't qualify.
Call me a Biblical Christian. That's the ONLY kind there is.
If one's Christianity is not biblical, then it is NOT Christianity.
Jews-only messiah and covenant seekers are only just the same old tired unbelieving Jews.
Jesus said He was sent to Jews-only.
Yep. Still seeking a Jews-only messiah to massacre their hated Gentile enemies. I think the worst part of posing as a master-race, is that most people don't even care about you, especially not about your race.
As I said, if it wasn't for you blaspheming Jesus' name as your Jews-only messiah, then I would bother arguing with just another OT unbelieving Jew.
Jesus said He was sent to JEWS-ONLY.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Mt 15:23–24.

See. Jews-only.
It's getting there. When you run out of anything new, then I'll just leave you with your Jews-only messianic bloodless gospel.
Jesus said He was sent to Jews-only.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Mt 15:23–24.

And nothing in Scripture changed that. He's still a Jews-only Messiah as per covenant and prophecy.
You mean Jews only for Jesus bar Joseph, right?
?? Very, very unique. Never heard it before.
Oh, I got it! The only blood of your covenant, is your Jew-blood. Not bulls nor goats, nor Lamb of God. I've speculated that elsewhere, and here you are confirming it. Nice. Thanks.
The blood that really mattered - although the cross was necessary in the scheme of things in time - is the sacrifices made in the heavenly Tabernacle.

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Rev. 13:7–8.

That was Jews-only.
You really don't see the Gentile propaganda you post do you. It is so ingrained in your mind it's going to take God Himself to purge you of your Gentile-only theology and false beliefs. I used to be like you, blinded by 1900 years of Gentile theft of the Hebrew Covenants and prophecies and everything Jewish. Salvation is of the Jews. Totally.
And in accordance with your unconditional security of blood just covering your sins, and not washing them away, then voila! We have your Jew-blood is on your sins.
You know, I knew you'd come back with that.
Excellent. Another one for the record books.
And so, now you move in the direction of Gentile OT proselytes being in the wild olive tree, that is gaffed into the new covenant holy tree of the house of Judah and Israel.
Playing the race card again?
I don't even hate your Jews-only covenant. I find it fascinating and a fount of new areas to catalogue and correct.
As typical of false teachers, you descend into making it personal, when you're teaching is rightly corrected.
I know why this is: it's because unrepented sinners such as yourself, that try to justify themselves by their doctrine alone, take it personal when their doctrine is challenged.
Your defiled conscience relies entirely upon your doctrine to daub it, and so if the doctrine is destroyed, then so is your conscience.
You become once again as the world, where the your conscience is convicted without cover.
If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.
And it's not the blood of your Jews-only covenant, that excludes blood-washed Christians, whether Jew or Gentile.
The problem you have here, is needing to at least accept Gentiles as blood-washed redeemed Christians. But then to exclude them from your Jews-only covenant, only makes your covenant without the blood-washing Lamb of God.
The difference is that the Jews hold the salvation card. They have covenant with God.
Gentiles don't.

Repentance toward God !

Acts 20:21

21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is repentance toward God here ?

The word repentance is metanoia and means:

  1. a change of mind, as it appears to one who repents, of a purpose he has formed or of something he has done

    Some say its a turning, and thats fine. Mainly however its evangelical repentance thats being considered, its a change of mind from our false notions and beliefs as it pertains to God and a right relationship with Him as it comes through the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Remember the very religious jews Paul mentions here ? Rom 10:2-3

    For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

    3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

    These people needed repentance, even though they had a zeal of God. They were religiously devout people and not whoremongers, drug users, however they still needed repentance, a change of mind.

    Also the people jews Peter told to repent in Acts 2 they were religiously devout people Acts 2:5

    5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

    These were the same kind of jews Paul spoke of in Rom 10:2, they had a zeal of God.

    But yet the imperative to these devout religious , zealous jews was repent Acts 2:37-38

    37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

    38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
You know, I'd ask for the Scripture and waste my ink
I agree. With some people I don't bother quoting Scripture anymore.

Unless they bring in something knew to correct, I don't just keep on repeating God to them.
There was a reason why God commanded and instructed Moses to build the earthly Tabernacle in like fashion to the heavenly Tabernacle and that was because before God even began creating heaven, earth, and man He was busy in the heavenly Tabernacle offering His Son on the altar
Not sure why you bring in old pagan myth at this point, but I'll go with it.

The myth that God actually slew His only-begotten Son from the foundation of the world, is Christianized from Zeus slaying Prometheus a the beginning of the world.

Sinful man slew Jesus on a cross, not God. Some unrepented sinners just can't stop blaming God for their own sins.

Some took the myth so to heart, that the Hiel the Bethelite slew his own firstborn son in the foundation of Jericho.

of THAT Tabernacle so that He can bring His plan for the Redemption of His Elect and His kingdom (among other things) to reality in time (and space.)
We know the Bible is departed from when people start multi-universe speak about 'reality in time and space'.

The spiritual kingdom of God is real and now both in heaven and on earth.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Carnal minded unrepented sinners that have not the Spirit of Christ, try to get all mystical about it.

The only 'reality in time and space' that you accurately teach, is your own unrepented sinning by your own bloodless covenant for unwashed Jews only.

And some of those things God did behind the curtain before creation He was to reveal to His people in due time:
Thanks Dorothy. "Somewhere over the rainbowwww..."

Remember, the secret things belong to the LORD but those things He's revealed (in His Word) belong to "us" (His elect, chosen people) Deut. 29:29.
There's the secret deep things of God made known by His Spirit and Scriptures to all His people of pure hearts and blameless lives.

And then there are the mysterious depths of Satan made know by his spirit to some of his people of lusting hearts and sinful living.

The only unrepented sinners actually receiving Satan's depths, are those seeking his doctrinal mysteries on how to justify themselves through doctrine alone. So far, it truly must be bottomless, since I've yet to see any end to it.

You of course are listed in my hall of fame for such abundant mysteries of iniquity. And a Jews-only bloodless covenant under the name of Christ, tops the list as a real first for me.

So, all this "blood of goats and bulls" in time was only type and shadow of what occurred at the hand of God the Father upon His Son in Eternity, in which God was really busy in the heavenly Tabernacle preparing many things
Right, like heavenly bowls, dishes, and spoons.

The only altar of sacrifice for the Lamb of God, was a wooden cross erected by all sinful men to crucify Him on.

This heavenly slaying of yours sounds as dressed up as the tombs of the prophets, that your spiritual forefathers decorated nice and sweet.

Unrepented sinners today are still crucifying Him afresh. (Though now only to themselves, since He's already resurrected and ascended to the right hand of God.)

All Abraham did in offering Isaac upon a makeshift altar was only an echo of what God did in Eternity before He created heaven, earth, and man, except when God brought the "knife" up high ready to drop it upon His Son there was nobody in the heavenly Tabernacle to stay His hand.

You Zeus, and Hiel.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

And this allowed Him to have an Elect people the Lamb slain from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world to be saved/redeemed:
So, now you preach being gods and little lambs with God and the Word, before the world ever began.

Let's list your doctrines:
1. OSAS inward purity with outward unrighteousness.
2. Jews-only bloodless covenant.
3. Pagan god slays own son.
4. Predeterminism of who.

You've certainly got all the bases covered. How can you possibly miss out on resurrection unto life? Any one of these doctrinal-cards of yours, should convince the true God not to judge you by your works...
And this led to having Christ prepare a 'mansion' and a place to put this people:
He did so after His resurrection.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
Mt. 25:34.
Names are written in the Lamb's book of life from the time man was created on earth, beginning with Adam. Only those living righteously in the end keep their names written therein.

The rest have their names blotted out of the Old and the New covenant books.

35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
Mt. 13:35.
God began giving Scripture to man by the Spirit of Christ with Adam, who was the first prophet of Christ in the world:

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The omniscience of God is to know from the beginning all things to come to pass> He knows by the Word watching them come to pass, and bearing true testimony to God in the beginning.

Scripture is God at certain times giving man by His prophets and apostles, enlightenment of His dear Son's spiritual and righteous image, as well as prophecy of things that surely shall come to pass.
Nothing is predetermined by God in the lives of men and women, but only preknown by true witness of the Word.

The Word is watching even now from the circle of the earth, and so God now knows it from the beginning.

18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
1 Peter 1:18–20.
And so, we see how the Lamb was foreordained before the world, and only slain in the world after coming in the flesh.

Thanks. (Normally I would quote such Scripture to correct you. But as you said, some people just aren't worthy of it.
to bring to fruition His Plan of Redemption for His elect people, those with whom He has covenant and for whom His Son died - and He died for those IN COVENANT.
Another new addendum to your Jews-only covenant. It contradicts any Gentile is saved and justified by Him, not being IN COVENANT.

So, you're effort to at least let Gentiles be redeemed, is just lip-service afterall. Surprise, surprise.

All those in the old covenant were judged unbelievers guilty of the blood of the Lamb at the cross. As well as all men that sin on earth.

That's why them of the old covenant were broken off from David's green olive tree, and need be graffed in again by repentance of crucifying their own Messiah sent to them.

To them first, that is. Gentiles are now graffed into the [promised new covenant of God for the first time.

So, you best be sure God is extremely serious about any Covenants He makes on earth and with whom He makes those Covenants.
Getting surer all time, especially after seeing your Jews-only covenant mixed with pagan mythology.

I can sincerely thank God all the more for having the simplicity of Christ Jesus in a single pure heart of simple blameless living.

You see how simple the Bible gospel of Jesus Christ is? Just a few true words sums it up for any honest child to understand.

Sure beats the seemingly endless production of your very own great Babylon on parade.

And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

It cost Him the 'life' of His Son for those IN COVENANT
By those in covenant.

God saves Gentiles without a covenant
Nor dying for.

and it's really in their best interest to not steal an actual covenant
I totally agree. The last thing I ever want to do is to steal your covenant. Expose and mock it yes, but never ever have it.
Not sure why you bring in old pagan myth at this point, but I'll go with it.

The myth that God actually slew His only-begotten Son from the foundation of the world, is Christianized from Zeus slaying Prometheus a the beginning of the world.

Sinful man slew Jesus on a cross, not God. Some unrepented sinners just can't stop blaming God for their own sins.

Some took the myth so to heart, that the Hiel the Bethelite slew his own firstborn son in the foundation of Jericho.

We know the Bible is departed from when people start multi-universe speak about 'reality in time and space'.

The spiritual kingdom of God is real and now both in heaven and on earth.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Carnal minded unrepented sinners that have not the Spirit of Christ, try to get all mystical about it.

The only 'reality in time and space' that you accurately teach, is your own unrepented sinning by your own bloodless covenant for unwashed Jews only.

Thanks Dorothy. "Somewhere over the rainbowwww..."

There's the secret deep things of God made known by His Spirit and Scriptures to all His people of pure hearts and blameless lives.

And then there are the mysterious depths of Satan made know by his spirit to some of his people of lusting hearts and sinful living.

The only unrepented sinners actually receiving Satan's depths, are those seeking his doctrinal mysteries on how to justify themselves through doctrine alone. So far, it truly must be bottomless, since I've yet to see any end to it.

You of course are listed in my hall of fame for such abundant mysteries of iniquity. And a Jews-only bloodless covenant under the name of Christ, tops the list as a real first for me.

Right, like heavenly bowls, dishes, and spoons.

The only altar of sacrifice for the Lamb of God, was a wooden cross erected by all sinful men to crucify Him on.

This heavenly slaying of yours sounds as dressed up as the tombs of the prophets, that your spiritual forefathers decorated nice and sweet.

Unrepented sinners today are still crucifying Him afresh. (Though now only to themselves, since He's already resurrected and ascended to the right hand of God.)


You Zeus, and Hiel.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
My bad. You're right again.
I've been so sloppy, so misinformed. I thought I knew God, but I don't. I think I'd rather learn God through you.
You're my new mediator, my high priest. I bow before your greatness.
So, now you preach being gods and little lambs with God and the Word, before the world ever began.

Let's list your doctrines:
1. OSAS inward purity with outward unrighteousness.
2. Jews-only bloodless covenant.
3. Pagan god slays own son.
4. Predeterminism of who.

You've certainly got all the bases covered. How can you possibly miss out on resurrection unto life? Any one of these doctrinal-cards of yours, should convince the true God not to judge you by your works...

He did so after His resurrection.

Names are written in the Lamb's book of life from the time man was created on earth, beginning with Adam. Only those living righteously in the end keep their names written therein.

The rest have their names blotted out of the Old and the New covenant books.

God began giving Scripture to man by the Spirit of Christ with Adam, who was the first prophet of Christ in the world:

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The omniscience of God is to know from the beginning all things to come to pass> He knows by the Word watching them come to pass, and bearing true testimony to God in the beginning.

Scripture is God at certain times giving man by His prophets and apostles, enlightenment of His dear Son's spiritual and righteous image, as well as prophecy of things that surely shall come to pass.
Nothing is predetermined by God in the lives of men and women, but only preknown by true witness of the Word.

The Word is watching even now from the circle of the earth, and so God now knows it from the beginning.

And so, we see how the Lamb was foreordained before the world, and only slain in the world after coming in the flesh.

Thanks. (Normally I would quote such Scripture to correct you. But as you said, some people just aren't worthy of it.

Another new addendum to your Jews-only covenant. It contradicts any Gentile is saved and justified by Him, not being IN COVENANT.

So, you're effort to at least let Gentiles be redeemed, is just lip-service afterall. Surprise, surprise.

All those in the old covenant were judged unbelievers guilty of the blood of the Lamb at the cross. As well as all men that sin on earth.

That's why them of the old covenant were broken off from David's green olive tree, and need be graffed in again by repentance of crucifying their own Messiah sent to them.

To them first, that is. Gentiles are now graffed into the [promised new covenant of God for the first time.

Getting surer all time, especially after seeing your Jews-only covenant mixed with pagan mythology.

I can sincerely thank God all the more for having the simplicity of Christ Jesus in a single pure heart of simple blameless living.

You see how simple the Bible gospel of Jesus Christ is? Just a few true words sums it up for any honest child to understand.

Sure beats the seemingly endless production of your very own great Babylon on parade.

And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

those in covenant.

Nor dying for.

I totally agree. The last thing I ever want to do is to steal your covenant. Expose and mock it yes, but never ever have it.
No, no. You're the one who's right. I think I'll take a stand with you and reject That Jesus was a Jew who came to the lost sheep only.
I think I'll give Jesus a light complexion, blue eyes, long blond hair to boot.
He'll be six-foot four inches and a strong muscular build because carpenters usually are strong having to lift and carry all those logs and tree trunks.
He'll wear Armani, Florsheim wingtips and Argyle socks. He'll have a mascot, wear a three-piece suit and top it off with a Fedora.
He'll ride a Bently to his speaking engagements, slay a few in the spirit and then walk off with a couple of sisters in each arm. Sure, He'll be Gentile and love everybody. And everybody will love Him. We'll all worship the ground He walks on and the people He walks over. Sure, we don't need the bible to describe our Gentile Messiah. We'll make Him into OUR image.
Sure. Leaning on our own understanding in the vanity of our minds is cool. No restrictions. No borders. Never learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Great! Super! Outstanding!

What mans religion teaches about faith and repentance !​

Are Faith and Repentance evangelical truths that must be preached ? The answer is absolutely yes, Jesus said Lk 24:47

And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

So its no doubt that sound Gospel preaching includes repentance. However where men go wrong is when they make repentance and or faith conditions for Justification before God ! They say that men and women for whom Christ died are not justified, made righteous before God without them ! They are in essence saying that everything Christ did for them in His Person and Work fell short in making them righteous/justified before God.
My bad. You're right again.
I've been so sloppy, so misinformed. I thought I knew God, but I don't. I think I'd rather learn God through you.
You're my new mediator, my high priest. I bow before your greatness.
Sorry. I don't teach Jews-only covenants nor Christian versions of old pagan myths.

Nor being saved without covenant, nor a Lamb dying for me.

Nor how to be counted spiritually pure while living corruptly.
and reject That Jesus was a Jew
I especially don't allow disciples to twist my words as well as the Bible. I first insist they only read what's written in the Bible, without change the words around. That way they can learn to read what others teach from the Bible, without changing the words around.

While I don't insist on agreement at all times with one another, I do insist on first knowing and understanding exactly what others teach.

That way any agreements and disagreements will be real, and not fictional.

who came to the lost sheep only.
I think I'll give Jesus a light complexion, blue eyes, long blond hair to boot.
He'll be six-foot four inches and a strong muscular build because carpenters usually are strong having to lift and carry all those logs and tree trunks.
He'll wear Armani, Florsheim wingtips and Argyle socks. He'll have a mascot, wear a three-piece suit and top it off with a Fedora.
He'll ride a Bently to his speaking engagements, slay a few in the spirit and then walk off with a couple of sisters in each arm. Sure, He'll be Gentile and love everybody. And everybody will love Him. We'll all worship the ground He walks on and the people He walks over.
I'm not New Age.

Sure, we don't need the bible to describe our Gentile Messiah. We'll make Him into OUR image.

Wait a minute. You're not even a Jew?

You just have a Jewish fetish?
Sorry. I don't teach Jews-only covenants nor Christian versions of old pagan myths.
Yes, that's correct. You don't accept the Scripture that reveals God making covenant with a Hebrew (Abram - Gen. 14:13), and his seed (more Hebrews), Nor with more Hebrews God delivered out of Egypt, and again making covenant through Moses with more Hebrews also known as the children of Israel/Jacob AKA Jews. Instead, you and others want to create your own covenant out of thin air and continue the false teaching that God made covenant with Gentiles which just isn't true. So, hold to your false beliefs. I can't change what Gentile propaganda you've been infected with since the destruction of the Jewish Temple and Gentiles saw an opening and pretty much stole from the Jews everything God promised them through covenants of 4000 years.
One day God will call you and the others to account for breaking His commandment of "Thou Shalt Not Steal."
Nor being saved without covenant, nor a Lamb dying for me.
The Lamb of God died for Israel as per covenant.
But although I am as a Gentile NOT in the Abrahamic, Mosaic, or the New Covenant, I am thankful to God that in His blessing Abraham and the children of Israel by having covenant with this people, I can say, that because THEIR cup runneth over I am touched by the BLESSINGS of those covenants because as a saved individual..."Salvation is TRULY of the Jews."
Nor how to be counted spiritually pure while living corruptly.
As I said, but you don't understand, there are two perspectives in the Bible.
The first one is of God's Eternal perspective of the "eternal NOW" in which He contemplated me as a saved individual, created man, and at the appointed time saved me by His Word and Spirit. In this perspective God contemplated me as holy, righteous, and sinless. He has ever seen His elect like this for there is no other way for God to truly see His people for there is no sin in God, there is no death in God.

The other perspective is with my eyes and mind in this dispensation of time. I am a sinner in need of a Savior.

What's so hard about this, Ghada?
Open your mind and come to the knowledge of the truth.