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Marian Dogmas


May 19, 2023
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New England
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The RCC teaches some unique things about Mary, the mother of Christ. According to its official dogma, Mary is the only person apart from Christ who was born free of original sin and as a consequence was able to live a sinless life.

Now before I do any further I will say, this is a different/strange gospel. This is what happens when spiritual things are left in man's hands. Of course, God did not leave anything in the RCC's hands, and for them to say He did is a false claim, a direct lie. But like so many other scriptures they abuse the one about Mary.

There are so many beliefs about this that are not in scripture.

They claim though she was married to Joseph, she lived a life of perpetual virginity, bearing no children other than the Lord Jesus. When her sojourn on earth was completed she was assumed into heaven by God and, according to the RCC, has been crowned the Queen of Heaven and given the title and office of mediatrix. It i accordingly supposed that she co-operates with the Lord Jesus in mediating salvation to sinners. Mary is to receive prayer and devotion and is able to dispense grace to those who call upon her.
The alleged scriptural basis for the teaching of the immaculate conception lies on extremely shaky foundations. Luke 1:28 records the salutation of the angel Gabriel to Mary as: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
RC writers claim that the term "full of grace" is unique and that it could only mean Mary must have been born free of original sin and was able to live a sinless life. As she was to be the mother of Jesus, he could not be born of one who had been defiled by sin.
There is zero chance looking at all of scripture that any born of Adam are in any way immaculate.
That notion is entirely contrived in order for the enemy to draw attention from Christ.
It cannot stand.
Lies never do.
There is zero chance looking at all of scripture that any born of Adam are in any way immaculate.
That notion is entirely contrived in order for the enemy to draw attention from Christ.
It cannot stand.
Lies never do.
I agree brother. It's a horrible doctrine. So many are deceived!
RC authors admit that the Marion doctrines cannot be verified from the early church tradition of the Church in the writings of the Church fathers.

Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origin, Hilary of Poitiers, Marius Victorinus, Ambrosiaster, Basil the Great, and Chrysostom all stated that Mary was not sinless.
Matter of fact, the only grounds on which the RCC can attempt to legitimize its demand that the faithful believe in the immaculate conception of Mary is by claiming that it is a dogma formulated by an "infallible" pope.

The ultimate authority is not scripture or even tridition, but the Church and the pope.
Matter of fact, the only grounds on which the RCC can attempt to legitimize its demand that the faithful believe in the immaculate conception of Mary is by claiming that it is a dogma formulated by an "infallible" pope.

The ultimate authority is not scripture or even tridition, but the Church and the pope.
Exactly…and all of this is a man made construct as equal to the principles behind Babylon.
Building of man.
There is zero chance looking at all of scripture that any born of Adam are in any way immaculate.
That notion is entirely contrived in order for the enemy to draw attention from Christ.
It cannot stand.
Lies never do.
Are you saying that Christ was not born of Adam? I don't think that is what you meant.
Are you saying that Christ was not born of Adam? I don't think that is what you meant.
He was not born of Adam’s seed in sin, but as a man via His Fathers.
The mystery of Godliness that I do not fully comprehend.
Its foundation as woman's equal rites is found in Jerimiah 44

It is the same spirit of lies working in the RCC as the it was with the athiest Jews, Pharisees with Sadducee . They wanted nothing to do with sola scriptura. But rather as a oral traditons of the dying fathers 3500 and rising patron saints gods female and male they demanded a Queen

Jerimiah 15 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil

Today it would seem Queen Kabala.
Are you saying that Christ was not born of Adam? I don't think that is what you meant.

Christ the one good teaching Holy Spirit, the invisible head that works in all sons of God. . is eternal God, He was not born (created) That's is the goals of Satan (Mathew 16) to seduce dying mankind to believe God is a Jewish man as King of kings .
Christ the one good teaching Holy Spirit, the invisible head that works in all sons of God. . is eternal God, He was not born (created) That's is the goals of Satan (Mathew 16) to seduce dying mankind to believe God is a Jewish man as King of kings .
Ok, good (I think). I hope you are not saying that Jesus Christ was not come in the flesh. That he was God is, to me, obvious. That he was made "for a little while," man, is to me, also obvious.

I'm not sure why you seem to need to add the word, "dying," to the word, "flesh". I don't know if you are including heresy in your Christology, or if you are trying to make some point concerning his divinity.

Your expression of your thoughts is very difficult to understand.
To be clear, we know from all of scripture that Jesus Christ is fully God and was born through a woman as fully man.
Both have to be so, for Him to have Redeemed His Creation and give Eternal Life to His sons.
Ok, good (I think). I hope you are not saying that Jesus Christ was not come in the flesh. That he was God is, to me, obvious. That he was made "for a little while," man, is to me, also obvious.

I'm not sure why you seem to need to add the word, "dying," to the word, "flesh". I don't know if you are including heresy in your Christology, or if you are trying to make some point concerning his divinity.

Your expression of your thoughts is very difficult to understand.
There is a differnce between Jesus Christ and Jesus the Son man

.Like many false doctrines Satan would make it all one in the same to help destroy the spiritual unseen things of Christ .and focus on what the eyes see . Believers look to the unseen eternal (faith)

Christ meaning anointing teacher the Holy Spirit our comforter and guide who does bring to our memory the previous things things .

He worked in the Son of man Jesus the prophet to display his hidden glory .

1 John 2 warns us of those antichrists' false apostles bringing false prophecy as oral traditons of dying mankind I heard it through the legion of fathers grape vine
There is a differnce between Jesus Christ and Jesus the Son man
Two different people???
.Like many false doctrines Satan would make it all one in the same to help destroy the spiritual unseen things of Christ .and focus on what the eyes see . Believers look to the unseen eternal (faith)

Christ meaning anointing teacher the Holy Spirit our comforter and guide who does bring to our memory the previous things things .

He worked in the Son of man Jesus the prophet to display his hidden glory .

1 John 2 warns us of those antichrists' false apostles bringing false prophecy as oral traditons of dying mankind I heard it through the legion of fathers grape vine
One flesh and blood person demonstrating the power of a Supernatural God .Who remains without beginning or end of Spirit life .
Someone says that Jesus Christ had an end of Spirit life?
Mr GLee said:
One flesh and blood person demonstrating the power of a Supernatural God .Who remains without beginning or end of Spirit life .

makesends said:
Someone says that Jesus Christ had an end of Spirit life?
@Mr GLee seems to think that we teach that Christ had an end of Spirit life.

To be honest, I don't even know what he is saying, nevermind to know what he believes, but there is so much he says that sounds like there were no two natures, but two separate persons, that I can't trust him any farther than I can understand him. I have yet to hear from him a direct answer to the question, "Did Jesus Christ the Son of God come in the flesh?". He equivocates, or goes off on a skew, or a tangent, or a complete intersection, or something —it's hard to tell just what he is doing.
Mr GLee said:
One flesh and blood person demonstrating the power of a Supernatural God .Who remains without beginning or end of Spirit life .

makesends said:
Someone says that Jesus Christ had an end of Spirit life?

@Mr GLee seems to think that we teach that Christ had an end of Spirit life.

To be honest, I don't even know what he is saying, nevermind to know what he believes, but there is so much he says that sounds like there were no two natures, but two separate persons, that I can't trust him any farther than I can understand him. I have yet to hear from him a direct answer to the question, "Did Jesus Christ the Son of God come in the flesh?". He equivocates, or goes off on a skew, or a tangent, or a complete intersection, or something —it's hard to tell just what he is doing.
That's what I thought. I also hope he gives a direct answer.