I have a very firm belief in my gift of Free Will from our heavenly Father.
Are you defining having
a will that freely makes choices as being the same thing as the will being free?
He gave it to the Angels, and he gave it to Adam else he would not have cautioned Adam to not eat that fruit.
If Adam did not have it he would not have. Eve is another case because Adam, as her mate, was ineffectual in explaining the command from God.
To say that if God gave free will to the angels then He quite naturally would give it to mankind is a logical fallacy. But Adam did have a will that was entirely free. Meaning that it was not coerced one direction or another. He was merely given a command. The will does not exist as an isolated entity within us, making choices from its own freedom that we then obey. It is our desires that move our choices, whatever desire is the strongest, that is the choice we make.
If the Angels have Free Will, (and 1/3 of them used that to disobey the Father and follow Satan) and Adam had Free Will do YOU really think that God would have not given that to man?
See above.
Men must have free will in order to choose to follow God. YES I understand God draws you... that is not the discussion.
BUT GOD in the end wants you to want and love Him and choose to follow him.
What does the Bible tell us about that? We find the answer in Romans 1-3. In Gen 3 we find that every man, woman, and child and the creation itself fell under a curse due to Adam's sin, and that none are righteous and none, no not one, seeks God. We see in Romans 12:12-14 we see the declaration that this is so. Sin came into the world through Adam, the curse is removed in Christ.
Rom 6 tells us that in our unregenerate state we are slaves to sin, as do many other passages show this, such as Eph 2:1-3. We, our whole being including our will are in bondage to sin. That is the opposite of free.
Since it is our desires that move the will, and not the will that moves our desires (and therefore the choices we make) the very fact that we are slaves of sin is why we cannot, because we will not, because we don't want to, choose God. And the only way to God is in Christ. "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
As to the spurious assertion that God wants us to want and love Him and choose to follow Him: God wants nothing. He has no wants, He is perfect and complete in Himself. He demands purely from the fact that He is the creator of all and all belong to Him, that His creatures love and obey Him.
The assertion also assumes the fallacy that God regenerating a person----which is a new birth in Christ as opposed to their natural position as in Adam, a new creation---so that then they are able to choose and do choose Him because they believe who He is, means that God forces them kicking and screaming to love Him. That analogy, though almost universal as an argument against Calvinism is so faulty and off the mark as to make me laugh every time I hear it. It does not consider the power and love and mercy of God at all, in so completely overpowering the chains that bind the person, and so overpowering the prince of darkness and his influence over them, as to make him as nothing but sand, and the chains dust. What manner of love is
I am a fence sitter if you will.
That is a painful and precarious place to sit.
But to insultingly say "free willers are very careful not to think that they are responsible for their own salvation."
Phrased like this it is almost like you think Free Will is a curse.
I cannot argue against such thought.
????? We are very careful to not think we are responsible for our own salvation?????
I rest my case.
But when I choose to follow Christ's shed blood in my beliefs for my salvation... It is my choice. God did not predestine this for me, and He did not pre-select this for me.
It is sad really that you would view God in that way. But do you not see the "I did it!" "I did it! Not God, Me!" in that statement.
But did God draw me toward that? The Four corners of the Holy Bible state that God Draws
All the drawing in the world will not break chains. So there is a real good chance you need to use theology (the study of God we are given by Him, about Him, from Him), the whole counsel of God, (the entire Bible and consistency of the truths taught in scripture,) hermeneutics, exegesis of many scriptures, not just proof texts, to re-evaluate what is meant by draw in those scriptures that use that word.
Always remember, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink has an abundance of truth.
That is a true statement. Unfortunately it has no application to the teachings of Calvinism on free will.
That teaching says, "Take and drink." and you do. John 4:14. The believer is given to Christ by the Father. (John 17:9-26; John 6:37,39.