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Jesus is Jehovah the YHWH of the Old Testament

God telling someone what to say to someone else isn't a prayer.

No proof for such an outlandish assertion.

In fact, Numbers 6:22-27 contradicts what you asserted.
Your mess just gets worse and worse.

Since blessing someone in the Lord is a prayer then this too is another example of speaking to others while in prayer to God.
No proof for such an outlandish assertion.
This is so bad. It's instructions on offering first fruits and tithes in the context. They were to speak those words to the priests because God said so. Your interpretation requires them be praying to priests about what God said which is wrong.
This is so bad.

I know. The hole you dug for yourself gets deeper.

I declare this day to the Lord (Deuteronomy 26:3).

Notice also their communication to the Lord continues in verse 5.

"Say before the Lord."

Verse 10 also proves he is speaking TO the Lord.
Now behold, I have brought the first of the produce of the ground which You, O Lord have given me.
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I know. The hole you dug for yourself gets deeper.

I declare this day to the Lord (Deuteronomy 26:3).

Notice also their communication to the Lord continues in verse 5.

"Say before the Lord."
This so bad. God telling someone to say something to someone else isn't a prayer. Prayers are spoken to God. Do you understand that? You have sunk into idolatry in your desperate scramble look for something to bolster your position. I haven't even mentioned the fact that Jesus isn't YHWH in scripture.
This confession the offerer was also to embody in a prayer of thanksgiving,

Yep, it's a prayer.
No it's not a prayer. Read the whole thing. The prayer is given to God, not to the priests.

This confession the offerer was also to embody in a prayer of thanksgiving, after the basket had been received by the priest, in which he confessed that he and his people owed their existence and welfare to the grace of God, manifested in the miraculous redemption of Israel out of the oppression of Egypt and their guidance into Canaan.

What's your point anyway? You were saying Jesus is prayed to in the Bible and you still haven't shown anything. I've entertained your changing of subject long enough. So do you finally admit what you're proposing doesn't exist?
The link you supplied says it's a prayer.

Thanks for refuting yourself!

Declaring what the LORD told him to say to the priest isn't a prayer. In Scripture, people speak their prayers to God, not priests. Are you Roman Catholic? They seem to believe what you do.
The link you supplied says it is a prayer.

This is great!
No it doesn't. It says "This confession the offerer was also to embody in a prayer of thanksgiving, after the basket had been received by the priest,"

A confession embodying a prayer isn't a prayer.

And this point is moot regarding praying to Jesus.
See the last three words!
See all of the words. The confession to the priests isn't itself the prayer. Let the Bible guide you here. People don't pray to priests in the Bible and it would have been the Levitical priesthood who would have done the prayer offering to God in this first fruits and tithes ceremony.
And one of those words reads, "prayer."
According to you, singing is praying, confessing to priests is praying, it's praying when the words prayer aren't present, etc. Your doctrines are not recognizable as anything anyone taught in Scripture and I can't find anyone who clearly agrees with anything you say.
A vision doesn't detract at all from the reality that Jesus is the Son of Man.

Paul first saw the Lord Jesus in a vision, and yet this constituted that he did in fact see Jesus (Acts 9:27).
He saw a vison not literal flesh and blood Jesus.

Big differnce between a spirt and dying flesh and blood