How do you handle the comeback of "It's All a Matter of Interpretation"?
If it was then all God`s word is up for grabs for whatever someone decides.
The truth is that Gods word interprets itself and gives us His foundational Principles.
1. Explicit Principle.
By which any statement is to be taken at its literal meaning, unless otherwise clearly indicated. God says what He means and means precisely what He says.
The message of the Bible was inspirationally revealed in a clear and unmistakable manner, to be understood by ordinary people. Similarly, then with the principle of interpreting it. All historical portions are taken quite literally. The doctrinal, the moral and the spiritual content are so interpreted. Manifestly, then, by every logical and spiritual norm prophetical scriptures must be construed by the same pattern, applying common sense literal principles.
Figures of speech are employed on occasions to illustrate and amplify spiritual truth, however, these are always readily recognisable as such.
2. Ethnic Principle.
By which the Word of God is rightly divided in relation to the three classes which it treats.
`The Jew, the Gentile and the Church of God. ` (1 Cor. 10: 32)
Governing law - To whom does the prophecy concern, and to whom said.
The Bible quite clearly presents an obvious and unmistakable sequence which unfolds naturally and logically as an outworking of the divine purpose for the above mentioned three classes regconised by God: -
a) There is a time-slot for events that relate to the Church culminating in the glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. An event which the Bible refers to as the `Day of Christ. `
b) There is a time for world-events, affecting the nations, leading up to the supreme dictator who will gather all people to the great battle Armageddon. There is a time for tribulation and judgment, upon the whole unbelieving world; but primarily upon Israel, to prepare them for the promised period of blessing and prosperity during the millennial reign of Christ. Scripture refers to this period as the `Day of the Lord. `
c) Finally, with the ultimate restitution of all things, Time will become absorbed into the Eternal Purpose in the `Day of God. `