To me, this is very deep. If someone would have asked me this, say, a couple yeas ago, I would have been like, "Are you out of your mind?"
But one thing I learn regularly is God is beyond us, His ways are unsearchable and unknowable, and we know about Him what is written in His word, nothing more. And to read a passage like the one in Job, Wow! It is truly amazing.
Look at it again:
14 If he should set his heart to it
and gather to himself his spirit and his breath,
15 all flesh would perish together,
and man would return to dust.
Job 34:14-15
It is utterly amazing! Unless someone comes up with a good sensible reason not to believe as I do here, it makes total sense to me and I do not believe I am off base and heading in the wrong direction.
Scripture teaches God is Almighty, He is the Creator and sustainer of the universe. So, why would or should we take this passage apart to make it mean something different? Consider it in its context.
Job isn't speaking of God gathering HIS Spirit, but mans spirit, and man's breath:
if] he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath; not his own spirit and breath, drawing in and retaining that within himself, and withholding the influence of it from his creatures, which the Septuagint version seems to favour; but the spirit and breath of man, which are of God, and which, as he gives, he can gather when he pleases. The spirit or rational soul of man is put in him by the Lord; this at death is separated from the body, yet dies not with it, but is gathered to the Lord: and the breath which he breathes into man, and is in his nostrils, and which, as he gives, he can take away, and then man dies. But in doing this he does no injustice; indeed, should he in anger and resentment rise up and deal thus with men in general, the consequence must be as follows. - John Gill
If he set his heart upon man] I think this and the following verse should be read thus:-"If he set his heart upon man, he will gather his soul and breath to himself;
for all flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust." On whomsoever God
sets his heart, that is,
his love, though his body shall perish and turn to dust, like the rest of men, yet his
soul will God gather to himself. - Adam Clarke
This is just God alone, by whose רוּח and נשׁמה the animal world as well as the world of men (vid.,
Job 32:8;
Job 33:4 (refs2)) has its life,
Job 34:14: if He should direct His heart, i.e., His attention ( שׂים לב אל , as
Job 2:3), to Himself (emphatic: Himself alone), draw in ( אסף as
Psa 104:29; comp. for the matter
Ecc 12:7,
Psychol. S. 406) to Himself His inspiration and breath (which emanated from Him or was effected by Him), all flesh would sink together, i.e., die off at once (this, as it appears, has reference to the taking back of the animal life, רוח ), and man would return (this has reference to the taking back of the human spirit, נשׁמה ) to dust ( על instead of אל , perhaps with reference to the usual use of the על־עפר ,
Job 17:16;
Job 20:11;
Job 21:26 (refs3)). - K&D
Upon man, Heb.
upon him , i.e. man, as may seem probable from
Job 34:11 ,Job 34:15 , where
man is expressed; and from the next clause of this verse, where he speaks of that
spirit and
breath which is in man. - Matthew Poole
I've yet to find any commentator that says this is speaking of God gathering His own Spirit unto Himself.