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Is anyone planning on...............

So what. Every Protestant denomination does the same thing, but we don't accuse them as "cults".
Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions or twist a person's words in order to make a false accusation against them. I did not accuse the RCC of being a cult.

Every protestant denomination does not set itself up as the only binding authority on Bible interpretation. Denominations all have their own particular interpretations and manner of services. So did the NT churches. Unless they are outside orthodox Christianity completely, they agree on the necessary basics that are given in scripture. The Triune God, virgin birth, sinlessness of Jesus, His substitutionary atoning death, resurrection, ascension, the only mediator between God and man, the solas, the sufficiency of Christ.

But they do not tell the other churches and the people that their denomination is the only authoritative interpreter of the Bible. And they do not set themselves up as such.
I don't need to click on the link above for the answer. I was a RC and I have also read books by Catholic apologists along with a pretty deep study.

I agree this defines what RC's believe, and I still disagree.
As I said before you are entitled to your opinion.

What you seem not to understand is that some opinions are best not advertised especially when they are easily contradicted.

You say you are aware of the Catholic apologists so perhaps did you expect to accomplish in creating a post you knew would end in heated arguments?
What is the Catholic church but a setting itself up as the only interpretation of scripture? And where do they get that authority and that interpretation from?
Every denomination has its own interpretations.
I did not say inner assurance. Assurance has nothing to do with it. That is the mistake people make that causes much of the different interpretations. That is counting on feelings.
Biblical scholars have been interpreting and reinterpreting the books of the bible since the first century and we still do not know who at least half of the Bible authors actually are. We are are only sure that Paul wrote 7 of his 13 epistles.

Re: feelings: Of course feeling play a role and the RC church and it is the Magisteruum that lessen their role. The entire concept of the magisterium hinges on this belief, going back to Jesus’ promise, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16-17).

I wasn't aware of how protestants interpret so I looked it up

Answer 1: This is far too broad. "Protestant" covers a very wide range of denominations and beliefs.
Answer 2: Some evangelical and Baptist denominations state the doctrine of sola scriptura more strongly: Scripture is self-authenticating, clear (perspicuous) to the rational reader, its own interpreter ("Scripture interprets Scripture"), and sufficient of itself to be the final authority of Christian doctrine.
On the surface both sound like there would be a plethora of both feelings and different interpretations among protestants denominations.
What is the Catholic church but a setting itself up as the only interpretation of scripture? And where do they get that authority and that interpretation from?

Sola scriptura is taking it out of the hands of a self proclaimed authority and putting the authority back where it belongs, with individual freedom to do their own work. Sure it arrives at many and various different interpretations but that does not make every interpretation right. Scripture itself as the word of God provides one true interpretation and that is what God means. Some things are of lesser importance than others in that they are things that do not pertain to or affect one's salvation. But those things that do affect salvation---who Jesus is, what He did, how and why, though subject to people's whims and misunderstandings, have one true meaning. And you completely discount the work of the Holy Spirit in revealing these things to people, The RCC takes up that position for itself.

I know that because of the particular type of indoctrination you have received, that it is unlikely that you can comprehend the idea of what scripture interpreting itself means. The whole counsel of God must be used and that counsel is found one place and one place only. The scriptures, the ones the Protestant church has. (Lower thine hackels, I will get to that in a moment,) And in particular, those places in both OT and NT where Messiah (Christ) is promised, His arrival and method of arrival, and all the places the NT quotes the old as verification of who Jesus is, and His purpose in coming. They are very clear and they teach the sufficiency of Christ to atone for sin. That means nothing is added as necessary for salvation. No other mediator between God and man, no other sacrifice, no works, no other authority than Christ HImself. The union through faith with the mediator and Savior naturally produces the fruit of righteousness---works of obedience and charity, as surely as a branch in the Vine produces fruit, or a seed planted in good soil produces a crop.

When something is not clear, it can be clarified by other passages of scripture on the same subject that are clear. So sola scriptura means those things, and it means that no man or organization has a higher authority that the scriptures themselves. A man or an organization cannot dictate through their own interpretation and self interests, to His church what scripture means, and call that and themselves, the voice of God. The Reformation with its solas and its teachings were an attempt to as much as humanly possible, exegete using the whole counsel of God what scripture is saying as an aid to the people and to establish some sort of consistent teaching of the scriptures and their meaning through confessions and catechisms. But they did not dictate or control.

On the Protestant canon and why it is reliable whereas the added books in the RCC bible are not. There are books in the RCC canon that contradict other things in the books in the Protestant Bible, making truth inconsistent. As well the authors and origins of those extra books cannot be verified as being viable. They may be and are interesting, but they are inconsistent with the integrity of the other books of the P'ant canon.
We don’t believe the five sola’s you do
We don’t believe “the Bible is the only authority as you do.

I’m am showing the error of your doctrine

Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life Jn 14:6
Christ and His church are one! Acts 9:4 Lk 1:4 Jn 15:5 eph 5:32

The church is an extension of Christ!

The scripture says many of the same things of the apostolic church as it does Christ!

Light of the world: Jn 8:12 / Matt 5:14
Hear: Matt 17:5 acts 3:22 / Matt 18:17
Authority: Matt 28:17 / Jn 20:21
Reconciliation: 2 cor 5:19 / 2 cor 5:18
Forgive sins: Lk 5:20 / Jn 20:23

Truth: Jn 14:6 / 1 Tim 3:15

Jesus Christ and His church are one acts 9:4 eph 5:32 and the only means of salvation! Matt 28:19

Jesus Christ extends his mission, power, and authority to His church of His apostles! The apostles have the same mission, ministry, power, and authority as Christ! Jn 20:21 as the father sent me, so I send you!

Even His judging!
Matt 19:28 and 1 cor 6:2
His teaching authority!
Matt 28:19 and Jn 20:21
His power to forgive sins!
Jn 20:23
Jn 17:22 / rom 2:10 / 1 pet 1:7 Christ shares His glory with His saints!
His being the light of the world!
Matt 5:14
Must hear church Matt 18:18
His ministry of reconciliation!
2 cor 5:18
His authority in governing the church and administering the kingdom!
Matt 16:18-19 & 18:18 Jn 21:17
Lk 22:29
Apart from me you can do nothing. Jn 15:5
Acts 2:42 doctrine of the apostles!
So the church is subject to Christ!
Eph 5:24
Christ shares His glory! 2 thes 1:10 rev 12:1

The pillar and foundation of TRUTH!
1 Tim 3:15

Christ appointed the kingdom to Peter and the apostles until His return in glory!

Lk 22:29 Jn 20:21-23
Matt 16:18-19 & 18:17 28:19
Eph 2:20 acts 15:7

The church existed before the NT
The church wrote the NT
The church declares the NT canon
The church is the only authentic interpreter of the word of God both scripture and tradition!
Where does scripture say have a reformation?
How can truth and the church that are of divine origin be reformed by the tradition of men?
Where does scripture say scripture interprets scripture?

Scripture does not say what is scripture or the inspired word of God and what is not, it does not provide of list of the books of the Bible, so there must be an authority to declare the canon of scripture, this alone make the doctrine the “Bible is the only authority” a false doctrine!

Scriptural context:

All scripture is the inspired word of God but it never says anything about context being inspired or required.

Ex 20 in context only gives you 9 Commandments.

Every word of scripture is the inspired word of God, even one word, every word of Jesus is eternal.
Scripture out of context supports the catholic faith.

Scripture in context supports Protestantism. Whatever!

All scripture is the inspired “word of God” even one word!

Why does it need to be in Scripture?

Where is the verse saying, “the Bible is the only authority”?

Which is biblical?

The Bible is the only authority


Christ founded a church to teach and sanctify all men unto
Eternal salvation: Matt 28:28 Lk 1:4 acts 1:8, 2:42, 8:31 Jn 16:13, 20:21-23 Matt 18:17 1 Tim 3:16
1 Jn 1:4

I did not say the Bible is not an authority, I say it’s not the “only authority”!

The Bible is the fruit of the apostolic tradition, the church is not dependent on scripture to know truth cos she was taught by Christ in person for thee years!

The same apostolic church you say is the beast or whore is the apostolic church that wrote and approved the New Testament canon!

The New Testament is the fruit of the apostolic authority in succession from the apostles! Without the apostolic authority and apostolic succession there would be no New Testament!

Are we really just Relying on our own private judgement of scripture?

Instead of Christ the light of the world, and the way, the truth, and the Life!

And Christ and His church are one unity in all truth and grace!

Really we are just believing in our own private fallible judgment!

When Christ established the church to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! Matt 28:19

Christians must be taught or instructed by the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church! Lk 1:4
Matt 28:19, Lk 10:16, Jn 20:21
Acts 8:31, Colossians 2:7

Our understanding, study, interpretation, judgment, are all adding to scripture!

Our reason is part of fallen human nature and is defective.
Our holy religion is revealed by God!

Truth known by “hearing” the apostles not the “Bible alone”!

1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

The apostles in person:

2 John 1:12
Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.

Doctrine of the apostles: acts 2:42

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Matt 5:14 the apostles are the light of the world until Christ returns in glory!

Where in the Bible does it say that everything Christ did and taught, or everything we are to believe is restricted to the Bible. (read John 21:25, that says that not everything Christ did and taught is in the Bible. Yet Matt. 28:20 has Christ commanding the Apostles to teach all that He taught them. In fact, the New Testament wasn't decided until the late 4th century, when the Catholic Church went through over 300+ documents, praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance, and coming up with the 27 books we all agree on are the New Testament.

Christ didn't write a book to spread His truths, He founded a (one) Church, the Catholic Church, to do so. It would have been useless to found a Church based on a book, since the vast, vast majority of humanity was illiterate for the first 18+ centuries of Christianity. That would have effectively eliminated 95+% of humanity from learning Christ's message.

You might also review 2 Peter 1:20-21, where St. Peter warns against personal interpretation of Scripture.

The authority of Christ in His apostolic church gave is the authentic scriptures, and the authentic interpretation!

For hundreds of years the authority of Christ acted and operated in His apostolic church without scripture, and the apostolic church wrote the New Testament.

The apostolic church is not dependent upon scripture:
The apostolic church does not need scripture to know truth, Christ taught “all truth” Jude 1:3 to His apostolic church in person for three years, the church does not need scripture to exercise her authority from Christ to teach and sanctify all nations unto eternal salvation, and to govern the church.

And it was those monks that spent their lives copying scripture, Bibles or individual books were very rare and very expensive eve. After the printing press until the mass production of the 20th century, and until then most peoples were illiterate. So without monks you would not have scripture!

By what authority did Luther have to reject Jude, hebrews, James and revelation or the English Bible society to reject seven books of the Old Testament? No authority none are apostles, only by the whims of the “tradition of men”!

If you have an interpretation or understanding of scripture then you must be an authority!

A violation of your doctrine is “the Bible is the only authority”!

If you have an interpretation or understanding of scripture then you must be an authority! To believe you is adding to scripture alone!

Would that not violate your doctrine of “the Bible is the only authority”!

“Bible alone” means just that, an unopened book on a table!
To open it would be adding to scripture:
To read it would be adding to scripture:
To interpret it would be adding to scripture:

Just Using an absurdity to illustrate the nature of a false doctrine!

Scripture verses that support the “Bible is our ONLY AUTHORITY”!

When they could no more defend the “Bible is our only authority” quickly changed it to the “Bible is the ultimate authority” but God, father, son, and Holy Spirit are the ultimate authority!

Scripture Verses that contradict the “Bible is our ONLY AUTHORITY”!

Matt 5:14
Matt 13:11
Matt 18:17
Matt 28:19
Lk 1:4
Lk 10:16
Jn 8:32
Jn 16:13
Jn 20:21
Acts 1:8
Acts 2:42
Acts 8:26
Acts 8:31
Acts 18:25
Rom 10:15
1 cor 4:11
1 cor 11:23
1 thes 2:23
2 thes 2:15
Col 2:7
Eph 4:5
Heb 13:7
Heb 13:17
1 Tim 3:15
1 Jn 1:3-5
1 Jn 4:6
2 Jn 1:12
Jude 1:3

How can it be said scripture is “sole authority” or the only source of truth or the rule of faith when scripture says we must hear the church Matt 18:17 the apostles are the light of the world Matt 5:14 we must hold the doctrine of the apostles acts 2:42 the church is the pillar and ground of truth 1 Tim 3:15
What is the Catholic church but a setting itself up as the only interpretation of scripture? And where do they get that authority and that interpretation from?

Sola scriptura is taking it out of the hands of a self proclaimed authority and putting the authority back where it belongs, with individual freedom to do their own work. Sure it arrives at many and various different interpretations but that does not make every interpretation right. Scripture itself as the word of God provides one true interpretation and that is what God means. Some things are of lesser importance than others in that they are things that do not pertain to or affect one's salvation. But those things that do affect salvation---who Jesus is, what He did, how and why, though subject to people's whims and misunderstandings, have one true meaning. And you completely discount the work of the Holy Spirit in revealing these things to people, The RCC takes up that position for itself.

I know that because of the particular type of indoctrination you have received, that it is unlikely that you can comprehend the idea of what scripture interpreting itself means. The whole counsel of God must be used and that counsel is found one place and one place only. The scriptures, the ones the Protestant church has. (Lower thine hackels, I will get to that in a moment,) And in particular, those places in both OT and NT where Messiah (Christ) is promised, His arrival and method of arrival, and all the places the NT quotes the old as verification of who Jesus is, and His purpose in coming. They are very clear and they teach the sufficiency of Christ to atone for sin. That means nothing is added as necessary for salvation. No other mediator between God and man, no other sacrifice, no works, no other authority than Christ HImself. The union through faith with the mediator and Savior naturally produces the fruit of righteousness---works of obedience and charity, as surely as a branch in the Vine produces fruit, or a seed planted in good soil produces a crop.

When something is not clear, it can be clarified by other passages of scripture on the same subject that are clear. So sola scriptura means those things, and it means that no man or organization has a higher authority that the scriptures themselves. A man or an organization cannot dictate through their own interpretation and self interests, to His church what scripture means, and call that and themselves, the voice of God. The Reformation with its solas and its teachings were an attempt to as much as humanly possible, exegete using the whole counsel of God what scripture is saying as an aid to the people and to establish some sort of consistent teaching of the scriptures and their meaning through confessions and catechisms. But they did not dictate or control.

On the Protestant canon and why it is reliable whereas the added books in the RCC bible are not. There are books in the RCC canon that contradict other things in the books in the Protestant Bible, making truth inconsistent. As well the authors and origins of those extra books cannot be verified as being viable. They may be and are interesting, but they are inconsistent with the integrity of the other books of the P'ant canon.
Lk 22:29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;

Does not sound like a self-appointed to me?

Only Christ has authority to establish the church! Matt 16:18-19
One church! Jn 10:16 All others are sects “full of errors” “the tradition of men”! The new covenant Church is the eternal city of God! Household of faith! The pillar and ground of TRUTH! 1 Tim 3:15 Founded by Christ alone! Matt 16:18 on Peter and the apostles! Eph 2:20 Lk 22:29

The church is of divine origin and cannot be corrupted or reformed by the tradition of men! Truth is immutable!

The church the only ark of salvation, the household of faith and is not spiritual to the exclusion of the physical or invisible to the exclusion of the visible but, visible, invisible, spiritual, physical, and supernatural of divine origin and therefore divine preservation! Matt 16:18-19 Jn 8:32 Jn 16:13 Jn 10:16

A city set on a hill: Matt 5:14
Light of the world: Matt 5:14
Pillar of truth: 1 Tim 3:15
Teach and sanctify all men: Matt 28:19

Unity of faith!

Four Marks of the True Church founded by Jesus Christ on Peter, the apostles, and their successors!

One, holy, catholic (universal) and apostolic (succeeding from Christ, Peter and the apostles)
Every denomination has its own interpretations.
I understand that. But they do not set themselves up as the one true and only authority of interpretation of scripture for he entire church of Christ as the RCC does, who claims to be the one true church of Christ and the only authority of interpretation of the Bible. IOW what they say is how it is.
Biblical scholars have been interpreting and reinterpreting the books of the bible since the first century and we still do not know who at least half of the Bible authors actually are. We are are only sure that Paul wrote 7 of his 13 epistles.
That is a non-argument. It assumes that since this is so the Bible has no correct interpretation and no one can know if they are correct. They have to have a self ordained authority tell them what it means. And it is not what is being contested in these posts. It pretty much takes God out of the picture, and a lot of that can be laid right at the feet of the argument of insufficient and ineffective grace which sets God in the background of salvation waiting on man's choices, and Jesus as the head of the church as inconsequential.
Re: feelings: Of course feeling play a role and the RC church and it is the Magisteruum that lessen their role. The entire concept of the magisterium hinges on this belief, going back to Jesus’ promise, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16-17).
Let me see if I have this straight. So the magisterium of the RCC sets itself up as being what is referenced in John 14:16-17? In effect either becoming the Holy Spirit or the only ones who have the Holy Spirit? Who decided that? Where did that idea come from? I will expect an answer
Answer 1: This is far too broad. "Protestant" covers a very wide range of denominations and beliefs.
How protestants interpret is not the issue. There is a discipline of interpretation. Hermeneutics. It contains elements and tools used in interpreting anything. And yes, "protestant" is as broad as there are people who are true Christians. But that too is not the issue. The issue is whether there is one central, controlling, and final authority on interpreting the Bible and putting forth that interpretation as om effect, law, established by God? And the answer is no. The result would be the doctrines of men.
Answer 2: Some evangelical and Baptist denominations state the doctrine of sola scriptura more strongly: Scripture is self-authenticating, clear (perspicuous) to the rational reader, its own interpreter ("Scripture interprets Scripture"), and sufficient of itself to be the final authority of Christian doctrine.
Again. Not the issue. But if scripture cannot interpret itself, then it contains inconsistencies of truth and is unreliable. Maybe the idea of scripture interpreting scripture is such an alien concept to one who depends on man to give them their beliefs, that you have no idea what it means? Think about this: there is a reason why sola scriptura is considered by the RCC as their worst enemy. It has been expressed repeatedly by their avid supporters in these discussions. It is sola scriptura they are after to destroy. It takes away their authority, their glory, their power. Which btw belongs only to God. And you make a point against the RCC when you say scripture is clear to the rational reader who claim to be the only rational readers and then add to it and take away from it left and right.
On the surface both sound like there would be a plethora of both feelings and different interpretations among protestants denominations.
And again. Not the issue. But what makes you think this needs to be controlled and bound, and chained, by the RCC---by anybody? It is totalitarian religion and one of works, the very opposite of "Those I set free are free indeed." "Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness." "The Law leads us to Christ so we may be justified by faith."
It might be more effective to nail it to the door of a mainstream Lutheran church today.
Lk 22:29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;

Does not sound like a self-appointed to me?
Who is Jesus talking to? Is the hierarchy of the Catholic church the twelve apostles minus Judas? Is the Catholic religion sitting judging the twelve tribes of Israel? I know you say yes, it is by extension. But that extension is purely by self appointment through rendering an interpretation in a certain way so as to benefit itself. Though the "doctrines of men" is often simply used as an argument against what one disagrees with it is more often than not a complete misnomer. But this is as clear cut a case of the actual doctrines of men as was the Pharisees that Jesus called hypocritical and as white washed tombs, when they added to God's law what He did not give and then did not even keep it themselves.
Only Christ has authority to establish the church! Matt 16:18-19
One church! Jn 10:16 All others are sects “full of errors” “the tradition of men”! The new covenant Church is the eternal city of God! Household of faith! The pillar and ground of TRUTH! 1 Tim 3:15 Founded by Christ alone! Matt 16:18 on Peter and the apostles! Eph 2:20 Lk 22:29
All that is true. What is not true is that the RCC is the one true church. The one true church is invisible and contains all true believers in Christ. A person is not saved by an earthly church. They are saved by Christ----alone.
The church is of divine origin and cannot be corrupted or reformed by the tradition of men! Truth is immutable!
You indict the RCC with this statement and do not even recognize that.
Unity of faith!
Faith is not doctrine.
Four Marks of the True Church founded by Jesus Christ on Peter, the apostles, and their successors!

One, holy, catholic (universal) and apostolic (succeeding from Christ, Peter and the apostles)
Calling itself Catholic (universal) does not make something universal. The RCC borrowed the word catholic from the scriptures and called itself that. It is still just another denomination.
Your lack of understanding of God's word is fascinating.
Just simple logic not God’s word!
God’s word is not limited to your understanding of 66 books

Your doctrine not ours is I believe “scripture is the only authority”!

Only means only
Alone means alone
Nothing can be added and no other authority can exist!

Or you don’t say what you mean or mean what you say!

Who is Jesus talking to? Is the hierarchy of the Catholic church the twelve apostles minus Judas? Is the Catholic religion sitting judging the twelve tribes of Israel? I know you say yes, it is by extension. But that extension is purely by self appointment through rendering an interpretation in a certain way so as to benefit itself. Though the "doctrines of men" is often simply used as an argument against what one disagrees with it is more often than not a complete misnomer. But this is as clear cut a case of the actual doctrines of men as was the Pharisees that Jesus called hypocritical and as white washed tombs, when they added to God's law what He did not give and then did not even keep it themselves.

All that is true. What is not true is that the RCC is the one true church. The one true church is invisible and contains all true believers in Christ. A person is not saved by an earthly church. They are saved by Christ----alone.

You indict the RCC with this statement and do not even recognize that.

Faith is not doctrine.

Calling itself Catholic (universal) does not make something universal. The RCC borrowed the word catholic from the scriptures and called itself that. It is still just another denomination.
Why did Jesus demand obedience to the Pharisees who were the successors of Moses? Matt 23:1-3
Who is Jesus talking to? Is the hierarchy of the Catholic church the twelve apostles minus Judas? Is the Catholic religion sitting judging the twelve tribes of Israel? I know you say yes, it is by extension. But that extension is purely by self appointment through rendering an interpretation in a certain way so as to benefit itself. Though the "doctrines of men" is often simply used as an argument against what one disagrees with it is more often than not a complete misnomer. But this is as clear cut a case of the actual doctrines of men as was the Pharisees that Jesus called hypocritical and as white washed tombs, when they added to God's law what He did not give and then did not even keep it themselves.

All that is true. What is not true is that the RCC is the one true church. The one true church is invisible and contains all true believers in Christ. A person is not saved by an earthly church. They are saved by Christ----alone.

You indict the RCC with this statement and do not even recognize that.

Faith is not doctrine.

Calling itself Catholic (universal) does not make something universal. The RCC borrowed the word catholic from the scriptures and called itself that. It is still just another denomination.
Please explain faith is not a doctrine?
Who is Jesus talking to? Is the hierarchy of the Catholic church the twelve apostles minus Judas? Is the Catholic religion sitting judging the twelve tribes of Israel? I know you say yes, it is by extension. But that extension is purely by self appointment through rendering an interpretation in a certain way so as to benefit itself. Though the "doctrines of men" is often simply used as an argument against what one disagrees with it is more often than not a complete misnomer. But this is as clear cut a case of the actual doctrines of men as was the Pharisees that Jesus called hypocritical and as white washed tombs, when they added to God's law what He did not give and then did not even keep it themselves.

All that is true. What is not true is that the RCC is the one true church. The one true church is invisible and contains all true believers in Christ. A person is not saved by an earthly church. They are saved by Christ----alone.

You indict the RCC with this statement and do not even recognize that.

Faith is not doctrine.

Calling itself Catholic (universal) does not make something universal. The RCC borrowed the word catholic from the scriptures and called itself that. It is still just another denomination.
The apostles remain until christ returns administering his kingdom
Matt 28:19-20 I am with you ( the apostles) to the end
Acts 1:8 apostles are His witnesses to the ends of the world

Peter, the apostles and their successors have all authority on earth from christ
Jn 20:21
.......................................... nailing the 95 theses onto the doors of a Roman Catholic Church?

I wonder what would happen if we did?
Who's faith are we talking about? The Roman Catholic Faith? Do you really believe the RC belief knows Christ?
Christ and His church are one!
Acts 9:4 Jn 15:5 eph 5:32
But that's not what I asked you. I asked about the RC beliefs. The beliefs that claim Mary was born sinless as Jesus was, praying to saints is biblical, ect...

I'm quite sure no one would take this as a serious thing, to go and nail them to the church door. And both Protestants and Catholics could give an answer where no one is insulted.
Immaculate conception and the Four spiritual laws:

2) Man is sinful and separated from God, so we cannot know Him personally or experience His love.
Man is Sinful.

3) Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin. Through Him alone we can know God personally and experience God's love.
He Died in Our Place.

4) We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know God personally and experience His love.
We Must Receive Christ.

Knowing this how can scripture say:

Lk 1:28 And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

“Full of grace”

“Lord is with Mary”
(not Mary is with the Lord)


The only possibility is the “immaculate conception” by the power of God thru the future merits of the passion and death of Jesus Christ! Amen! Lk 1:37 Lk 1:49
But that's not what I asked you. I asked about the RC beliefs. The beliefs that claim Mary was born sinless as Jesus was, praying to saints is biblical, ect...

I'm quite sure no one would take this as a serious thing, to go and nail them to the church door. And both Protestants and Catholics could give an answer where no one is insulted.
We pray to God thru the intercession of the saints not to saints, God is the source of all good!
Not according to Galatians and Hebrews. Adding works to faith is condemned in both books. And Jesus had much to say about the religious works if His day with the Jewish leaders. He condemned them.
In hebrews Paul (my opinion paul is the writer) requires works!

Hebrews 6:12
That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith andpatience inherit the promises.

Revelation 2:19
I know thy works, and charity, andservice, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.