Never!I think they've changed their mind to agree with salvation by faith alone, not by works.
At least in some quarters.
Never!I think they've changed their mind to agree with salvation by faith alone, not by works.
At least in some quarters.
These “reforms” I hope only touch in discipline and administration and not faith and doctrine? Dogma in immutable! Incontrovertible truth!The list of Martin Luther’s errors, taken from his 95 Theses and from other writings, is found in the papal bull (official document) of 1520 of Pope Leo X called Exurge Domine. The Church reforms that were developing at the time were not directly related to Luther’s objections, although they concern many, if not all, of the same areas. These reforms are found in the decrees of the Council of Trent. The main concern here is that even when we recognize the need for reform, this does not mean that we should separate from the communion of the Catholic Church, setting up our own version of the church, but remain in her communion and work for reform in the unity of orthodox faith and charity.
Matt 28:16-20 (don't leave out inconvenient stuff if you want to make your case.)Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw Him they worshiped Him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, to the end of the age.The apostles remain until christ returns administering his kingdom
Matt 28:19-20 I am with you ( the apostles) to the end
Acts 1:8 apostles are His witnesses to the ends of the world
Peter and the apostles have no successors. Prove to me without Catholic dogma in the mix, where they do?Peter, the apostles and their successors have all authority on earth from christ
Really? Are you having difficulty making distinctions since they have become so blurred by false doctrine?Please explain faith is not a doctrine?
And the necessity of baptism? Mk 16:16Many Protestants today realize that Catholics adhere to the idea of salvation sola gratia (by grace alone), but fewer are aware that Catholics do not have to condemn the formula of justification sola fide (by faith alone), provided this phrase is properly understood.
The term pistis is used in the Bible in a number of different senses,
Of key importance is Galatians 5:6, which refers to “faith working by charity.” In Catholic theology, this is what is known as fides formata or “faith formed by charity.” The alternative to formed faith is fides informis or “faith unformed by charity.” This is the kind of faith described in James 2:19, for example.
- ranging from intellectual belief (Romans 14:22, 23, James 2:19),
- assurance (Acts 17:31),
- and even to trustworthiness or reliability (Romans 3:3, Titus 2:10).
Whether a Catholic rejects the idea of justification by faith alone depends on what sense the term “faith” is being used in. If it is being used to refer to unformed faith then a Catholic rejects the idea of justification by faith alone (which is the point James is making in James 2:19, as every non-antinomian Evangelical agrees; one is not justified by intellectual belief alone).
However, if the term “faith” is being used to refer to faith formed by charity then the Catholic does not have to condemn the idea of justification by faith alone. In fact, in traditional works of Catholic theology, one regularly encounters the statement that formed faith is justifying faith. If one has formed faith, one is justified. Period.
A Catholic would thus reject the idea of justification sola fide informi but wholeheartedly embrace the idea of justification sola fide formata. Adding the word “formed” to clarify the nature of the faith in “sola fide” renders the doctrine completely acceptable to a Catholic.
read more here
It really would be great if you would actually address what I say in my posts instead of deflecting like this.Why did Jesus demand obedience to the Pharisees who were the successors of Moses? Matt 23:1-3
Acts 1:15-26Peter and the apostles have no successors. Prove to me without Catholic dogma in the mix, where they do?
1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.We pray to God thru the intercession of the saints not to saints, God is the source of all good!
Because that “Legitimate teaching authority” was taken from them Matt 21:43 and given to the apostolic church Matt 16:18-19 & 18:18 Jn 20:21It really would be great if you would actually address what I say in my posts instead of deflecting like this.
Matt 23:1-3 Elsewhere Jesus condemns the Pharisees for adding human tradition to the law and evading the spirit of the law. Here He is recognizing the legitimate teaching office.
What does your question have to do with anything I posted? Are you trying to say something without saying it? If so, spit it out as a matter of integrity.
See how scripture helped to clarify scripture there?
Jesus Christ extends his mission, power, and authority to His church of His apostles! The apostles have the same mission, ministry, power, and authority as Christ! Jn 20:21 as the father sent me, so I send you!1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.
God of the living!1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.
The Catholic Church does not claim to be the only church with truths.I understand that. But they do not set themselves up as the one true and only authority of interpretation of scripture for he entire church of Christ as the RCC does, who claims to be the one true church of Christ and the only authority of interpretation of the Bible. IOW what they say is how it is.
Nonsense.That is a non-argument. It assumes that since this is so the Bible has no correct interpretation and no one can know if they are correct.
Authority has never been self ordained.They have to have a self ordained authority tell them what it means.
Where do you get this stuff???And it is not what is being contested in these posts. It pretty much takes God out of the picture, and a lot of that can be laid right at the feet of the argument of insufficient and ineffective grace which sets God in the background of salvation waiting on man's choices, and Jesus as the head of the church as inconsequential.
John 14:16-17 references only one church.Let me see if I have this straight. So the magisterium of the RCC sets itself up as being what is referenced in John 14:16-17? In effect either becoming the Holy Spirit or the only ones who have the Holy Spirit? Who decided that? Where did that idea come from? I will expect an answer
I get it. Your private interpretation is infallible.How protestants interpret is not the issue. There is a discipline of interpretation. Hermeneutics. It contains elements and tools used in interpreting anything. And yes, "protestant" is as broad as there are people who are true Christians. But that too is not the issue. The issue is whether there is one central, controlling, and final authority on interpreting the Bible and putting forth that interpretation as om effect, law, established by God? And the answer is no. The result would be the doctrines of men.
No, SS is not the CC worst enemy, it is Protestantism's worst enemy, as proven by countless division and theological anarchy.Again. Not the issue. But if scripture cannot interpret itself, then it contains inconsistencies of truth and is unreliable. Maybe the idea of scripture interpreting scripture is such an alien concept to one who depends on man to give them their beliefs, that you have no idea what it means? Think about this: there is a reason why sola scriptura is considered by the RCC as their worst enemy.
deleted by adminIt has been expressed repeatedly by their avid supporters in these discussions. It is sola scriptura they are after to destroy. It takes away their authority, their glory, their power. Which btw belongs only to God. And you make a point against the RCC when you say scripture is clear to the rational reader who claim to be the only rational readers and then add to it and take away from it left and right.
And again. Not the issue. But what makes you think this needs to be controlled and bound, and chained, by the RCC---by anybody? It is totalitarian religion and one of works,
It doesn't say "faith alone".the very opposite of "Those I set free are free indeed." "Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness." "The Law leads us to Christ so we may be justified by faith."
You need to check around.Never!
That isn't what I said either.The Catholic Church does not claim to be the only church with truths.
Also a non-response. If it is nonsense then what is nonsense about it? If this is the way you are going to respond to posts then all such posts will be deleted. This forum is for discussions, not one word responses with no content and no support.Nonsense.
Never? Who ordained the Catholic church as the authority on interpreting scripture? And don't say God unless you can prove that from the scriptures. And you can't because it doesn't. What you have is the Catholic church ordaining that it was God who ordained them. The RCC is the only witness to any of its false claims.Authority has never been self ordained.
From logical thinking free from the hazards of indoctrination of fallacies, and mystery, and superstition. But this type of posting is not conducive to the type of forum CCAM desires to be. It is accusation with nothing of merit contributed.Where do you get this stuff???
But who determines that one church is the Catholic church? Do you think the church is buildings? Or is it all those who are in Christ through faith? Churches are just where believers gather to worship and learn of God.John 14:16-17 references only one church.
The only one to ever claim that their interpretations are infallible is the Catholic church. Address the posts!!!! If you are unable to do so, don't respond at all. Other places put up with this sort of thing, but we will not. It does nothing to edify people or exalt God.I get it. Your private interpretation is infallible.
Well Protestants aren't fighting against it---so not an enemy. Catholic, zealots anyway, I doubt that many Catholics even heard of sola scriptura or give a hoot what it is, are fighting it. But your argument which you repeat here, is not even the issue, nor I venture to guess is a concern for us poor misguided protestants. I assume you are aware that anarchy stems from a rebellion against tyranny and tyrants. But there is no theological anarchy within the Protestant church. There are differing views of some things, none of which pertain to salvation. And that was neither invented by nor caused by sola scriptura. So find a legitimate argument against it. How about the real one for starters? There was anarchy, a revolt, against the tyranny of the RCC during the Reformation. And sola scriptura sealed all dominating authority over the mind and religious practices of the RCC. It is not anyone's job, or any government's job, or any religion's job, to control what people think and believe.No, SS is not the CC worst enemy, it is Protestantism's worst enemy, as proven by countless division and theological anarchy.
Well it does say faith without adding anything to it. That is pretty much alone. And the one verse says the one who does not work but believes Him, is justified by faith.It doesn't say "faith alone".
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were physically dead when Jesus said that so what do you suppose He meant. You will find the answer in the full context out of which the verse comes. And what does that have to do in any way with the scripture I quoted?God of the living!
Matthew 22:32
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
For all men, not to them and not to the dead. In fact we are forbidden from communicating with the dead.Only one mediator?
1 Tim 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
That is just a way of getting around what is being done. Why pray to God through saints, especially since He alone can hear and answer prayer. And the saints referred to are all believers, not those men and women the Catholic church claims the authority to deem saints. Once again overstepping Christ's authority.NOT found in the Bible are..........
“prayer to saints”
1st we don’t pray to saints, our prayers are directed to God (who alone can hear and answer prayer) thru the intercession of the saints rev 5:8 with the ministering angels. Heb 1:14
The apostolic church is not the RCC. The RCC only claims to be but since they have no witness to what they claim but themselves, the claim is invalid, and their arguments for themselves like attempting to carry water with a bucket full of holes. Those are the plain facts.Because that “Legitimate teaching authority” was taken from them Matt 21:43 and given to the apostolic church Matt 16:18-19 & 18:18 Jn 20:21
And as I said before, thank you.As I said before you are entitled to your opinion.
I understand that Frank, I know also that your Catholic theology doesn't hold up when brought before God's word.What you seem not to understand is that some opinions are best not advertised especially when they are easily contradicted.
I though it would give you all a chance to defend your positions, not try to avoid them like you're doing. But I should be used to that also.You say you are aware of the Catholic apologists so perhaps did you expect to accomplish in creating a post you knew would end in heated arguments?
Where does scripture teach Transubstantiation? Where does it teach a Purgatory? Where does it teach to sell offices? Where does it teach another man is the Vicar of Christ? Where does it teach to call another man, holy father? Where does it teach a man should not get married if he becomes a priest? Oh there is so, so much more.Where does scripture say have a reformation?
How can truth and the church that are of divine origin be reformed by the tradition of men?
Where does scripture say scripture interprets scripture?
Scripture interprets scripture, it is in perfect harmony with itself. It should, after all, it's God's word.Scripture does not say what is scripture or the inspired word of God and what is not, it does not provide of list of the books of the Bible, so there must be an authority to declare the canon of scripture, this alone make the doctrine the “Bible is the only authority” a false doctrine!
Here is one place where your organization is steering you wrong.Scriptural context:
All scripture is the inspired word of God but it never says anything about context being inspired or required.
And who came up with this? Silly.Ex 20 in context only gives you 9 Commandments.
Every word of scripture is the inspired word of God, even one word, every word of Jesus is eternal.