Wow.... Did you actually write this???Hi, and appreciate your reply! The source you mentioned is the corrupted source of translations, because they use the Alexandrian Text codices instead of the Majority Text. The Alexandrian only uses a few ancient manuscripts, which were always rejected by the scribes and is why they are the oldest manuscripts--they didn't were our from copying usage. They were recently discovered and fell into disuse for the last 1500 years.
The Majority Text has thousands of manuscript evidence; the Minority Text , or Alexandrian Text, just have the Vaticanus, the Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus (3) manuscripts).
If 1Jn 5:7, which is the primary Trinity passage is omitted it is from the Minority Text; which has hundreds of complete and partial passages omitted.
So your saying Erasmus whom only had 5 incomplete manuscripts... put together the true word of God in the 1500's ... using the latin Vulgate to fill in the gaps and did so in less that a year..... Is somehow Superior to Westcott and Hort whom spent 25 years and used thousdands of manuscipts...
Follow the Money.... Erasmus was trying to beat the Spanish to the first Greek text in English... Thus why the Latin Vulgate was used...
That's right.... Your Majority Text came from only 5 manuscripts and the Roman Church's Latin Vulgate to fill in the gaps...
Anyone here want to see the Truth.... Read up on how "Tischendorf" came to discover the Codex Sinaiticus....
You need to read up on your history... and stop repeating what you hear that is so historicaly wrong!!!!