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If it is not in the bible, why do you believe?


"Daughter of the King"
Jul 30, 2023
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YES. Always looking right.
@Soldier of Christ 1516, @grace2, @Runningman and anyone I don't have listed.

This is the spin off from the Trinity thread called The elephant named Trinity

And while this is a natural tie in over there, this needs to be stand alone, IMO
From the other thread I started...

Alright boys and girls..... I think it is time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.... or better phrased to the aid of their beliefs....

All you anti-trins out there who hyperventilate that trinity believers believe such when the actual word trinity is not in the bible...

I want to start a new thread ( this one) as a carry over from my elephant named trinity one to show you that there are other omissions from the Holy Scriptures that are common beliefs among those who have a belief of YHWH God, and the one that is called His Son, Jesus, that might lead you to tell people if you were asked that your religion... your faith... is Christian.

And then tell us how you are going to back that up when.....................................................................................

Looking at these following how you are going to change the way you describe things or your talk when you cannot lead a person to a verse to prove what YOU are saying.

Not precisely just on the Trinity that you hyper-anti-trins get so bent about...but it is ... IT IS... time that a good old bruhaha ensues regarding all things commonly believed by Alleged Christians, and Practicing Christians and a Christian by any other name.

So I am going to start with a list of 3 common words that are assumed to reflect things of Christianity beliefs AND THESE ARE NOT EVEN IN THE BIBLE.


You have to wonder if Jesus Christ intended to start a religion when the word ‘Christianity’ doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible.

Oh sure... you have churches described and named in the New Testament... The book of Revelation names 7.

but never once a reference that might say something about the new found they are learning about.

It was said by Dan Foster when he listed some of the words...
"the first recorded use of the term “Christianity” was actually by a character named Ignatius of Antioch — an early Christian writer and church bishop — in some letters he wrote early in the second century AD. That’s somewhere in the order of 80–100 years after the death of Christ."

Now.. I trust you are sitting down...

Try this well know word on for size then I challenge you to go to you bible and tell us where it is listed...

Another great one by Dan Foster...


Now, technically, the word “Christian” is in the Bible, but I include it for interest’s sake because it appears much less than you might expect in the book, which gave birth to the religion. In fact, the word ‘Christian’ only appears three times in the Bible.

It turns out that the early members of the church didn’t refer to themselves as “Christians.” It was a name given to them by those outside of the faith. In fact, the term “Christian” — literally meaning “little Christs” was given somewhat flippantly or even derogatorily. It wasn’t a term of endearment. It was an insult.

Back then, you could imagine someone using the word ‘Christians’ with a dismissive wave of the hand and a roll of the eyes. Not much has changed, really.

Aside from Acts 11:26, the word “Christian” is used only two other times in the New Testament: in Acts 26:28 (by Agrippa, an unbelieving King who applied the name he knew as an outsider) and 1 Peter 4:16 in the context of enduring all the suffering associated with the title.

Okay... Christian really does not count cause even a single mention would make the cut..... but depending on your view
another well known and generally accepted term not mentioned in the bible is Rapture.

Satan Was Once Lucifer​

The fall of Satan from heaven has become deeply entrenched in Christian thought, but the origins of the Devil are not found anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Satan is not even used as a proper name in the Old Testament. Instead, the Hebrew ha satan is a title meaning simply “the adversary.” The Devil is not truly named and Hell not really described until the New Testament.

The Seven Archangels​

Christian bookstores and blogs are both full of information about the various archangels. Most writings claim that there are seven, but which angels make the cut varies between authors. This popular belief in seven archangels is not Biblically based. The only angel every described as an archangel in the canonical Bible is Michael. The other so-called archangels are never labeled as such. Frankly, some of the angels commonly listed as archangels are never named in the Bible at all much less described as archangels.

For any Catholics reading this....

Praying to Saint Mary​

©Editorial credit: Sidney de Almeida/ Shutterstock.
Some Christians find solace in praying to Mother Mary for their intercessions, along with other saints. The Bible does not explicitly command or suggest that people should pray to them for help or forgiveness.

Taking Personal Time Daily for Prayer​

©Editorial Credit: PeopleImages.com - Yuri A / Shutterstock.
While some personal time with the Lord is encouraged in the Bible’s teaching, there is no amount of outline of the personal time that a Christian should put aside to speak to God in the Bible. Having children say prayers at night is something that has just become a tradition.

Sunday is the Sabbath​

©Editorial credit: MarinelaM / Shutterstock.
While some people believe that Sunday is a day of Sabbath, that is not the teaching of the Bible. The Bible does not talk about observing Sunday as a day of worship. It does talk about Saturday as the day of rest and worship and designates it as the Sabbath.

I am going to stop due to length and simply say there are a vast number of things that are considered to be Christian
but not found in the bible.


The Idea of Three Wise Men​

© Courtesy of Christianity.com
The nativity scene often includes three wise men, but the Bible mentions “wise men” without specifying a number. This detail has been added through tradition rather than biblical text.

hat does not mean they are necessarily wrong. It only means that if it is sound doctrine then it should be believed.

But at no time should someone be challenged in a vitriol way because beliefs don't line up.

So what else is there that we dont have in the Bible?
@Soldier of Christ 1516, @grace2, @Runningman and anyone I don't have listed.

This is the spin off from the Trinity thread called The elephant named Trinity

And while this is a natural tie in over there, this needs to be stand alone, IMO
From the other thread I started...

Alright boys and girls..... I think it is time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.... or better phrased to the aid of their beliefs....

All you anti-trins out there who hyperventilate that trinity believers believe such when the actual word trinity is not in the bible...

I want to start a new thread ( this one) as a carry over from my elephant named trinity one to show you that there are other omissions from the Holy Scriptures that are common beliefs among those who have a belief of YHWH God, and the one that is called His Son, Jesus, that might lead you to tell people if you were asked that your religion... your faith... is Christian.

And then tell us how you are going to back that up when.....................................................................................

Looking at these following how you are going to change the way you describe things or your talk when you cannot lead a person to a verse to prove what YOU are saying.

Not precisely just on the Trinity that you hyper-anti-trins get so bent about...but it is ... IT IS... time that a good old bruhaha ensues regarding all things commonly believed by Alleged Christians, and Practicing Christians and a Christian by any other name.

So I am going to start with a list of 3 common words that are assumed to reflect things of Christianity beliefs AND THESE ARE NOT EVEN IN THE BIBLE.


You have to wonder if Jesus Christ intended to start a religion when the word ‘Christianity’ doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible.

Oh sure... you have churches described and named in the New Testament... The book of Revelation names 7.

but never once a reference that might say something about the new found they are learning about.

It was said by Dan Foster when he listed some of the words...
"the first recorded use of the term “Christianity” was actually by a character named Ignatius of Antioch — an early Christian writer and church bishop — in some letters he wrote early in the second century AD. That’s somewhere in the order of 80–100 years after the death of Christ."

Now.. I trust you are sitting down...

Try this well know word on for size then I challenge you to go to you bible and tell us where it is listed...

Another great one by Dan Foster...


Now, technically, the word “Christian” is in the Bible, but I include it for interest’s sake because it appears much less than you might expect in the book, which gave birth to the religion. In fact, the word ‘Christian’ only appears three times in the Bible.

It turns out that the early members of the church didn’t refer to themselves as “Christians.” It was a name given to them by those outside of the faith. In fact, the term “Christian” — literally meaning “little Christs” was given somewhat flippantly or even derogatorily. It wasn’t a term of endearment. It was an insult.

Back then, you could imagine someone using the word ‘Christians’ with a dismissive wave of the hand and a roll of the eyes. Not much has changed, really.

Aside from Acts 11:26, the word “Christian” is used only two other times in the New Testament: in Acts 26:28 (by Agrippa, an unbelieving King who applied the name he knew as an outsider) and 1 Peter 4:16 in the context of enduring all the suffering associated with the title.

Okay... Christian really does not count cause even a single mention would make the cut..... but depending on your view
another well known and generally accepted term not mentioned in the bible is Rapture.

I would ask. . What could be the reason for three (trinity) other than mankind trying to make God into a man as us .

What's the final hope as three. . . .why?

The word three has a established meaning .It denotes the end of a matter .Beginning in Genesis at the end of day three his glory as the ight of the whole world left and the under the sun corruption clock began winding down Beginning day four. Time of testing

Words written by the finger of God have meaning attached .

Two warning in the bible working together as one . One in respect to one word. Change the meaning of one it (apostle messenger a major one ) change the authority of the whole . (spiritual plagiarism ) I will be like God .Satan the father of false prophets false apostles.

Therefore violating the first loving commandment "have no other gods" to include one self.

Our father calls us gods as sons of God as to whom the scripture came .The second loving commandment at the end of the book of prophecy protecting the integrity of the whole, sealed with seven seals till the end

Deuteronomy 4King James Version Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. Ye shall not add unto the word (singular) which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it,(singular) that ye may keep the commandments (plural) of the Lord your God which I command you.

Revelation 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words (plural) of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: (singular) And if any man shall take away from the words (plural) of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,(singular) and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.(singular)

The whole armor of one. . God.

Christian, a word that has all but lost its foundation (meaning). Some say inspired by Satan the accuser . . . as a way of feeling persecuted .

In that way God uses demonyms People known by places as residents of a city throughout .Beginning with Eden the city of pleasure called the beautiful city or married land in Isaiah 62. .

The first city of Cain outside of the garden

Genesis 4:17And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

Christ built his city and named it after His Son.

In Acts as propmised in Isiah 62 the father re-named his bride "Christian". Previously calling her Israel. Israel meaning dying mankind y(jacob the deceiver) yoked with Christ believers can overcome being empowered by the Father. Previously using Jacob (the deceiver) before conversion

Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed

Not all Israel is born again Israel some remained under Jacob . .

Christian literally meaning .Residents of the city of Christ .Prepared for his wife the church. . founded by Christ, named after the husband Christ.

God is not a Jewish man as King of kings.

When finished and the vail was rent there was no Jewish man as King of kings and Lord of lords siting in what same called the Holy of Holies .

Satan fell .he could no longer deceive all the nations of the whole God is a Jewish man.

The dynamic dual. . the Father (not seen) and Son man (seen) tag teem. W.W.W. Christamania
I would ask. . What could be the reason for three (trinity) other than mankind trying to make God into a man as us .

What's the final hope as three. . . .why?

The word three has a established meaning .It denotes the end of a matter .Beginning in Genesis at the end of day three his glory as the ight of the whole world left and the under the sun corruption clock began winding down Beginning day four. Time of testing

Words written by the finger of God have meaning attached .

Two warning in the bible working together as one . One in respect to one word. Change the meaning of one it (apostle messenger a major one ) change the authority of the whole . (spiritual plagiarism ) I will be like God .Satan the father of false prophets false apostles.

Therefore violating the first loving commandment "have no other gods" to include one self.

Our father calls us gods as sons of God as to whom the scripture came .The second loving commandment at the end of the book of prophecy protecting the integrity of the whole, sealed with seven seals till the end

Deuteronomy 4King James Version Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. Ye shall not add unto the word (singular) which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it,(singular) that ye may keep the commandments (plural) of the Lord your God which I command you.

Revelation 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words (plural) of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: (singular) And if any man shall take away from the words (plural) of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,(singular) and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.(singular)

The whole armor of one. . God.

Christian, a word that has all but lost its foundation (meaning). Some say inspired by Satan the accuser . . . as a way of feeling persecuted .

In that way God uses demonyms People known by places as residents of a city throughout .Beginning with Eden the city of pleasure called the beautiful city or married land in Isaiah 62. .

The first city of Cain outside of the garden

Genesis 4:17And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

Christ built his city and named it after His Son.

In Acts as propmised in Isiah 62 the father re-named his bride "Christian". Previously calling her Israel. Israel meaning dying mankind y(jacob the deceiver) yoked with Christ believers can overcome being empowered by the Father. Previously using Jacob (the deceiver) before conversion

Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed

Not all Israel is born again Israel some remained under Jacob . .

Christian literally meaning .Residents of the city of Christ .Prepared for his wife the church. . founded by Christ, named after the husband Christ.

God is not a Jewish man as King of kings.

When finished and the vail was rent there was no Jewish man as King of kings and Lord of lords siting in what same called the Holy of Holies .

Satan fell .he could no longer deceive all the nations of the whole God is a Jewish man.

The dynamic dual. . the Father (not seen) and Son man (seen) tag teem. W.W.W. Christamania
Well, I am confused.

I read your reply.... Are you saying NO Trinity?
Well, I am confused.

I read your reply.... Are you saying NO Trinity?

The one witness of God as if two ? Makes a great study.

It seems easy to see that two is the number assigned to represent.. . one God not seen has spoken (1) "Let there be" and (2) behold his bride the church. (law of faith) . Covered her with dying flesh .Given a living promise beyond the grave of a new body that will not grow old and die

Husbands and wife .two by two. Old treatment, new testament, two by two. Law and prophet's two by two, Moses and Elias , day and night ,hot and cold etc .

Two or three gather together (a family or tribe) under the hearing of Christ faithfulness he is three working in them . .

One witness no death . Three is a crowd. two walk . . understand together.

Numbers 35:30Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.

Deuteronomy 17:6At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witnesshe shall not be put to death.

Deuteronomy 19:15One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established

When it come to the Father and Son what I call the original dynamic dual The the Lone Ranger and Tonto the silver refining purifying bullet .My favorite amusement
I would ask. . What could be the reason for three (trinity) other than mankind trying to make God into a man as us .

What's the final hope as three. . . .why?

The word three has a established meaning .It denotes the end of a matter .Beginning in Genesis at the end of day three his glory as the ight of the whole world left and the under the sun corruption clock began winding down Beginning day four. Time of testing

Words written by the finger of God have meaning attached .

Two warning in the bible working together as one . One in respect to one word. Change the meaning of one it (apostle messenger a major one ) change the authority of the whole . (spiritual plagiarism ) I will be like God .Satan the father of false prophets false apostles.

Therefore violating the first loving commandment "have no other gods" to include one self.

Our father calls us gods as sons of God as to whom the scripture came .The second loving commandment at the end of the book of prophecy protecting the integrity of the whole, sealed with seven seals till the end

Deuteronomy 4King James Version Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. Ye shall not add unto the word (singular) which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it,(singular) that ye may keep the commandments (plural) of the Lord your God which I command you.

Revelation 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words (plural) of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: (singular) And if any man shall take away from the words (plural) of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,(singular) and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.(singular)

The whole armor of one. . God.

Christian, a word that has all but lost its foundation (meaning). Some say inspired by Satan the accuser . . . as a way of feeling persecuted .

In that way God uses demonyms People known by places as residents of a city throughout .Beginning with Eden the city of pleasure called the beautiful city or married land in Isaiah 62. .

The first city of Cain outside of the garden

Genesis 4:17And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

Christ built his city and named it after His Son.

In Acts as propmised in Isiah 62 the father re-named his bride "Christian". Previously calling her Israel. Israel meaning dying mankind y(jacob the deceiver) yoked with Christ believers can overcome being empowered by the Father. Previously using Jacob (the deceiver) before conversion

Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed

Not all Israel is born again Israel some remained under Jacob . .

Christian literally meaning .Residents of the city of Christ .Prepared for his wife the church. . founded by Christ, named after the husband Christ.

God is not a Jewish man as King of kings.

When finished and the vail was rent there was no Jewish man as King of kings and Lord of lords siting in what same called the Holy of Holies .

Satan fell .he could no longer deceive all the nations of the whole God is a Jewish man.

The dynamic dual. . the Father (not seen) and Son man (seen) tag teem. W.W.W. Christamania

If it is not in the bible, why do you believe?
Rella, I have explained this in great detail over and OVER and OVER again. @grace2 is right! Trinitarians keep arguing an remain disagreeable even after all the arguments have been made.

The trinity is not in the Bible. Jesus did not teach the trinity. What is in the Bible is that YHWH is God and there is no other God. ISAIAH 45:5

So, it is not merely what the Bible does not say but what the Bible explicitly says that totally destroys the trinity dogma.

<mic drop>

Trinitarians have to pretend knowing God is impossible and is so mysterious one must read into unitarian text.
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Rella, I have explained this in great detail over and OVER and OVER again. @grace2 is right! Trinitarians keep arguing an remain disagreeable even after all the arguments have been made.

The trinity is not in the Bible. Jesus did not teach the trinity. What is in the Bible is that YHWH is God and there is no other God. ISAIAH 45:5

So, it is not merely what the Bible does not say but what the Bible explicitly says that totally destroys the trinity dogma.

<mic drop>

Trinitarians have to pretend knowing God is impossible and is so mysterious one must read into unitarian text.
SoC You are so stuck on that word that is not in the bible and this thread is not about that, so explain if you must but I will not read.

The word Christianity is not in the book.

The word Christian is not in the book, either.

More false teaching of depraved men dragging the willing to Hades. Sheol being too good for those of us who dared believe our lying eyes. Both of those are in the book.

BTW.... when you are on your high horse rant about that Trinity thing
STOP saying it isn't in the bible.
Of course it isn't because the word Bible is not there either. You need to explain it is not in the book.

Once respected but no more... just look at the falsity that Britannica says about the "doctrine of Christianity.

If it is not in the book it should never touch anyone's lips or eyes... Yet they violate this and push a lie.

I don't recall that I read you ever claiming to be a Christian... but if you did so much has passed between our exchanges I have forgotten. If you believe you are..
.STOP IT... you should not claim to be what is not shown
else you might be headed the same place all Trinitarians are.

And all I did was just a simple search for "Beside the Trinity what other beliefs are not mentioned in the Bible?"

Good enough to avoid those churches that teach that falseness too. As well as the forums who use them in their names... Praise God this one does not , but the one that banned me for being Amanda the Witch using a false name... that one does.....

TYVM for making me search things.

There is an incredible amount that I was taught for the past 7 decades that are false , false, and false.

Some of those really should be brought out here.
SoC You are so stuck on that word that is not in the bible and this thread is not about that, so explain if you must but I will not read.

The word Christianity is not in the book.

The word Christian is not in the book, either.

More false teaching of depraved men dragging the willing to Hades. Sheol being too good for those of us who dared believe our lying eyes. Both of those are in the book.

BTW.... when you are on your high horse rant about that Trinity thing
STOP saying it isn't in the bible.
Of course it isn't because the word Bible is not there either. You need to explain it is not in the book.

Once respected but no more... just look at the falsity that Britannica says about the "doctrine of Christianity.

If it is not in the book it should never touch anyone's lips or eyes... Yet they violate this and push a lie.

I don't recall that I read you ever claiming to be a Christian... but if you did so much has passed between our exchanges I have forgotten. If you believe you are..
.STOP IT... you should not claim to be what is not shown
else you might be headed the same place all Trinitarians are.

And all I did was just a simple search for "Beside the Trinity what other beliefs are not mentioned in the Bible?"

Good enough to avoid those churches that teach that falseness too. As well as the forums who use them in their names... Praise God this one does not , but the one that banned me for being Amanda the Witch using a false name... that one does.....

TYVM for making me search things.

There is an incredible amount that I was taught for the past 7 decades that are false , false, and false.

Some of those really should be brought out here.
Correction. Christian was in the book 3 times...
YHWH is God and there is no other God. ISAIAH 45:5
Hello Soldier of Christ1516, this, of course, is what Trinitarians have always taught, as well the historic Christian Church, all of it, that is, whether Protestant, Eastern/Oriental Orthodox or Roman Catholic.

We also teach that YHWH is our only "Savior", because again, that's what the Bible tells us is true, both directly and indirectly.

For instance,

Isaiah 43
10 “You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD,
“And My servant whom I have chosen,
In order that you may know and believe Me
And understand that I am He.
Before Me there was no God formed,
And there will be none after Me.
11 I, even I, am the LORD,
And there is no Savior besides Me.

What, exactly, does that make the Lord Jesus Christ then, and what does He have to do with us, according to the Unitarian faith? (because if you do not believe that He is God, then you cannot believe that He's the Savior, either)

Thank you :)

God bless you!!

--Papa Smurf
What, exactly, does that make the Lord Jesus Christ then, and what does He have to do with us, according to the Unitarian faith? (because if you do not believe that He is God, then you cannot believe that He's the Savior, either)
Did you not read and understand my analogy of the boat captain and the ensign? When you use the definite article, you are denying 2 Beings who work in conjunction. God is THE savior who sent a man to be OUR savior. Jesus, himself, said he does not work independently but only says and does what God (the Father) tells him. This is not the words of a god but of a servant. And that is what the Bible calls Jesus, a servant of God.

The Bible is filled with agents. People send others as their agents, including YHWH himself, who sent angels and prophets, including the prophet Jesus. The agent is not the principle but speaks for the principle and acts on behalf of the principle.

At this juncture, trinitarians often retort, "is Jesus just" X? No one is just anything. However, the Bible repeatedly says Jesus is a man. That's good enough for me. Why is it not good enough for you?
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SoC You are so stuck on that word that is not in the bible
Appeal to Strawman. I've explained this many times to you. It is not merely the absence of the word but the absence of the concept in the Bible that defeats the trinity.

To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once!
Appeal to Strawman. I've explained this many times to you. It is not merely the absence of the word but the absence of the concept in the Bible that defeats the trinity.

To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once!
And Ill remind you that the concept of the word BIBLE that houses those 66 books is also not in the book.

Nor is the very reason we all are here... The word Christianity is found no where in those 66 books. No idea about the Catholic or Orthodox cause they have many more.

So for a concept that is seen within the 4 corners of the book that has no name... other then what man gave it that... But then man gave Christianity the name also.
And Ill remind you that the concept of the word BIBLE that houses those 66 books is also not in the book.
So what? You are the one stuck on the word. Comparing a word that is theologically irrelevent to a concept totally absent from sacred writings but hold as the central theme of these same central writings is ridiculous.

This is one of the most desperate Appeal to Strawman's ever. Funny thing is you think it is a winning argument. Not just the word, the concept of the trinity is not in the Bible.
So what? You are the one stuck on the word. Comparing a word that is theologically irrelevent to a concept totally absent from sacred writings but hold as the central theme of these same central writings is ridiculous.

This is one of the most desperate Appeal to Strawman's ever. Funny thing is you think it is a winning argument. Not just the word, the concept of the trinity is not in the Bible.
I so want to say it.... but will restrain...

Right... because there is no Bible.
Appeal to Strawman. I've explained this many times to you. It is not merely the absence of the word but the absence of the concept in the Bible that defeats the trinity.

To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once!
Two would seems to be the dynamic dual. The witness thatone God has spoken. Using the temporal dying things created to give us a view of our promised living hope beyond the grave revealing the bride of Christ As sons of God, we are not what we will be .

Satan would have believers believe we have already received the promise as some sort of future reincarnation. . . same body .

Hebrews informs all die not receiving the promise of a incorruptible body the perfect or coplete

Hebrew 11:39-40 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.

Three trinity . . . a crowd. Three is used to denote the end of a matter.

Two in agreement as if one. Using . . #1 The temporal historical things seen to reveal the #2 unseen eternal things of God's Faithful labor of His love, the power of God unto salvation.

A valuable 20/20 prescription given below to believers, needed when rightly dividing parables (figures of speech) the signified understanding.

That prescription seems to get overlooked easily. They do teach us how to hear his gospel or spiritual understanding referred to as walking by faith (Christ labor of love . . . in us)

2 Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: (invisible) for the things which are seen are temporal (historical); but the things which are not seen are eternal.

The two, Historical temporal with spiritual eternal must be mixed to hear the richness of gospel

The Father, the invisible head empowered by the Holy Spirit of Christ working in the Son of man Jesus' heart. (dying mankind), he must be born again, he was not excluding his own self. Marvel not at the greatest possible miracle? A warning to believe not marvel/ Satan the king of lying signs to wonder after . Beleive. Why wonder or marvel?

Three was needed to develop and earthly inspired government(dying mankind) To include a queen mother of heaven.(3) The Queen mother in heaven. His and hers gods . Paganism worship venerate the things seen the temporal

Both the Jew and Catholic same father of lies. The pagan government. Out of sight. . . out of mind. No invisible head. The same governments that refuse to honor and obey the loving commandment to call no man on earth Holy Father. . . . one is our spiritual unseen Father that works in us to both reveal His will and strengthen us to do it to the good pleasure of His unseen glory.

Why would dying mankind, glory after the flesh of dying mankind?

It would seem Jesus the Son of man is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters of the eternal family. Why would believers not obey ?

Matthew 23:9And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven

Matthew 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

God is not a man as us. as dying mankind. He is a life giving Spirit . The "let there be: . . . . The good " the loving kind"
the kind that envies not does not boast is not puffed up, gospel
Huh? Where is this in the Bible?

Christ meaning . . .the one anointing good teacher master as God , The husband.

The Father (Emanuel) powerfully worked in. . yoked with the Son of man, Jesus. The Father strengthening him with the spiritual unseen food the disciples knew not of. The daily bread of his living word.

John 4:33-35King James Version33 Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

Same food spoken of in Philippians.

Philippians 2:13-14 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

The key Both. . to will reveal and finish

Jesus did the will of the Father with delight others like Jonah dragged him all the way and when finished prophesying he desired to die the Murmurer

God is not served by the hands of dying mankind
the Holy Spirit of Christ working in the Son of man Jesus' heart

Huh? Where is this in the Bible?

Christ meaning . . .the one anointing good teacher master as God , The husband.
I didn't ask for a definition. I asked where in the Bible is it written some kind of separation of Christ from the son of man Jesus as you wrote above.

Also, there is no Holy Spirit of Christ. https://hermeneutics.stackexchange....f-christ-and-the-spirit-of-god-the-same-spiri

Romans 8:9

English Standard Version

9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
Hello Soldier of Christ1516, this, of course, is what Trinitarians have always taught, as well the historic Christian Church, all of it, that is, whether Protestant, Eastern/Oriental Orthodox or Roman Catholic.

We also teach that YHWH is our only "Savior", because again, that's what the Bible tells us is true, both directly and indirectly.

For instance,

Isaiah 43
10 “You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD,
“And My servant whom I have chosen,
In order that you may know and believe Me
And understand that I am He.
Before Me there was no God formed,
And there will be none after Me.
11 I, even I, am the LORD,
And there is no Savior besides Me.

What, exactly, does that make the Lord Jesus Christ then, and what does He have to do with us, according to the Unitarian faith? (because if you do not believe that He is God, then you cannot believe that He's the Savior, either)

Thank you :)

God bless you!!

--Papa Smurf
If one takes the Isaiah verses you listed above in a rigid strict isolated sense then anyone else said to be a savior must be rejected.

Furthermore, we have John 1 saying that the Word that became flesh (ie. Jesus) was God.
And even if one wants to take the route of the JWs and say Jesus was "a" god, then you would have to reject Jesus if one takes the Isaiah verses you quoted above in a rigid strict isolated sense because you are to have no other god.

And one more reason to not take the Isaiah verses you quoted above in a rigid strict isolated sense is that other verses in scripture say there are other gods.

Psalms 82 ESV​
(1) A Psalm of Asaph. God [elohim] has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods [elohim] he holds judgment:​

Sorry, but God cannot sit in the midst of other gods if other gods do not exist.
Not to mention that it would be silly to command people to not worship other gods if other gods are an impossibility.

When one tries to take certain scripture verses in a rigid strict isolated sense then they are going to create contradictions with other isolated scripture verses.