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How does the Devil find out what we are thinking?

Not necessarily. The alcoholic isn't only enticed to drink by the presence of alcohol. He desires the alcohol and goes and gets it.

You give way too much credit and power to the devil and his minions. It is our sinful nature that desires sin, not the devil who manipulates and torments us. It is us, us, us. That is why WE are the ones who must be redeemed.
What part of it all starting with our own lust was confusing. "Enticement" begins and ends with making the thing lusted for available, and presented in the most favorable way.
While I tend to agree with this, I don't like the term "enticement" as you seem to use loosely, there. That is, according to James, "each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.", so that, I think, you could use a better word for your point.

I agree with you in that the devil is very heavily involved in tempting and otherwise doing whatever he can to disrupt and ruin, drag down, stall and whatever else he considers to oppose the work of God. (And I think it is more insidious than that! He seeks to devour us! And I wouldn't get in a hurry to try to explain just what that means, either!) I don't think we know the depth nor limits of ability he has, nor the function to what God has put him, and it may be dangerous to assume too much there. We cannot blame the devil for our sin, however —it is our sin. And we do know that he can do nothing that God restrains him from doing! But, happily, there is more to it than that —we can know that the Devil can only do what God, one way or another, has set up for him to be "enticed" to do!

There are many references, as you know, concerning what Satan does and how he tempts ("entices", even!). But to say that he cannot know our thoughts is something I have not read in scripture, though I think it is obvious he doesn't know everything we think. It seems he can speak his lies to us personally, and can use human beings to do so.
All the devil / his people have to do is listen to our conversations, and they'll rapidly know what our LUST "HOT BUTTONS" are, and what to entice us with, and what things aren't of interest to us (no "lust", so enticement isn't possible).

"Enticement" is an EXCELLENT word, and the absolute basis of ALL Marketing/Advertising efforts. David the king had a problem with sexual LUST (8 wives plus "concubines"), and sure enough satan provides Bathsheba sun bathing in plain sight = "enticement".
What part of it all starting with our own lust was confusing. "Enticement" begins and ends with making the thing lusted for available, and presented in the most favorable way.
Read that post of mine again.
"Enticement" is an EXCELLENT word, and the absolute basis of ALL Marketing/Advertising efforts. David the king had a problem with sexual LUST (8 wives plus "concubines"), and sure enough satan provides Bathsheba sun bathing in plain sight = "enticement".
I don't think Satan provided Bathsheba sun bathing in plain sight. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Was he operating puppet strings? Pretty sure Bathsheba was bathing in plain sight on her own, and no doubt in all innocence. They did not have bathrooms and bathtubs like we do. And did it say she was sun bathing or is that a slip of an inner enticement. Just joking around, so don't get all upset. In this day, it would be common to see someone sunbathing in public view. A shock to see someone bathing in public view.
We know the Devil isnt omnipresent, so how does he temp us, how does he know what makes us stumble, how does see what we are thinking and tempt us as even Jesus had to face it.

Matthew 4:1
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Does the devil just try every temptation to see if we react, or do we ourselves betray our thoughts and if so, how does he pick it up if he is not there...?
He tempts people according to what He knows they are. He tempted the Son with playing God, rather than being God in holiness and charity.

Mat 4:7Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

He tempts the drunkard to dring more and more unto death. He tempts the theif to steal more and more...
We know the Devil isnt omnipresent, so how does he temp us, how does he know what makes us stumble, how does see what we are thinking and tempt us as even Jesus had to face it.

Matthew 4:1
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Does the devil just try every temptation to see if we react, or do we ourselves betray our thoughts and if so, how does he pick it up if he is not there...?

why are you concerned about what the Devil is thinking?????

so strange.
I would offer. Only God knows the hearts of all men .The accuser of the brethren accuses day night . When ever mankind hardens their heart and refuses to hear the gospel. . . Satan snatches the seed