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God Would Not Command What We Cannot Do

A command does not imply ability. Do you believe we can keep all 10 commandments?
Indeed, someone could give the command to jump to the moon in order to prove that we can’t do that, so I agree that a command does not imply ability, but it would be completely pointless to do that and we would not be at fault for failing to do that. Yes, we can keep all of the Mosaic Law that applies to us.

And shows we cannot live up to God's perfect holy righteousness.
God’s law came with instructions for what to do when His children sinned, so it never required us to have perfect obedience.
In other words, did God's will or Adam's will determine that Adam would sin?
I'd say . . . . . :unsure: . . . yes.
Well, you got me there.

I will rephrase. Was it the sovereign will of God that Adam sin????
So, was Adam's will free "relative to God" as DialecticSkeptic phases it
Adam's will drove his choice, but that does not make his will free relative to God. That of course depends on how "relative to God" is being used. I am applying it according to how I am interpreting that statement. We are never free of God and his commands, even though we are a being created to make choices. There are consequences to being disobedient.
In other words, did God's will or Adam's will determine that Adam would sin?
God's will determined that Adam would sin. Adam's will determined that he did sin.
Free will is the ability to choose, without external force or constraint, what one prefers.
Define "external force". For example, if God created Adam's mind and Adam's mind does exactly as God programmed it to do ... is that "external force"?
Define "external force". For example, if God created Adam's mind and Adam's mind does exactly as God programmed it to do ... is that "external force"?
Do you mean like, an instinct?
If it was God's sovereign will he did not sin, would he have?
Answering a question with a question. *giggle*
You first. Was it the sovereign will of God that Adam sin????
Re: Define "external force". For example, if God created Adam's mind and Adam's mind does exactly as God programmed it to do ... is that "external force"?
Do you mean like, an instinct?
If "instinct" = "programmed to work a particular way" then "instinct" will do.
Re: Define "external force". For example, if God created Adam's mind and Adam's mind does exactly as God programmed it to do ... is that "external force"?

If "instinct" = "programmed to work a particular way" then "instinct" will do.
Doesn't that work better with an animal?
You first. Was it the sovereign will of God that Adam sin????
Personally, I believe, in God's secret council this, through divine providence, was all worked out according to His will, according to His plan.
True sometimes and false sometimes.

God commanded the law be kept which no one did.
God commanded Abraham to leave his homeplace and go to another land which he did.

This is usually the reason why most doctrines shouldn't be pigeonholed into an either/or, because one can find scripture that agrees with it and opposes it.
The commandment of God us "be perfect as he is perfect." The law or commandments of God are summarized in the ten commandments. They cover our moral responsibility to God and to the world around us. In fact if the first commandment is kept perfectly, which means all the time, the rest will be kept automatically. Can anyone do that?
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Doesn't that work better with an animal?
It is common place to use the word "instinct" to exclusively refer to animal behavior rather than man's behavior. What I am trying to get to is the root cause of man's (Adam's) behavior. Call it instinct, pre-programmed, libertarian, outside of God's control, or whatever.
Personally, I believe, in God's secret council this, through divine providence, was all worked out according to His will, according to His plan.
I agree. Supplemental question: Was Adam's behavior in any way independent of God? (as in Adam was the First Cause of a part of his behavior)
If God commanded what we could not do, then we would not be at fault for not doing it. In Romans 10:5-8, Paul referenced Deuteronomy 30 as the word of faith that we proclaim in regard to proclaiming that God’s law is not too difficult for us to obey and that obedience to it brings life and a blessing while disobedience brings death and a curse, so choose life!
In that case answer this question. Has anyone (other than Jesus) kept even the first commandment to love the Lord our God with all our heart and all our soul, and all our mind? That doesn't mean sometimes. It means all the time.
The commandment of God us "be perfect as I am perfect."
I wonder what "perfect" means. Would it include getting 100% on all school tests or asked questions?

My theological definition: God’s perfection was defined in such a way as to show that he does not lack anything that would be desirable for him.
In that case answer this question. Has anyone (other than Jesus) kept even the first commandment to love the Lord our God with all our heart and all our soul, and all our mind? That doesn't mean sometimes. It means all the time.
Waiting for that answer. . . . . 🤔
Aside: I need to change my forum image from a 'comedian' to someone that looks intelligent like @Carbon 's image if I am to be taken seriously. *giggle*