The word "good" in Hebrew means "good" [enough] or "to specification" as in a "job well done." It was good, created to "specification" according to God's purposes. It means nothing else.So, you want to know what the God and Christ of the Bible says about such things?
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
James Strong, “טוֹב" ṭôb is a verb = "good" a primitive root, to be (transitive do or make) good (or well) in the widest sense.
It doesn't mean morally "good" in any grammatical way for then it would be another word and that word would be a noun.
All you've done is post the Scripture and haven't defined the word for understanding. I have. Your understanding of this word being more than an adjective fall short. It doesn't mean "holy" or anything morally defined for again, it would be another word and the word would be a noun.
Quoting Kermos #172: (because I could not say it any better and his response explains a great deal, so I suggest you take it to heart and come to the knowledge of the truth. If you are honest with Scripture, that is.)
According to the "good Adam" teaching, God had an original plan for Adam to live forever in the paradise on earth where Adam was made, and it is just termed the Good Plan until Adam ate the fruit.
I equate "spiritually alive", "upright", "perfect", "righteous" and the like with "good" for the purposes of this sidebar.
Advocating the "good Adam" precept advocates the concept of good people converting to evil people; in other words, a GOOD Adam conquering a GOOD command of God [thou shalt not eat] in order to convert to an EVIL Adam.
The "good Adam" precept goes with the GOOD God being surprised by the GOOD Adam destroying the GOOD God's GOOD Plan A of the GOOD Adam living forever in God's GOOD paradise, so the GOOD God in a panic abandoned the GOOD Plan A to develop a GOOD Plan B to expel the EVIL Adam from paradise into a CURSED land with the GOOD promise of a Redeemer. The GOOD Plan A stopped being GOOD Plan A, so that means GOOD Plan A converted to EVIL plan A since the GOOD Adam caused GOOD Plan A to error out.
So, the "good Adam" precept conveys that God unwittingly created everything only to have it catastrophically crumble right in front of God. By the hand of man taken away from God. With God at the mercy of man. Unmercy perhaps being a better word.
This means GOOD God produced an imperfect plan, formerly GOOD Plan A now EVIL plan A; in other words, the GOOD God's GOOD Plan A failed with a spiritually alive Adam lost to be spiritually dead; in other words , the "good Adam" precept has it that GOOD Adam thwarted GOOD God, so GOOD God was too small to preserve GOOD Plan A, so GOOD God converted to EVIL god (this is following to where the "good Adam" precept leads), and EVIL god was incapable of preserving a spiritually alive person.
See that the "good Adam" precept has man snatching the "very good" of creation right out of God's hand; not only that, the man acts self-destructively during the snatching.
The "good Adam" precept has a good man doing the action of an evil man, so that is not a good man.
The "good Adam" doctrine leads to a different god than revealed by the Word of God.
The "good Adam" precept grossly distorts good and evil. The "good Adam" precept is confusion in the knowledge of good and evil.
In conclusion, the supporters of the "good Adam" precept advocate for good people converting to evil people which is absent from the entirety of the scripture; on the other hand, the Word of God is replete with God converting evil people into good people in Christ.
Moreover, God is good, and God's Way is good. Man is evil, yet God works all things out for good for the man of God's Way.
In actuality, with God there is no plan B - God is mightier than that. God's plan for the Redemption of Mankind through the Christ succeeds and is victorious, and this is God's plan before the foundation of the world.
Thank you, Kermos.