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And science says there was no literal resurrection of Christ from the dead.
I don't know what you think you are reading, but it is not science. There is no science that makes that statement.
I don't know what you think you are reading, but it is not science. There is no science that makes that statement.
I beg to differ....ever see a person who has been dead for 3 days? Bloating, rigor mortis and everything else that goes along with it. SCIENCE says you stay dead. Science says it would have been impossible for Jesus to have raised from the dead on day 3.

The ironic thing is so-called bible believing Christians can believe Jesus rose from the dead...then turn around and disavow the creation account and flood account.

What's next??? The Red Sea never opened up for Moses to cross?
There are many different ways that the Bible is interpreted. The most common include:
Literal interpretation
Allegorical interpretation
Problem is...concerning Genesis you like to change the literal into an allegorical interpretation.

Tell us how did sin enter into man? According to you it wasn't through one man Adam...as he wasn't literal but allegorical.
I beg to differ....ever see a person who has been dead for 3 days? Bloating, rigor mortis and everything else that goes along with it. SCIENCE says you stay dead. Science says it would have been impossible for Jesus to have raised from the dead on day 3.

The ironic thing is so-called bible believing Christians can believe Jesus rose from the dead...then turn around and disavow the creation account and flood account.

What's next??? The Red Sea never opened up for Moses to cross?
You clearly are scientifically challenged. Science has nothing whatsoever to say about God's interaction with His creation. There is no contradiction between the natural law, which is in fact God's creation, and God's providential actions involving nature, whether consistent with that natural law or against natural law. Science can only deal with the natural law as God created it.
Tell us how did sin enter into man? According to you it wasn't through one man Adam...as he wasn't literal but allegorical.
Sin didn't enter into man. Sin (first) entered into the world through the man Adam. All sin after that entered into the world through all men as all men sinned.
You clearly are scientifically challenged. Science has nothing whatsoever to say about God's interaction with His creation. There is no contradiction between the natural law, which is in fact God's creation, and God's providential actions involving nature, whether consistent with that natural law or against natural law. Science can only deal with the natural law as God created it.
"Science has nothing whatsoever to say about God's interaction with His creation. "

Science shows a world wide flood as described in the bible.
Sin didn't enter into man. Sin (first) entered into the world through the man Adam. All sin after that entered into the world through all men as all men sinned.
If you want to say it that way...fine.

It still doesn't explain how...if Adam was allegorical.
The author of Genesis mentions an ARK in Genesis 7:13

Peter mentions the ARK in 1 Peter 3:20

The ARK is mentioned in Hebrews 11:7

Matthew speaks of the ARK in chapter 24:38 when He quoted the words of Jesus. Luke also mentioned the ARK in 17:27.

Will you still deny there was an ARK?
But I did not mention the Ark because there is no physical evidence for an Ark.

What you fail, over and over, to recognize is that there are multiple accepted ways to interpret the Bible besides a literal interpretation. If don't agree explain why we have multiple Christian denominations, most of which are based solely of different Biblical interpretations.

Back to what is important, neither belief nor disbelief in a Bible ark matters for salvation. I respect your belief in a ark while arguing against the reality of it.
Problem is...concerning Genesis you like to change the literal into an allegorical interpretation.

Tell us how did sin enter into man? According to you it wasn't through one man Adam...as he wasn't literal but allegorical.
God also gave A&E free will which can lead to sin. W/o free will A&E would have lacked the option to sin.
But I did not mention the Ark because there is no physical evidence for an Ark.
I created a thread on CARM a while back..

One of the evidences that supports the YEC's view has been lifted from the bible.

If one reads an account in the bile...then goes looking for the remains of the account and finds it...the bible gains even more credence.

In the bible there is an account of a sea worhty vessel called Noahs Ark. People have read about it for several thousand years.
People have looked for it where the bible says it landed....Genesis 8:4 informs us that...the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

So they looked...and here's what has been discoverd as presented in this article

The Old earth Secular geologist claimed it was simply a natural phenomena...and walked away.
About a year after taking the photo an expedition went looking for it.

The Ark like anomaly was found and over the years investigated....as the link above shows.

They employed scientific techniques such as metal detection and deep penatrating radar to peer underground...and discovered a ship.

The article tells us....On one occasion, the radar equipment picked up what appeared to be a square shaped object within the ships remains. The specimen was dug up by the Turkish military at that time, and later analyzed by Galbraith Laboratories in the United States. The laboratory testing confirmed that the specimen contained organic carbon, indicating that the material was not rock, but was once composed of living material, consistent with petrified wood. (Fig. 4).

The natural phenomena that the OE Geologist walked away from turns out to not be rock. Metallic objects were also discovered at the Ark site....see figure 5 in the link provided above.

Figure six shows a very ship like pattern when the locations metal was connected....quite amazing.
It was then concluded that the object was the remains of a ship, which exactly matched the Biblical description, and dimensions of Noah’s Ark.

As time went on the rib indentations of the ships were discovered and investigated. Figures 8,9 and 10

As time went on they eventually took 3D images...and the hull of the ship became apparent. Figure 14.

Once again the physical biblical description was realized...“WITH LOWER, SECOND, AND THIRD STORIES SHALT THOU MAKE IT.” (GEN 6:16)
Once again the biblical details were a match....Location, size, shape, (figure 19) decks, materials

The article goes on to explain many more biblically predected features and draws several conclusions. One which is:

It would be a physical impossibility, for a ship the size of the Ark, to drift into the Ararat Mountains, and run aground, 2000 metres above the present elevation of sea level, without water being present. Yet the Ark is not millions of years old. The fossils and sediment on top of which the Ark came to rest, had to have been deposited by the same water, which carried the Ark into that area.

For those who don't believe the bible and follow an Old earth narrative....if it's not Noahs Ark...what is it?
What you fail, over and over, to recognize is that there are multiple accepted ways to interpret the Bible besides a literal interpretation. If don't agree explain why we have multiple Christian denominations, most of which are based solely of different Biblical interpretations.

Back to what is important, neither belief nor disbelief in a Bible ark matters for salvation. I respect your belief in a ark while arguing against the reality of it.
I thought you didn't believe in a literal Adam and Eve.
A and E are scientifically feasible.

S. Joshua Swamidass, Phd, MD.

The Genealogical Adam & Eve has had positive reviews by theologians and scientists including atheist scientists.
The Genealogical Adam and Eve, S. Joshua Swamidass tests a scientific hypothesis: What if the traditional account is somehow true, with the origins of Adam and Eve taking place alongside evolution? Building on well-established but overlooked science, Swamidass explains how it’s possible for Adam and Eve to be rightly identified as the ancestors of everyone. His analysis opens up new possibilities for understanding Adam and Eve, consistent both with current scientific consensus and with traditional readings of Scripture. These new possibilities open a conversation about what it means to be human. In this book, Swamidass.​
Here is one by an secular scientist, Nathan Lents:
A and E are scientifically feasible.

S. Joshua Swamidass, Phd, MD.

The Genealogical Adam & Eve has had positive reviews by theologians and scientists including atheist scientists.
The Genealogical Adam and Eve, S. Joshua Swamidass tests a scientific hypothesis: What if the traditional account is somehow true, with the origins of Adam and Eve taking place alongside evolution? Building on well-established but overlooked science, Swamidass explains how it’s possible for Adam and Eve to be rightly identified as the ancestors of everyone. His analysis opens up new possibilities for understanding Adam and Eve, consistent both with current scientific consensus and with traditional readings of Scripture. These new possibilities open a conversation about what it means to be human. In this book, Swamidass.​
Here is one by an secular scientist, Nathan Lents:
He takes a non-biblical view that Adam and Eve were created.....but everything else evolved....which is not biblical.

You can post links to a whole bunch of books....and when you believe such as you do....you water down scripture.

As a mater of fact...you actually de-water scripture by denying the waters of the flood.
He takes a non-biblical view that Adam and Eve were created.....but everything else evolved....which is not biblical.
It is only non-biblical for your particular interpretation belief.

There is no evidence for literal Biblical interpretation if A&E. I am not saying you should ditch your interpretation or beliefs. I am only staying that their are feasible scientific explanations which are not only more convincing.

You can post links to a whole bunch of books....and when you believe such as you do....you water down scripture.
That is your biases for a literal-only interpretation speaking.
As a mater of fact...you actually de-water scripture by denying the waters of the flood.
From my perspective it is exactly the opposite. A literal interpretation of the flood, using your term, de-waters the Biblical message of the flood.

It was common practice in the ancient world to use an event (or memory of an event) and retell it in a figurative way to communicate a message to the hearers. There is good scriptural and historical evidence that the Flood story is an interpretation of an actual historical event retold in the rhetoric and theology of ancient Israel. The Genesis account is one of many stories of catastrophic floods in the ancient world, including the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh, which bears striking similarities to the story of the Flood.​

And once again, taking a non-literal Biblical interpretation of the flood has zero effect on things that matter, specifically salvation.
The Genesis account is one of many stories of catastrophic floods in the ancient world, including the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh, which bears striking similarities to the story of the Flood.
Those flood stories are wisper down the lane accounts develped after the dividing of the people at the Tower of Babel...that is why they bear striking similarities.
You said the flood wasn't real....are you saying Adam was real?

Just what parts of Genesis were literal and which parts were not literal.
I have never said the flood wasn't read. I have said the flood was not global. The extent of the flood which is described as "upon the earth" (Gen 6:17) is the same as the extent of the famine at the time of Joseph in Egypt (Gen 41:56-57). It seems certain that neither you nor anyone else would claim that a global earth was intended in God's declaration that, Gen 41:57 The people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe in all the earth.

There does seem to be scientific evidence that floods have occurred in nearly every part of the world, there is no scientific evidence that such floods were the result of a single global flood. Even in this case, there are regions of the world where there is no evidence of a flood ever having occurred.