On the contrary, like the woke campaign, they control the narrative by telling you what that evidence is but only according to their evolution timetable, a geographical chart that projects the layers of the earth supposedly layered by time that exists nowhere in the world.
And their carbon method are flawed because they are basing their readings dependent on the assumption that there was no biblical global flood.
Does Radiometric Dating Prove Millions of Years?
Quote from link~~~ "The short answer is no. Radioisotope dating, also called radiometric dating, often yields incorrect and conflicting results. This is probably because of the unprovable assumptions required for the calculations. As a result, they are not the infallible techniques that many people think they are." ~~~~ end of quote from link.
As the article at this web site addresses this realistically, you decide if it is sound or not.
"An example of how meteors have affected C-14 readings occurred in Siberia on June 30, 1908. Read about the "Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion" in Reader's digest; August 1977. According to reports the carbon 14 measurements of tree rings around the world were greatly altered as a result of the blast, giving inaccurate readings." ~~~ "Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation" by Deniss R. Peterson Pg 49
Now believing the Bible is true and the Biblical flood did happen, what would cause the fountains of the deep to rise up?
What would cause the mist watering the earth to rise up to form clouds to rain for the first time on earth?
When we look at all the asteroid impacts on the earth and the moon, and theorized as all happening at the time of the Biblical global flood, TO CAUSE the Biblical global flood, we can see the truth in His words from the "evidence' in nature.
With a calamity like that and the layers of the earth settling from the deluge rather than through millions of years, it would explain most of it.
Indeed, finding fossilized whale bones with fossilized marine life BURIED with fossilized animal bones TOGETHER in one smooth gradient as meaning the same sedimentary layer that had fossilized them both, on the Andes Mountaintops, that is evidence of the Biblical global flood.
Whale fossils High in Andes Mountains Show Mountains Rose from Sea
One used to be able to view it freely and maybe you still can but anyway, the evolutionists tried to explain it away by the mountains rising suddenly from the ocean but did not bother to address the elephant in the room on how there were fossilized animal bones found buried with them in that same smooth gradient, that same sedimentary layer that fossilized them both.
See how they control the presentation of the "evidence" in the fossil records by deflecting like that?
And so if something is out of place, they just categorized it in according to the geologic time table given by the evolution theory, denying the Biblical global flood of ever happening in human history.