I am saying Adam had a will the was programmed (created by) God as God creates ALL things. Adam did not create his own will. From nothing nothing comes.
Definition of Responsibility: having an obligation to do something
God makes the rules and everyone is responsible to obey them even if it is impossible to obey. Example: God says "do not sin" and we will be held responsible if we sin. It is impossible to not sin, yet we are held responsible. Romans 11 "For God has committed them all to disobedience, that He might have mercy on all" is a verse from the Bible,
Those who see that it is impossible to disassociate God from the origination and continuation of evil still attempt to distance God from evil by suggesting that God merely "permits" evil, and that he does not cause it. However, since the Bible itself states that God actively decrees and causes everything (Men Controlled by God Scripture Verses), and that nothing can exist or happen apart from his will and power, it makes no sense to say that he merely permits something – nothing happens by God's mere permission. In fact, when it comes to ontology, "God's permission" is an unintelligible term. Since "in him we live and move and have our being" (see preservation, Acts 17:28, Colossians 1:17, Hebrews 1:3, Romans 11:36 , Job 34:14-15, John 1:3), from an ontological or metaphysical perspective, it is impossible to do anything at all without God's active power and control. Without him, a person cannot think or move. How, then, can evil be devised and committed without God's deliberate causation? How can one think evil apart from God's purpose and power? Instead of protecting God from the verdict of an unrighteous and irrational human standard while agreeing with this same standard, we ought to attack this human standard and refuse to let it stand in judgment over God, but instead agree with the Bible that God has decreed and caused evil, and that he is righteous in doing so.
David's census of Israel provides an example of evil that God decreed and caused in his creatures:
- 2 Samuel 24:1 Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."
- 1 Chronicles 21:1 Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.
These two verses refer to the same incident. There is no contradiction if our view is true. God decreed that David would sin by taking the census, and he caused Satan to perform the temptation. Satan himself is a creature and has no free will. All his thoughts, decisions, and actions are controlled and caused by God. Then, God punished David for committing this sin (2 Samuel 24:10-14). Vincent Cheung
Agreed. In no way is God's control of evil cast him in a bad light. Only God is good. The potter and the clay. Only God has intrinsic value ... His creation is for His glory and pleasure, not ours.
I figure God will be "ticked" at us for discussing this matter as He was with Job.
Aside: no dark, thunder laden clouds where I am, how 'bout you?
I'll give you the last word, I'm out of ammo.
@makesends, you take over ...