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Faith comes by hearing.

Just a warning here. I'm not an admin but I can tell you from personal experience —too much giggle when you are old produces *gasp-choke*!
Gee, I am in trouble as I "giggle" every time liquid goes down the tube to my colostomy bag.
Why would God even want to communicate or save anyone?
Being regenerated by God while we are yet sinners, is God communicating to the unregenerate.It just isn't in words. It makes the words understandable and believable. (Eph 2)
But it doesn't, and that tells me something. And it tells me something, not about the gospel, but about Calvinism.
What does it tell you, friend?
Why would God even want to communicate or save anyone?
Non-answer. (If you want to know why he would want to communicate with the Elect, we can go there on another thread, but that isn't the question I asked. Or maybe you think there's no difference in God's intentions toward the Elect vs the Reprobate.)
Other than breathing in His own Eternal Sprit in them.. let there be new born again Spirit life? That kind of communication?
That is only done in the Elect, and breathing his own Eternal Spirit into them isn't exactly "communication" along the lines I am speaking.
Gee, I am in trouble as I "giggle" every time liquid goes down the tube to my colostomy bag.
My problem is the other way, and I have to be careful not to giggle too hard. Well, I don't giggle; it's more of a chortle huff choke.
Acts 1:3 is only a statement by Luke that Jesus had been seen by the apostles after He had died on the cross. Why would you believe anything that guy Luke said? That is not proof of anything.
As for me and my house, we shall believe the many infallible proofs given to us from the holy scriptures concerning the truth that every scriptures is given by the inspiration of God, and holy men of old spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. We have a more sure word of prophecy that even Peter, James and John heard when they were with him on the mount of transfiguration. Consider: (this may take two post)

Proofs that the Holy Scriptures, called the Bible, are of God, and from God.
The Scriptures are from God or from men; they are not from men, because neither the folly, nor the wisdom of men cannot affect such a work.

1. Because men as men cannot understand the meaning of them, nor agree upon any meaning of them; so that it appears they are a mystery above the reach of nature.

2. They are not from men, because they condemn that which is most excellent in man, as the wisdom of man, etc., it being contrary to nature to condemn that which is most excellent in nature; the Scriptures declare natures wisdom in the things of God to be foolishness, and the wisdom in man esteems the wisdom of God to be foolishness.

3. It is not from men, because the whole scope of the Scriptures tends to destroy that which the nature of men love most.

4. Because that which the Scriptures require, is not only contrary to the nature of man, (so that men delight and choose to read any book rather than the Scripture,) therefore before men can submit unto it, they must deny themselves. So also that which it requires, is beyond the power of men, and requires a Divine Power, as the Scriptures and Experience teach.

5. It is not from men, because the more any is ruled by it, obeying it, the more such are hated and persecuted by men, which shows it came not from nature.

6. The Scriptures came from God, because they tend to God, it being a rule in nature that everything tends to its center, a stone to the earth, and the waters to the sea from where they came. So the Scripture runs to God; shows God in his goodness, wisdom, power and love; there is in them a Divine wisdom, they speak for God, they call men to God from their foolish ways.

7. They are not from men, because the way of bringing them forth into the world, was contrary to the wisdom and expectation of men, who in great matters employed great, honorable, and wise men, but God takes a quite contrary course; he chooses such who were mean and contemptible, silly tradesmen, as fishermen, and tent-makers, etc., to be the publishers and penmen of the Scriptures.
(A continue from post #68)

8. They are from God, because God hath wonderfully continued them, preserved them strangely; first, in making the Jews, who were enemies unto Christ, and the Scriptures, great preservers of them; also preserving them when the greatest power hath sought their destruction, by searching for them, and burning them, etc., the like preservation cannot be declared of any writings of men, which have had so great opposition.

9. The miracles that were wrought at the first publishing of them, (shows them to be immediately from God,) and for the proof of this we have the testimony of them who lived in Christ’s time, the Jews, who would not own Christ, or his doctrine, yet in their writings they confess, there was one Jesus who did such miracles as the Scriptures declare, as many have testify.

10. We know the Scriptures to be from God because we see some of the prophesies accomplished in our days, according to the saying of Christ, that there shall arise false Christs, and false Prophets, that shall say, I am Christ~and shall deceive many. Noah's days repeating themselves right before our own eyes, just as Christ said it would happen.

Also the division foretold, “for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter,” etc.,, which is now accomplished in these days, for when there hath been but five persons in one family, every one of them of a several opinion concerning religion.

The Spirit speaks expressly, “that in the latter times some should depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils,” and how many lies are now held and received for truths, so that men dare speak against the Scriptures, deny the resurrection of the body; others teach that men and devils shall be saved; and that the soul is mortal; and that there is neither heaven nor hell; with divers other opinions, that I am ashamed to name some of them which are held for truths.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof,” which things our eyes have seen come to pass, more than ever hath been heard of by any that have been before us, and are like to increase more and more.

And thus it must be that the Scriptures maybe fulfilled; and if men must have a reason for everything in Religion; for one ask: how can the dead body eaten by another creature be raised again? To whom I reply, God is said to be without beginning, (and so he is, else he could not be God,) but what reason can be given, that God never had a beginning, or that God is ever present in all places, and knows, and ordered all things; yet he is so, yet I see not how reason can reach these things, etc. To believe the Scriptures is a work of faith, and unless the Holy Spirit of God persuades the truth of them, there will be doubting; the Lord persuade his of the truth of the Scriptures, and of their interest in the same.

A truth you reject. The very reason why you are having so much trouble, because you think you can find the truth on your own power, and ability~that will never happen.
As for me and my house, we shall believe the many infallible proofs given to us from the holy scriptures concerning the truth that every scriptures is given by the inspiration of God, and holy men of old spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. We have a more sure word of prophecy that even Peter, James and John heard when they were with him on the mount of transfiguration. Consider: (this may take two post)
I was being a bit facetious. But thank you for the effort you put forth to produce the posts.
A spiritual act?? Seriously? And just where did you get that silly notion?

Hi I would offer.

Christians get it from the eternal Spirit of Christ that dwells in al of those born agin from above (new spirit) .

What makes you think its so silly?

God is not a man. That kind of idea that he is a silly notion

Is it silly to believe in God who has no form?

Is it silly that God makes our heart soft with the water of the word doctrines that fall like rain

Is it silly to believe God is of one mind and always does whatever his soul (let there be) and the outcome labor of his love was invisible God alone good??

I think its silly to think we must first wake him up and turn him in the right direction before the "let there be" has any goodness at making our new hearts soft

Can you could turn him ?

Job 9:8-15 Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him: But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, (let there be) even that he doeth.For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: ( both to will and to do)and many such things are with him. Therefore am I troubled at his presence: when I consider, I am afraid of him. For God maketh my heart soft, and the Almighty troubleth me:

Who is it make your heart soft?
I was being a bit facetious. But thank you for the effort you put forth to produce the posts.
Not sure why you would even think those few proofs are factious, there's nothing funny about what I said, but very sober proofs according to the scriptures, and sound reasons for believer's to know that the word of God is not the work of flesh and blood apart from the inspiration of God moving men to write what they wrote.

Jim, how in the world would Paul had known perfectly about a time coming when men would not endure sound doctrine but would after their own lust heap to themselves teacher having itching ears?

2nd Timothy 4:3​

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”

Do you know what it means to have itching ears? Having itching ears is not speaking about those in the pews, but in the pulpit. These men pleaser have no clue what the scriptures teach on certain truth, especially so concerning the atonement made by Jesus Christ! They have itching ears concerning many bible teachings, and deservingly so.

Jude 1:4​

“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

How is this possible and still be within the churches of God. Peter adds this:

2nd Peter 2:1​

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”

Professing prophets of God, yet they reject and deny the atonement made by Jesus Christ for the church.....God's elect. The scriptures are clear that God purchased the CHRUCH with his own blood, he did not purchased the atonement for all the world without an exception~to teach that he did, is to deny the Lord that bought US, that is....the church of God/Christ.
Not sure why you would even think those few proofs are factious,
Red, I didn't say that you were being facetious; I said that I was being facetious.
Professing prophets of God, yet they reject and deny the atonement made by Jesus Christ for the church.....God's elect. The scriptures are clear that God purchased the CHRUCH with his own blood, he did not purchased the atonement for all the world without an exception~to teach that he did, is to deny the Lord that bought US, that is....the church of God/Christ.
On the contrary, to teach that the blood of Christ was insufficient to atone for the whole of mankind is heresy. But in the religion of Calvin, not in that of Jesus Christ, it is necessary to get around the error introduced by the concept of Original Sin and the even worse Total Depravity.
Faith is by hearing but hearing is by being saved or of God. Jn 8:47

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Jesus here tells us who it is that hears the words of God, them who are of God, which means them which are saved, regenerated.
Faith is by hearing but hearing is by being saved or of God. Jn 8:47

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Jesus here tells us who it is that hears the words of God, them who are of God, which means them which are saved, regenerated.
Amen hearing God saves us .
Thats backwards, God saving one causes/gives the hearing
Saving one by God giving "Let there be ears to hear"? Previously deaf to the things of our invisible God . I think we could be saying the same ?

Not a salvation issue.

Isaiah 29:18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
Saving one by God giving "Let there be ears to hear"? Previously deaf to the things of our invisible God . I think we could be saying the same ?

Not a salvation issue.

Isaiah 29:18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
Ears to hear is a salvation issue. Jesus says they who are of God hears His Word Jn 8:47

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

To be of God is to be saved.