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Face God's wrath if you speak against Israel - literally

This is simplistic. We should remember that there is a huge theological issue about the race-nation v those who believe; see Eph 2B--3A. There is no basis for following one dramatic coincidence event after another. It is very easy to be misled.
Why doesn't this God strick Biden and co for pedophilia and sex trafficking?
This is simplistic. We should remember that there is a huge theological issue about the race-nation v those who believe; see Eph 2B--3A. There is no basis for following one dramatic coincidence event after another. It is very easy to be misled.
I choose to believe what God says.
[Zec 2:8 LSB] 8 For thus says Yahweh of hosts, "After glory He has sent Me against the nations which have taken you as spoil, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.
I choose to believe what God says.
[Zec 2:8 LSB] 8 For thus says Yahweh of hosts, "After glory He has sent Me against the nations which have taken you as spoil, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.

Regardless there is the issue: the race-nation or the remnant which has always included Gentiles? "It is too small a thing for you to restore the fortunes of Israel; I will make you a light to the nations." says Isaiah of the coming Servant. The race-nation vs the faith-based remnant is all through Romans, Galatians, Ephesians.
Regardless there is the issue: the race-nation or the remnant which has always included Gentiles? "It is too small a thing for you to restore the fortunes of Israel; I will make you a light to the nations." says Isaiah of the coming Servant. The race-nation vs the faith-based remnant is all through Romans, Galatians, Ephesians.
You can't simply dismiss God's own words - and insert your own opinions. That's not how it works.
Where was this God when millions of Jews were killed? Let it go. It was a coincidence, and they have happened before both ways. I have heard many missions stories both ways. Ie, the source is not the issue.

I did not dismiss Isaiah, and another is even more telling: ch 10: even though Israel tallies as high as the sand of the shore, only a remnant will be saved. In ch 49, he doesn't even sound interested in the remnant! He wants the Servant to be a light to the nations.

We all want God to stop evil, but that is not our concern; only that he judged evil in the body of Christ Jesus and wants people to believe on that act of justice and be saved.