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Explain James 1:13 in view of Matthew 4:1

True. Next question: who/what is the cause of their desires?
The flesh is the cause of desires. The flesh has desires of its own. The idea is to use self control when tempted by the flesh.
Re: True. Next question: who/what is the cause of their desires?
Our sin nature.
...and who is the cause of our "sin nature"?
The flesh is the cause of desires. The flesh has desires of its own. The idea is to use self control.
... and where did the flesh acquire its desires ???
Re: ... and where did the flesh acquire its desires ???
.... and what/who was the cause of creation?
...and what was the cause of God?
Re: True. Next question: who/what is the cause of their desires?

...and who is the cause of our "sin nature"?
... and what caused Adam to sin? His desires?
Not all desires are equal Some are good some are sinful. Specify.
What was the source/cause of Adam's desires? If you there are multiple sources depending upon specific desires you can state multiple sources.
Re: True. Next question: who/what is the cause of their desires?

...and who is the cause of our "sin nature"?

... and what caused Adam to sin? His desires?
Yes. Having a will does that to a person. When they are offered choices, they follow the strongest desire, not necessarily the best thought through one.
.and what was the cause of God?
Beats me.
God is uncaused. He always existed and does not change. All things find their source in Him.
John 1:3 “Without him nothing was made that has been made”

All effects have a cause. God is uncaused and cannot be affected.
What was the source/cause of Adam's desires?
The fact that he was created as a creature who was given a will, a duty, and a choice by his creator. If he did not have a will, he could not do his duty, and doing one's duty always has the opposite option, not doing his duty. If one is told to do something or to not do something it's opposite always exists as a choice.
.and what was the cause of God?

God is uncaused. He always existed and does not change. All things find their source in Him.
John 1:3 “Without him nothing was made that has been made”

All effects have a cause. God is uncaused and cannot be affected.
“In the beginning mighty ones created……Gen 1:1
The fact that he was created as a creature who was given a will, a duty, and a choice by his creator. If he did not have a will, he could not do his duty, and doing one's duty always has the opposite option, not doing his duty. If one is told to do something or to not do something it's opposite always exists as a choice.
True, but you did not answer my question.
What was the source/cause of Adam's desires? (said desires determined his choices)
Addition to post #35

If God made Adam choose to sin then Adam either had no will created in him or he did not choose according to his will.
True, but you did not answer my question.
What was the source/cause of Adam's desires? (said desires determined his choices)
God is the one who created Adam (man) with desires, a being who has desires. (Created in the image and likeness of God.) But the particular desire Adam had was not a creation. It was the desire of the man. If it was the desire God gave him, it would not be sin. Don't confuse ordaining that Adam would sin with being the cause of Adam's sin. Make a distinction in philosophizing between God and man. God is one thing. Man is another thing.
The natural man created of the ground is a creature who simply goes about seeking to satisfy his own desires whatever they may be. But it’s all worldly. He cares nothing for the things of God. He lives his life and returns to the dust he was made. End of story for him.