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Does, or can, our eschatological beliefs have an effect on our soteriology?

Does, or can, our eschatological beliefs have an effect on our soteriology?​

No, least wise it's so minimal that it not to be worth mentioning.

Don’t each eschatological system have their own form of hermeneutical methods? I believe they do and effect how we understand scripture in general.
More specifically, can our prophetic interpretation influence or condition our understanding of salvation by faith?

Don’t each eschatological system have their own form of hermeneutical methods? I believe they do and effect how we understand scripture in general.

Can our view affect the way we view and understand God’s wrath on Christ at the cross?
One way I see d'ism affecting is the doctrine of salvation.

Scripture teaches from beginning to end that God has one plan of salvation. However, dipsy's believe God has two plans; one plan of salvation for the church and another plan for the Jews. That does a job on the biblical doctrine of salvation.
Oh Bob...
I recall Corrie Ten Boom was asked about the "Rapture " - was she "A", "Pre" or "Post". She said that was "a-pre-posterous question".

Bottom line, I couldn't CARE LESS about "End times teaching" or trying to find "Antichrist" (A friend of mine would fight to the death over OBAMA being the "Man of Sin"). HAD TO BE HIM!!!

And I've still got my copy of "88 Reasons that he Rapture will happen in 1988" it PROVES BIBLICALLY beyond any doubt that the Rapture will be in 1988 during the "Feast of Trumpets"!!! - except.

And then there was Harold Camping warning us ON BILLBOARDS about May 21, 2011.

SO much for "Eschatology".
YOU bought the BOOK because it APPEALED to your THEOLOGY and then you FOUND OUT your THEOLOGY failed YOU!
Nope, I never bought it. People who took the book seriously, gave it to me after the "Feast of trumpets" came and went, and they were still here. Whisnant did publish a sequel ("On borrowed time"), but nobody bought it. There were folks who lost SIGNIFICANT finances "getting ready" in 1988.

Their impression of "Eschatology" probably pretty much matches mine, now. I just keep it around as a joke to demonstrate how BRAINLESS "eschatological theology" really is.
US????????!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT warning US, but warning YOU obviously! YOU felt WARNED, we DIDN'T!
I didn't "feel Warned" at all. I knew Camping was a "theological flake" like other "End times" fools. His followers actually erected a billboard with his warning in South Dallas on Hampton road that I drove by after work every day. It stayed up for MONTHS after the "deadline had passed.

After all, I had figured out LONG AGO that "Date setters' were automatically nothing but religious idiots. Camping produced a sequel also, and it didn't sell either. Him and Whisnant are both dead, and probably having a good laugh at their human foolishness.
YOU have placed GOD in YOUR theological BOX in YOUR post ABOVE. So MUCH for YOUR "eschatology!"
Chuckle!!! BUT HEY!!! Jesus said He'd be back when it was time, and that NO MAN would know the day, nor the hour.

BUT - I wonder what the significance of Ephesians 4:11-16 is in relation to the "End of the age". It seems to suggest that the scattered "visible church" will actually "Get it together" on toward the end. I wonder if the "Charismatic outpouring" which had a significant Un-Denominationalizing effect on many of us back in the '70s, was a "hint" about how that might work.

AND since I'm 91, and in lousy health, I fully expect to enjoy watching the whole show, from the other side.
One way I see d'ism affecting is the doctrine of salvation.

Scripture teaches from beginning to end that God has one plan of salvation. However, dipsy's believe God has two plans; one plan of salvation for the church and another plan for the Jews. That does a job on the biblical doctrine of salvation.
Not to mention the detrimental jobs on Christology and ecclesiology, to wit:

There is only one people of God, the Church, which includes both the OT saints and NT believers:
Eph 3:6 - Gentiles are heirs of the promises with Israel, members together of one body (the one olive tree of Ro 11:16-17),
Gal 3:29; 2 Cor 1:20 - sharers together in the promise to Abraham through Christ Jesus.

God's single purpose for all time and history is the Church, to prepare a bride for his only Son, who bought her with his blood.
Eph 1:22
, 5:23 - Christ is the head over (governs) everything for the sake of the Church,
Eph 2:6 - the Church is seated with him now in the heavenly realms,
Eph 3:3-6 - the Church is the mystery which was hidden in the riddles of OT prophecies (Ge 22:18; Isa 42:6, Jer 31:31-34; Am 9:11-12; Hos 1:6-10, 2:23*) but is now revealed; i.e., the Gentiles are now included with the Jews in God's one olive tree, the Church (whose root is the OT patriarchs--Ro 11:16),
Mt 21:43; Ro 14:17-18; Ac 8:2, 28:23 - the Church is the Kingdom of God, not of this world (Jn 18:36), invisible and within you, where God reigns and rules within the heart (Lk 17:20-21).
*For explanations of these verses, see Gal 3:8; Lk 2:32; Heb 8:6-13, 10:16; Ac 15:13-18; 1 Pe 2:10; Ro 9:24-25, respectively.

God has no other plan on earth than his Church and God has revealed no other plan for his church.
2 Co 5:17; Gal 6:15 - the Church is God's new creation (the restoration of all things), exceeding his original creation,
Eph 3:10-11 - the Church is the showcase of God's wisdom,
Eph 1:18; Dt 7:6, 32:9 - the Church is God's own personal eternal inheritance, treasure, portion,
1 Co 10:11 - the Church is the fulfillment of the ages,
1 Pe 1:20; Heb 1:2; 9:26 - the Church is the last times and end of the ages.
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More specifically, can our prophetic interpretation influence or condition our understanding of salvation by faith?

Don’t each eschatological system have their own form of hermeneutical methods? I believe they do and effect how we understand scripture in general.

Can our view affect the way we view and understand God’s wrath on Christ at the cross?
I would suspect no. Salvation is less about knowledge understanding and more about faith allegiance loyalty and profession of Jesus as Lord