For that day will not come, unless the DEPARTURE comes first,
So, apostasy...just what does the word mean?
The meaning of the word refers to ... "to stand away" or "to depart." I copied that directly from
Strongs 646. apostasia
The question is....does depart mean a
spiritual departure or a
physical spatial departure? Or can it refer to BOTH?
Concerning a physical departure the word apostasia is derived from the word aphistémi. Acts 12:10 uses this word as follows
"and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel
departed from him." This departure wasn't a spiritual departure but rather a physical departure.
Considering the make up of the word can refer to both a spiritual or physical departure we need to look at the subject or text of 2 Thes 2.
But first, will you agree the word can refer to a
spiritual departure or a
physical spatial departure.