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Disturbing A.I. chats

It's not that you don't have to, it's that you can't.
And I think there is good reason why it cannot be proven who the literal descendants of Abraham are, because the heirs of Abraham are the children of faith instead of DNA.
From what I understand the Jews have pretty accurate records concerning their ancestral linage.
Gal 3
(29) And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.
So what would your speculation be of the man-made image of the Vatican that was given life to speak?
What would that image be or look like, and why would the image of the beast be of an organization that has YHWH as their God?
The man made religion Catholic is revived image of its self, and speaks to the people of the world.

Did you know that Cath was a sun goddess?
Romans 2:29
No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.
You're taking that verse out of context. Read the whole thought.

Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Hi, Impossible to prove.

The biblical genealogy of the second born seed (Christ spiritual) which began with Abel ended with Jesus the Son of man .

Today "57 Variety"

Why would a person even try? Like fingerprints every person is a new creation

God is not a racist.

The father of lies alone is
It's true that God is not a racist. But he is very particular about to whom he shows mercy, to whom he has chosen to be with him forever.

But yes, it is not a racial matter. But in the Old Testament, he dealt with particular interest a GROUP, descended from Abraham to whom he made a promise. That they were a particular 'race' is self-evident, but insignificant to the point. They were no better as a race than anyone else.
From what I understand the Jews have pretty accurate records concerning their ancestral linage.
I have heard it suggested that all the elect are in some way or to some degree, physically descended of Abraham. Lol, that would be a neat icing on the cake---a kind of pun, so to speak. (Not sure what to call what that would be, except a bit ironic).

The lineage of Israel has been continually added to from outside elements, for example, Ruth was a gentile (Moab), and there were many that joined Israel becoming 'naturalized citizens'. I can imagine no way to know what DNA is 'only' or 'genuinely' Abraham. I think it doesn't matter, though God is very specific in Election.
From what I understand the Jews have pretty accurate records concerning their ancestral linage.
Lots of people have accurate records concerning their ancestral lineage.
But I don't know of anyone that has accurate records going back 4000 years.
And even if they claimed they did have a list of their ancestors going back 4000 years, how could anyone possibly verify their records are absolute and not embellished?

For instance, did you know that England's crown claims to be royal descendants of the biblical King David?
Their myth goes like this:
When the Babylonians were destroying Jerusalem, the prophet Jeremiah escaped and took one of the daughters of King Zedekiah (myth has her name as Tea Tephi) to Egypt then sailed to Ireland and she married a king there and had descendants.
Jeremiah also took the Arc of the Covenant, the plate that held the bread, and the stone Jacob laid his head upon):
Gen 28:11​
(11) And he came to a certain place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep.​
English myth has it as the same stone that is the coronation stone which is placed under the British throne (called the Stone of Destiny).
And thus, the British monarchy claimed divine right to rule.
They went on to claim that they were the fulfilled prophesy of David not being without a descendant on the throne.
Jer 33​
(17) “For thus says the LORD: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel,​

This all lead to the bizarre doctrine of "British Israelism", that the English, Irish, Scottish are the "true" lost tribes of Israel.
And the KKK was happy to latch onto this myth claiming that "real" Israel (ie. "real" people of God) was white folks and were not to mix with people of color because God told Israel not to marry outsiders.

Of course the Irish/Scottish history tells a completely different story.
They knew nothing of a Jeremiah bringing a daughter of King Zedekiah and the Arc.
And the Tea Tephi in their history is a descendant of Japheth (son of Noah), not of Shem, so she couldn't possibly be of the line of David.
Also, their Stone of Destiny (that the English conquered and stole from them) originally was an oblong pillar type native stone (proven by science as native to Ireland, not Israel) set up as a shrine to their pagan gods.
This myth claimed that their Stone of Destiny would cry out when a king that their gods approved of touched it.
Their Stone of Destiny was erected in honor of the goddess Danu (of the Tuatha Dé Danann - Ireland's pantheon of gods).

And then you have the Black Israelite doctrine folks who claim they are the fulfillment of the "true" Israel being scattered to foreign lands as captives (ie. African negro slaves to England and to America).
Lots of people have accurate records concerning their ancestral lineage.
But I don't know of anyone that has accurate records going back 4000 years.
And even if they claimed they did have a list of their ancestors going back 4000 years, how could anyone possibly verify their records are absolute and not embellished?

For instance, did you know that England's crown claims to be royal descendants of the biblical King David?
Their myth goes like this:
When the Babylonians were destroying Jerusalem, the prophet Jeremiah escaped and took one of the daughters of King Zedekiah (myth has her name as Tea Tephi) to Egypt then sailed to Ireland and she married a king there and had descendants.
Jeremiah also took the Arc of the Covenant, the plate that held the bread, and the stone Jacob laid his head upon):
Gen 28:11​
(11) And he came to a certain place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep.​
English myth has it as the same stone that is the coronation stone which is placed under the British throne (called the Stone of Destiny).
And thus, the British monarchy claimed divine right to rule.
They went on to claim that they were the fulfilled prophesy of David not being without a descendant on the throne.
Jer 33​
(17) “For thus says the LORD: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel,​

This all lead to the bizarre doctrine of "British Israelism", that the English, Irish, Scottish are the "true" lost tribes of Israel.
And the KKK was happy to latch onto this myth claiming that "real" Israel (ie. "real" people of God) was white folks and were not to mix with people of color because God told Israel not to marry outsiders.

Of course the Irish/Scottish history tells a completely different story.
They knew nothing of a Jeremiah bringing a daughter of King Zedekiah and the Arc.
And the Tea Tephi in their history is a descendant of Japheth (son of Noah), not of Shem, so she couldn't possibly be of the line of David.
Also, their Stone of Destiny (that the English conquered and stole from them) originally was an oblong pillar type native stone (proven by science as native to Ireland, not Israel) set up as a shrine to their pagan gods.
This myth claimed that their Stone of Destiny would cry out when a king that their gods approved of touched it.
Their Stone of Destiny was erected in honor of the goddess Danu (of the Tuatha Dé Danann - Ireland's pantheon of gods).

And then you have the Black Israelite doctrine folks who claim they are the fulfillment of the "true" Israel being scattered to foreign lands as captives (ie. African negro slaves to England and to America).
Thanks for the interesting myth.
Most "myths" are based on truth.
Not in this case. These people all wanted to appropriate the power that was in the religious system at the time. They wanted to be power elites of their day. It's all just nonsense and poppycock. So easily disproven as idiotic mumbo jumbo.
Most "myths" are based on truth.
That's probably why so many ancient stories have some similarities, and why religious artifacts believed to have special powers were so desired.
One may think it was just ancient folk's superstitions, but the Nazis were not ancient and they spent a lot of time and money searching for the relics of many myths and legends.
Modern day new agers believe in the power of relics, the power of symbols, etc.
The RCC believes in relics having power and also idols.
Even some of today's Christians believe wearing a cross will protect them.

Objects having mystical powers have been believed upon for ages by both the rich & poor, the educated and uneducated, young and old, etc.
Modern day new agers believe in the power of relics, the power of symbols, etc.
Even "Christian" new agers, including such cultic notions as 'word of faith' and 'positive thinking'. Ask @Arial
The RCC believes in relics having power and also idols.
Isn't THAT the truth! And I've watched Eastern Orthodox try to wiggle out of this.
Even some of today's Christians believe wearing a cross will protect them.
—not even realizing how superstitious that is!
Even "Christian" new agers, including such cultic notions as 'word of faith' and 'positive thinking'. Ask @Arial

Isn't THAT the truth! And I've watched Eastern Orthodox try to wiggle out of this.

—not even realizing how superstitious that is!
I think it was one of the reasons God commanded not to have objects to idolize, because people will have a tendency to rely on them.
Most "myths" are based on truth.
Based on whose truth as a fingerprint?

And how could a person know the difference seeing God is no longer added to His word for over 2000 years?

Mitochondrial DNA has no value.

In one case with twins, one had French relatives the other did not etc

It would seem the loving law as a commandment spoken to Nicodemus a sign and wonder seeker "a man must be born again" began in Genesis

God is not a man as us. A man must be born again from above with a living promise of a new incorruptible body

It has never been after the dying flesh of mankind. Jesus said of his own flesh and blood it profits for zero. It must return to dust to show spirit life was taken away.

Christ the spiritual invisible Spirit seed . The first-earthly born again seed .

Cain saw no value in the unseen eternal things of Christ. Galatians 3:16 Just like Esau a first born sold his birth rite for a cup of hairy goat soup changing the name of Jacob (deceiver)to the new born again name Israel and then renamed her Christian . Onan spilled the seed and was sentenced to die e.t.c.

The father of lies begun his murderous goal to murder mankind . Cain murdered the second born Abel and in order to establish a man must be born-again. Christ the Father replaced Abel with Enos another second born.

It was then second born-again mankind began to be hear the good news. Eventually passed down to Abraham another second born leading to the first-born of many from above as sons of God

Genesis 4:25-26; And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.;And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.
That's probably why so many ancient stories have some similarities, and why religious artifacts believed to have special powers were so desired.
One may think it was just ancient folk's superstitions, but the Nazis were not ancient and they spent a lot of time and money searching for the relics of many myths and legends.
Modern day new agers believe in the power of relics, the power of symbols, etc.
The RCC believes in relics having power and also idols.
Even some of today's Christians believe wearing a cross will protect them.

Objects having mystical powers have been believed upon for ages by both the rich & poor, the educated and uneducated, young and old, etc.
The rabbit foot is lucky for everyone except the rabbit.
Lots of people have accurate records concerning their ancestral lineage.
But I don't know of anyone that has accurate records going back 4000 years.
And even if they claimed they did have a list of their ancestors going back 4000 years, how could anyone possibly verify their records are absolute and not embellished?

For instance, did you know that England's crown claims to be royal descendants of the biblical King David?
Their myth goes like this:
When the Babylonians were destroying Jerusalem, the prophet Jeremiah escaped and took one of the daughters of King Zedekiah (myth has her name as Tea Tephi) to Egypt then sailed to Ireland and she married a king there and had descendants.
Jeremiah also took the Arc of the Covenant, the plate that held the bread, and the stone Jacob laid his head upon):
Gen 28:11​
(11) And he came to a certain place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep.​
English myth has it as the same stone that is the coronation stone which is placed under the British throne (called the Stone of Destiny).
And thus, the British monarchy claimed divine right to rule.
They went on to claim that they were the fulfilled prophesy of David not being without a descendant on the throne.
Jer 33​
(17) “For thus says the LORD: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel,​

This all lead to the bizarre doctrine of "British Israelism", that the English, Irish, Scottish are the "true" lost tribes of Israel.
And the KKK was happy to latch onto this myth claiming that "real" Israel (ie. "real" people of God) was white folks and were not to mix with people of color because God told Israel not to marry outsiders.

Of course the Irish/Scottish history tells a completely different story.
They knew nothing of a Jeremiah bringing a daughter of King Zedekiah and the Arc.
And the Tea Tephi in their history is a descendant of Japheth (son of Noah), not of Shem, so she couldn't possibly be of the line of David.
Also, their Stone of Destiny (that the English conquered and stole from them) originally was an oblong pillar type native stone (proven by science as native to Ireland, not Israel) set up as a shrine to their pagan gods.
This myth claimed that their Stone of Destiny would cry out when a king that their gods approved of touched it.
Their Stone of Destiny was erected in honor of the goddess Danu (of the Tuatha Dé Danann - Ireland's pantheon of gods).

And then you have the Black Israelite doctrine folks who claim they are the fulfillment of the "true" Israel being scattered to foreign lands as captives (ie. African negro slaves to England and to America).
Outsiders in those days were those who were not of the same faith.
You're taking that verse out of context. Read the whole thought.

Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
The word "Jew" is being used as a parable. Jew, as in Judaism, the origin (Olive Tree) of our faith.

Are you a BRANCH of Judaism? If not, then you must be Pagan.
The word "Jew" is being used as a parable. Jew, as in Judaism, the origin (Olive Tree) of our faith.

Are you a BRANCH of Judaism? If not, then you must be Pagan.
Judaism is not the tree. Jews are branches on the tree.
Christ is the tree/vine.

Judaism has been broken off and Christians have been grafted into the tree/vine (Ro 11:16-23).
Jews will be grafted back IF (not "when") they do not persist in unbelief (Ro 11:23).
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