See Ge 15:6 and Ro 4:3.
Are you deliberately misrepresenting, or did you misunderstand "personal"?
I am not using "personal" as distinct from "impersonal."
I am using personal as my actual person (character).
Imputed righteousness (justification, Ro 4:3, Ge 15:6)) is a credited, accounted, reckoned righteousness, not an actual righteousness of the person as in sanctification, holiness.
Justification is a forensic righteousness, not an actual righteousness of our person.
That is the meaning of the word dikaiosis.
Ro 8:30, 5:31 do not pertain to our actual righteousness (sanctification), they refer to our imputed , righteousness (justification, dikaiosis),
they pertain to having a clean record with God's justice, he no longer has anything against us, we are at peace with him, no longer under judgment, etc.
Ro 8:30, 5:21 pertain to those whom God has justified; i.e., imputed righteousness, credited with righteousness, accounted as righteous, reckoned as righteous; i.e., in good standing with the court, clean record, no charges pending--forensic righteousness.
The imputed righteousness to Abraham (Ge 15:6) is justification (Ro 4;3).