Well, your Heart isn't deceitful more than anything; any longerHey, isn't that against forum rules to say my heart is more deceitful than all things. If it wasn't true I would report you.

Well, your Heart isn't deceitful more than anything; any longerHey, isn't that against forum rules to say my heart is more deceitful than all things. If it wasn't true I would report you.
Apology for telling the truth acceptedWell, your Heart isn't deceitful more than anything; any longer![]()
I agree that it is sola scriptura. I think what may be happening here in our back and forth is that I am speaking of sound theology that formed the doctrines of the traditional, historic, orthodox, protestant church. And you may be looking at the term theology in a broader sense as being whatever someone determines is a correct interpretation. Which unfortunately the term has come to mean but it is not the way in which it was used historically. Many of our words have become so broadened in meaning as to be meaningless when used, unless the person specifies.Theology is not my basis for anything. Scripture is my only basis, as in Sola Scriptura.
When you say Hebrew translation what are you referring to? Going from Hebrew to English I find none that say dying you shall die and certainly none that add an interpretation to the text as you have done. So that in no way shows me where the Bible tells us that we died spiritually and would die physically.Ge 2:17: "Dying (spiritually), you shall die (physically)." (Hebrew translation of Ge 2:17)
Jesus died for sin.A perfect Post...
When we think we've arrived, eventually we find out we're only at a Rest Stop. If you ain't growing, something's wrong...
@makesends sometimes speaks for me because he is my "official editor," and he does it for free! And I am grateful for it.Well----not everyone is the same.
Rather than have someone speak for me I will speak for myself. I ask questions such as the ones I ask in order to bring into the conversation something besides what we believe for whatever reason, to causing us to check our beliefs against scripture. Are we just repeating them because it sounds right to us? Simply because we have always believed it or have for a long time? Because that is what we heard and believed but never actually checked?This is something we are all prone to do and not even realize it. Then when asked about it we begin to ask ourselves, "Hmm. Why do I believe that?" We may even discover that we have no idea why that is what we believe. Can we actually find support for what we say?
It is called growing and grounding. Apologetics. Critical thinking.
Jesus died for sin.A perfect Post...
When we think we've arrived, eventually we find out we're only at a Rest Stop. If you ain't growing, something's wrong...
Agreed.I agree that it is sola scriptura. I think what may be happening here in our back and forth is that I am speaking of sound theology that formed the doctrines of the traditional, historic, orthodox, protestant church. And you may be looking at the term theology in a broader sense as being whatever someone determines is a correct interpretation. Which unfortunately the term has come to mean but it is not the way in which it was used historically. Many of our words have become so broadened in meaning as to be meaningless when used, unless the person specifies.
Historically it meant to accurately and systematically study the whole counsel of God, letting scripture interpret scripture, keeping all of scripture consistent with itself. Therefore this form of theology is sola scriptura. It is within the scripture that the historic church finds its doctrines.
To simply say that scripture is one's only basis without also justifying any given scripture against/within the whole through a consistent theology is what leads to all sorts of false doctrines in the church. I am not saying that is the case with you. I find your thought processes, though unique to many, to be sincere and diligent is seeking after truth.
But an example of what I mean would be a preacher choosing as the scripture for his sermon "If you ask for anything in My name you will receive it." And then having the meat of the message being in effect, "Ask in Jesus' name (tack it on the end of your prayer) for that new luxury car; that you would get the promotion and not the other person; that God would give your a private jet; or whatever." It is what the scripture says at face value, but is it consistent with Jesus' assuring us that we will suffer as Christians, be persecuted. Is it even remotely consistent with the whole counsel of God, or even close to what the scripture is saying?
"We are dead in our trespasses and sins." The penalty of sin is physical death and facing the wrath of God with no further chance at redemption. We cannot live in the presence of God or dwell in His house unless someone pays that debt, our sins meet their just punishment, in someone else who has no sin.We are by nature objects of wrath (Eph 2:3). We are born with our fallen nature.
All men sinned in Adam and are born guilty of his sin (Ro 5:12-14), born in spiritual death, no God's eternal life in their immortal human spirit.
We are not born guilty of Adam's sin. We are born with a nature to sin because Adam as our federal head sinned. We are pronounced guilty by God for our own sins.All men sinned in Adam and are born guilty of his sin (Ro 5:12-14), born in spiritual death, no God's eternal life in their immortal human spirit.
"Let the (spiritually) dead bury their (physically) dead." (Mt 8:22)
What are we born a second time into? The first birth was physical life. What is the second birth?
And you were dead in the trespasses and sins - Ephesians 2:1 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians2:1&version=ESVThere is no mention of spiritual death in those passages or anywhere in the Bible. I am beginning to suspect here that it is not a spiritual death but a moral death.
To all who read this, I am thinking it through as I go and if flaws are seen tell me and also show me. I am asking for help where it is needed and guidance back on track if I have gone off.
If you know a Hebrew scholar, ask him about interpretation of that text.When you say Hebrew translation what are you referring to? Going from Hebrew to English I find none that say dying you shall die and certainly none that add an interpretation to the text as you have done.
"Spiritually" and "physically" were my parentheticals to that Hebrew interpretation demonstrating its meaning, as well as the parentheticals in Mt 8:22.So that in no way shows me where the Bible tells us that we died spiritually and would die physically.
I have stated it precisely so that no door is left open for arriving at teachings that are also skewed.It is common even in Reformed writing for it to be said we have undergone a spiritual death and I am beginning to rethink that----though I fully understand what it is being said and agree with it. But is our terminology completely accurate, and does its lack of precision leave the door open for arriving at teachings that are also skewed. Not that all are, but they can be, and then cloud the depth of other scriptures.
About two pages after the verbatim verse for the Trinity, and about our pages before the verbatim verse for God's sovereignty.And you were dead in the trespasses and sins - Ephesians 2:1 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians2:1&version=ESV
It's true that Spiritual Death is not in the Verses, and there's no Verbatim Verse elsewhere in the Bible...
But this is why Systematic Theology is Crucial. All Scripture is Good for Doctrine. The validity of Theology seems to be the most prominent Debate, or Argument, on CCAM Forums these days. Spiritual Death is a Sound Doctrine of the Church. The Argument may be that Spiritual Death is a Doctrine of the Bible instead of the Evangelical Church, so when Liberal Christians challenge the validity of Spiritual Death; Solo Scripturists will defend the Doctrine of Spiritual Death too...
But if they will defend the Doctrine of Spiritual Death; where is the Verbatim Verse for it?
I'm not sure I'm understanding her right, but it seems she implies that Christ's physical death is all that was required as payment for our sin.
With that, I agree completely.Then that's where I am messing up.
I am saying in the above that in addition to ransoming from sin by faith, Christ did not suffer and die to accomplish a secondary purpose for all unbelieving mankind; i.e., dual ransoms.
That's where it is a little hard to say. Not being privy to God's relationship within the trinity, nor even to precise definitions as to just what is Human spirit, soul, person and body now, nor certainly just what is glorified person, body, soul and spirit in Heaven, or what that means for those paying their own penalty in Hell/LOF, all I can say is that that Christ being possessing in some way of two immortal spirits seems to make sense.The wages of sin is death (Ro 6:23), both spiritual and physical.
Spiritual death is loss of eternal/divine life within the immortal human spirit.
Do the two natures in Christ of human and divine also mean two immortal spirits, human and divine?
(That could be a yes, for the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the divine Father and the divine Son, and is the Spirit of both the divine Father and the divine Son, so the Holy Spirit was both the Spirit of his divine nature as in the Godhead, and the eternal divine life within his immortal human spirit.)
No. I only see him paying with his human immortal spirit, but as he was God himself, therefore overcame the power of death and was raised again (I'm not sure you meant to say, "born again", there.) It seems unreasonable to say that his divine spirit died, as in fact that divine spirit is THE Spirit of God, who cannot die.Eternal life being divine life of God within the immortal human spirit, would Jesus' human nature have eternal divine life within his immortal human spirit?
By dying spiritually, are you saying Christ lost eternal divine life within his immortal human spirit, which is the meaning of spiritual death?
Then when was he born again, restoring this eternal divine life within his immortal human spirit?
To me, it seems inseparable concerning this question, that God's command equals Christ's authority/ power.I also see indication that God gave Jesus authority (power) to raise himself from the dead, Jn 10:18, 2:19-21.
Is it not the power to raise himself from the dead which is the power to raise us from the dead (1 Th 4:16, loud command).
I suppose you mean to reference there with that last sentence, the return to (what I call) use of his divine nature. I am puzzled as to your repeated mention of "new birth" concerning Christ. Earlier, you said, "born again", concerning Christ. I see no need to consider him as having actual sin requiring remediation. I don't even know of any indication, other than the fact that he was a member of the human race, that there was sin imputed to him, as is done to the rest of us. I don't see him being a recipient of his own sacrifice, nor needing redemption in any way.Spiritual death; i.e., absence of eternal divine life within his immortal human spirit could be possible, since it is the wages of sin (Ge 2:17:
"Dying (spiritually), you shall die (physically)."
It might have been the source of, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
But then there is the issue of when the return of divine eternal life to his human spirit in the new birth.
Thought processes and their variation within individuals are a fascinating and wonderful thing. There is such potential for being given a view, or lens through which to see a truth (as long as it remains truth according to scripture) through a perspective that we otherwise would have missed.Agreed.
Someday we may talk about the "thought processes."
I expect you mean something along the lines of, "I have stated it precisely in order that no door is left open for arriving at skewed teachings.", as opposed to what you wrote: "...so that no door is left open..." From my experience, precision attempted involves a lot of words, mostly to say what a thing is not, and can never stated in such a way that there can be no misuse of what is said. In fact, at some point, "the more the words, the less the meaning."I have stated it precisely so that no door is left open for arriving at teachings that are also skewed.
Do you see any openings in my statement that would allow for arriving at skewed teachings?
Good thoughts! Thanks!I can't claim to "better thinking" and you presented many deep, interesting thoughts ... as to my 2 cents worth ...
Premise 1: God has to suffer in the same way and amount we deserved to be punished (to get justice I suppose)
Premise 2: .. that God is capable of suffering. I would argue that God cannot suffer as a being that suffers cannot be a perfect being. If the divine nature suffers it would have to do so eternally and immutably.
So IMO if God must suffer it must be His human native that suffers.... back to premise 1: but I don't see how one human nature can suffer in the same way and amount for all the sin of billions of people. It would take forever. So, can God (the human nature) suffer in the same amount? Possibly if you consider that the object is Christ and therefore the value is infinite and thus the least amount to suffering to an infinite being more than compensates for the sins of billions of people made from dust that have no value unless God determines that some have value that He placed there (the elect).
Then there's the issue of His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways which make any theories suspect at best. Romans 9:19-21 seems to suggest the consideration of the topic is ridiculous.
Then there's the thought that God wanted/planned for all this to happen. How does that work into justice?
Then there's the aseity of God to consider .... Job 35:7 âIf you are righteous, what do you give God, Or what does He receive from your hand? 8 âYour wickedness affects only a man such as you, And your righteousness affects only a son of man [but it cannot affect God, who is sovereign]â .... our sin has no affect on God that He should demand justice on His part... maybe justice would be demanded on human level I suppose.
So, that my thoughts and probable evidence that I don't have a clue; but interesting to contemplate.
Agreed. âand, paradoxically, the day we can't split it rationally, is still temporal. When we see him as he is, the polarity between the two sides of that erstwhile hairsbreadth of difference will reveal a great wide gulf. It is we who must trust words to lead us âwords such as "Cause of" vs, "Author of"In a way, it's splitting 'Fine Fairs'...
God is Providential, but he doesn't Author Sin. One day we will come across a hair so fine, we can't split it. We won't understand how both Providence and God's non-Participation are true. But we'll believe both...
To me it is beginning to beg the question: What does spiritual death mean and what does any given person mean when they use the term?And you were dead in the trespasses and sins - Ephesians 2:1 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians2:1&version=ESV
It's true that Spiritual Death is not in the Verses, and there's no Verbatim Verse elsewhere in the Bible...
But this is why Systematic Theology is Crucial. All Scripture is Good for Doctrine. The validity of Theology seems to be the most prominent Debate, or Argument, on CCAM Forums these days. Spiritual Death is a Sound Doctrine of the Church. The Argument may be that Spiritual Death is a Doctrine of the Bible instead of the Evangelical Church, so when Liberal Christians challenge the validity of Spiritual Death; Solo Scripturists will defend the Doctrine of Spiritual Death too...
But if they will defend the Doctrine of Spiritual Death; where is the Verbatim Verse for it?
Correct.We choose to sin freely; we did not freely choose to have a sin nature which is the cause of our choosing freely to sin.
In other words, we are not the first cause of our sin nature. (For that matter, man is not the first cause of anything ... the first cause is always from an eternal source).
Aside: Hey, if the Mormons are correct then we all have an eternal soul and then we could be our First Cause (bit of a rabbit trail).