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Did all the different races and ethnicities come from Adam and Eve?

The two main reasons why it isn't in the Bible is because of the references to Jesus written prior to his birth would interfere with the Jewish belief in who they think the messiah is...
I don't quite get that reason, especially since the OT is filled with prophecies concerning the Messiah. What's a couple of more?
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I don't quite get that reason, especially since the OT is filled with prophecies concerning the Messiah. What's a couple of more?
The book of Enoch eludes to the life and ministry of Jesus who they crucified.
I'm not even aware of a dna lab surviving a thousand years after the Flood; again, so why not come out and say 'the whole gene pool can be traced back to Adam and Eve'?

My hunch is that it would sound too 'fundy', raising scorn from the intellectual community who mainly view A&E as mythical/fable and not actual persons.

All had died from Adam including Noah and his three sons.
Nowadays, even trucks have "DNA" - or "HDNA".
The book of Enoch eludes to the life and ministry of Jesus who they crucified.
Does it go into the purpose of His coming and laying down His life and faith in Christ as Romans does?
I have a scenario that is reasonable from Gen 1 that other people were created but only the narrative of A&E is tracked. The main element is the verb phrase used for multiplying and filling is 'swarm with swarms.' The same is used about all the creatures that reproduce. It seems there was every attempt to 'fill' as quickly as possible.

I don't mean that evil started anywhere else, but I can't see where a single pregnancy at a time would accomplish what the verb phrase meant, when in the verse next door, it is used about animal and plant reproduction.
I have a scenario that is reasonable from Gen 1 that other people were created but only the narrative of A&E is tracked.
What's wrong with the A&E narrative, after all, it's only the Word of God?
Assuming you read my last post, How does one pregnancy at a time result in ‘swarming with swarms’ like the other creatures?

Gen 2 is about the one pair but that doesn’t mean ch 1 is about one pair.
Did all the different races and ethnicities come from Adam and Eve?

Yes, Acts 17:[26]
He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,
Short conversation.
I am 100% Chinese, and my wife is 100% Caucasian. Our #3 son has brown hair, except for a couple of small isolated patches of blond streak :)
And that is relevant..... how?