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Adam and Eve vs. the Theory of Evolution

This would be false. I have presented many reason why on forums for years.
Just the formation of water gaps show a flood. Michael Oard presents the following.
I'm afraid it's misinformation and distortion. Oard even argues (contra most YECs) that the Green River Formation of Wyoming is part of the Flood, which is a crazy position to hold. I studied the Green River Formation under one of the world's leading expert geologists on the Green River Formation (and expert who is also a YEC geologist). It is an ancient lake deposit and would have to be Post-Flood
What you are saying is that the flood account presented in the bible is incorrect. When you read Geneis (and other scripture) one doesn't walk away with the concept of a local flood... and for many reasons we can discuss
And yet that is exactly what I didn't say. I said there's an apparent conflict we don't know how to solve. I said the YEC assumption that the fossil record is the result of Noah's Flood is what's wrong; not the biblical account:

"Why the Fossil Record Can't Be Due to Noah's Flood"

Two examples of how YECs do NOT interpret Genesis literally.

Geologic evidence against the YEC assumption that the fossil record is the result of Noah's Flood.

Geologic problems with flood geology from a YEC geologist (Ken Coulson) himself!
A little bit about Phil Senter who's article you posted.

The following can be found here. Phil was answered way back in 2011.

Another day, another paper. At least that’s how it seems with some people! Readers of this blog will know that Phil Senter has been expending a lot of effort addressing creationist claims lately, with papers about Lucy, vestigial organs, the Kachina Bridge “sauropod” and dinosaur baraminology (parts one and two). Now he has taken on Flood geology in the latest Reports of the NCSE (Vol. 31, No. 3, pp.1-14, 2011).

In his contributions on baraminology, Senter has been trying to show that creationist methods yield results that are actually incompatible with creationist presuppositions. His latest paper likewise seeks to turn the tables on creationists by drawing attention to competing claims in their own literature about which rocks were formed during the Flood and which were formed before or after. He writes:

Basically, he draws on extensive citations from the creationist literature to document the presence in the geological record of subaerial deposits (e.g. desiccation cracks, continental basalts, dinosaur nests, eolian sandstones), low energy deposits and deposits requiring time (e.g. chalks, hardgrounds, reefs, stromatolites) and evidence of the diversification of terrestrial animals (e.g. dinosaurs, mammals). In this way, he sets creationists debating the stratigraphic positions of the pre-Flood/Flood and Flood/post-Flood boundaries against one another, and concludes that Flood geology has, in effect, falsified itself.

Speaking frankly, I found this perhaps the least satisfying of Senter’s recent contributions for a couple of reasons. First, to make his case Senter uncritically assumes that the conventional interpretations of the geological features described are correct and, to be fair to him, in doing so he is mostly following the lead of the creationists he cites. But I think that such interpretations demand careful investigation and it is not always wise to take them at face value. Second, I think this kind of analysis tends to miss the wood for the trees. The “big picture” of the stratigraphic record is of widespread sedimentary units of marine origin blanketing the continents and displaying evidence of rapid accumulation and long distance transport. That fits well with Flood geology and is much harder to explain by reference to modern day depositional environments. It is that bigger picture that provides the framework in which I seek to understand the features discussed in Senter’s paper.

What next from Fayetteville, I wonder?
Two creationists who do not agree with Senter about the flood. What else is new?

Do you have any critiques from scientific journals or at least non-creationists magazines or websites?
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Two creationists who do not agree with Senter about the flood. What else is new?

Do you have any critiques from scientific journals or at least non-creationists magazines or websites?
I answered your link....I fully understand you are not allowed to agree with it.
I'm afraid it's misinformation and distortion. Oard even argues (contra most YECs) that the Green River Formation of Wyoming is part of the Flood, which is a crazy position to hold. I studied the Green River Formation under one of the world's leading expert geologists on the Green River Formation (and expert who is also a YEC geologist). It is an ancient lake deposit and would have to be Post-Flood

And yet that is exactly what I didn't say. I said there's an apparent conflict we don't know how to solve. I said the YEC assumption that the fossil record is the result of Noah's Flood is what's wrong; not the biblical account:

"Why the Fossil Record Can't Be Due to Noah's Flood"

Two examples of how YECs do NOT interpret Genesis literally.

Geologic evidence against the YEC assumption that the fossil record is the result of Noah's Flood.

Geologic problems with flood geology from a YEC geologist (Ken Coulson) himself!
I don't intend to go through each thread and repost my objections.
I answered your link....I fully understand you are not allowed to agree with it.
It's that the evidence doesn't agree with it (and it's the other way around: it's YECs who have to agree to support flood geology as an article of faith a priori before science which is fine, but then one can't call it science!)
That's a shame. It's still in my Bible, because I believe and don't reject it. I only reject YEC assumptions that the fossil record is due to Noah's Flood
Are you saying there was no world wide flood in Noahs day?

Are you also saying animals can't be buried in sediment during a flood and all of it's stages?
Are you saying there was no world wide flood in Noahs day?

Are you also saying animals can't be buried in sediment during a flood and all of it's stages?
I'm saying what I've always said: the YEC assumption that the fossil record is due to Noah's Flood is contradicted by science and the Bible
Evolution teaches a view that say there is no need for God.

This is false. The theory of evolution neither includes nor excludes God. Questions about God are outside the competence of science, which is limited to the natural world.

You can easily find atheists who teach a view that says there is no need for God—Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne, Victor Stenger, Sean Carroll, Peter Atkins and more—but evolution does not teach that.

Now, some people are grasping onto their false science and trying to make the Bible conform to their false atheistic-driven evo-ism.

What we seem to have here are weasel words ("some people"), which are used to create the illusion of credibility but with a built-in escape hatch. Please, demonstrate for us readers that you're NOT using weasel words by citing at least one example of someone "grasping onto their false science and trying to make the Bible conform to their false atheistic-driven evo-ism."

And observe that I said cite, not just name. For example, "John Q. Author said as much on page 42 of his book Atheistic-driven Evo-ism." Or if it's people here, please link to a post which conveys a message or behavior that fits your description.

Long sigh....as we all know Eve being made from Adams rib...follows evo-ism to the Tee.

If you think Eve was made from Adam's rib, then there's at least one part of Genesis that you don't take literally (because it doesn't say rib).

I love it when people post on a forum acting as they have the inside baseball on what the "image of God" ...really...means.

Do you know what it really means?

But this opens up yet another can of worms for you Theo-Evos: Why does man need a savior? Who fell? A population, or one man like the Bible says?

Regardless of whatever ignorance or confusion you may have about theistic evolution, the answer is quite familiar: Mankind needs a savior because we are condemned sinners as a result of Adam's transgression. Yes, there are many Christians who accept evolution and believe in a literal Adam and Eve who lived 6,000 years ago.
Literally bull.

Which part? Be specific.

Scientific theory ain’t science.

If science is a systematic and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world through observation, formulating testable hypotheses, replicable experimentation, data analysis, and peer-review publication, then the theory of evolution is scientific.

Can you define science in a way that would exclude evolutionary biology without threatening other accepted fields?

Certainly not biblical

I made a case for humans reproducing humans after their kind for generations upon generations. Yep, certainly not biblical.

God does not require eons to create man in his image and likeness. Thanks.

Who said God required eons to do it?
I'm saying what I've always said: the YEC assumption that the fossil record is due to Noah's Flood is contradicted by science and the Bible
What????? The bible says there was no flood...and death....and a flood can't bury animals??? Try again.

Now, if your looking for the bible to say....the flood buried animals and they later fossilized...don't hang while your waiting.
I answered your link....I fully understand you are not allowed to agree with it.
If such articles only appear on creationist websites then why do you think anyone outside of creationists should take them seriously? I suggested ways in which they could be more plausible such as publishing there articles in scientific magazines or on non-creationist websites. Until the do they are just preaching to the choir.
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This is false. The theory of evolution neither includes nor excludes God. Questions about God are outside the competence of science, which is limited to the natural world.

You can easily find atheists who teach a view that says there is no need for God—Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne, Victor Stenger, Sean Carroll, Peter Atkins and more—but evolution does not teach that.
Are you claiming God nudged alone the creation of the animals using evolutionism?
What we seem to have here are weasel words ("some people"), which are used to create the illusion of credibility but with a built-in escape hatch. Please, demonstrate for us readers that you're NOT using weasel words by citing at least one example of someone "grasping onto their false science and trying to make the Bible conform to their false atheistic-driven evo-ism."
You......or do you believe God created Adam on day 6 from the dust.
And observe that I said cite, not just name. For example, "John Q. Author said as much on page 42 of his book Atheistic-driven Evo-ism." Or if it's people here, please link to a post which conveys a message or behavior that fits your description.

If you think Eve was made from Adam's rib, then there's at least one part of Genesis that you don't take literally (because it doesn't say rib).
Would you prefer side instead of rib? The bottom line is the bible says Eve was made from Adam...NOT evolutionism.
Do you know what it really means?

Regardless of whatever ignorance or confusion you may have about theistic evolution, the answer is quite familiar: Mankind needs a savior because we are condemned sinners as a result of Adam's transgression. Yes, there are many Christians who accept evolution and believe in a literal Adam and Eve who lived 6,000 years ago.
If there was no literal Adam...then who sinned?
If such articles only appear on creationist websites then why do you think anyone outside of creationists should take them seriously? I suggested ways in which they could be more plausible such as publishing there articles in scientific magazines or on non-creationist websites. Until the do they are just preaching to the choir.
The choir is growing.
The choir is growing.
Unfortunately religiosity is declining overall:

Belief in a literal Bible is declining, part of a general pattern of declining religiosity among the adult American population. | Jul 6, 2022

Unfortunately religiosity is declining overall:

Belief in a literal Bible is declining, part of a general pattern of declining religiosity among the adult American population. | Jul 6, 2022

Should I then believe such as you that Jesus didn't come in the flesh?
Should I then believe such as you that Jesus didn't come in the flesh?
If you want to know what Catholic's believe you can read the Apostle's Creed and you would know what Catholics believe. Warning: you could be surprised.

If you want to know what Catholic's believe you can read the Apostle's Creed and you would know what Catholics believe. Warning: you could be surprised.

Are you saying those that wrote the Apostles creed didn't believe in the bible such as you don't believe in the Bible?
Are you saying those that wrote the Apostles creed didn't believe in the bible such as you don't believe in the Bible?
Catholics and most other Christian denominations that do not share your beliefs.

There are hundreds of Christian denominations each with varying differences in beliefs, so if you want to believe that your denomination has ONLY true belief, go for it. However, you might want to keep in mind that most of those hundreds of other denomination are not fundamentalist and likely do not agree with you. In other words they are not required to believe that a literal reading of Genesis or that evolution or other sciences are evil. For us it is not an issue of faith or morals. I am not trying to stop you from believing that the Christians who don't share your beliefs are destined for the hot place.

