I'm afraid it's misinformation and distortion. Oard even argues (contra most YECs) that the Green River Formation of Wyoming is part of the Flood, which is a crazy position to hold. I studied the Green River Formation under one of the world's leading expert geologists on the Green River Formation (and expert who is also a YEC geologist). It is an ancient lake deposit and would have to be Post-FloodThis would be false. I have presented many reason why on forums for years.
Just the formation of water gaps show a flood. Michael Oard presents the following.
And yet that is exactly what I didn't say. I said there's an apparent conflict we don't know how to solve. I said the YEC assumption that the fossil record is the result of Noah's Flood is what's wrong; not the biblical account:What you are saying is that the flood account presented in the bible is incorrect. When you read Geneis (and other scripture) one doesn't walk away with the concept of a local flood... and for many reasons we can discuss
"Why the Fossil Record Can't Be Due to Noah's Flood"
Two examples of how YECs do NOT interpret Genesis literally.
Geologic evidence against the YEC assumption that the fossil record is the result of Noah's Flood.
Geologic problems with flood geology from a YEC geologist (Ken Coulson) himself!