And there you have it , no one can question you.
There is no such thing as called to prophesy, Acts 1:8-9
Apologize for the spelling, I was half asleep nodding in and out. I am usually not great, but that was chicken scratch level.
I have seen beginners who know the bible better, come on man, do you even read the bible There is no excuse for not knowing Prophesy is one of the 12 gifts. Study to show yourself approved !!
1 Cor. 12:7 But th
e manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to
one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the
word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9
To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the
gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
10 To another the
working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another
discerning of spirits; to another
divers kinds of tongues; to another the
interpretation of tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
So, there is no such thing as a calling unto Prophecy hey? This is why you always get defeated in every reply, you are not using the word as the foundation in full on your opinions. How can any Christian say no one is called unto prophecy? What are you even talking about? This is why you can't question me on anything, you are not using sound talking points. So, when someone says something like this above, do you think I am going to take them serious on things like Daniel 9 when they can't even get the simple stuff right?
In the 1990s , the expression replacement theology RT was invented to vilify anyone who did not accept the 2 peoples-programs of Dispensationslisn.
The problem of 1990s RT is that it utterly avoided what Gal 3:17 says, or Heb 9, or even the end of Rom 9 about Israel establishing its own righteousness.
Gal. 3:17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.
You do not understand the contextual reasonings behind the chapter, your types (RT...if that is what you want to call it) look at this chapter and say Israel and the Church are ALL ONE, this proves it, but it proves just the opposite, meaning you do not understand how to decipher the scriptures my friend.
I will give you ONE JUXTAPOSTION, that destroys what you think Gal. 3 means in full, then I will explain it in brief.
Gal. 3:28 There
is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free
, there is neither male nor female: for
ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
This one verse destroys the whole Israel & the Church are one thesis, and you guys can't even see it.
Ask yourself one question, are there still Males & Females? BOOM........This proves you are missing what Paul is talking about altogether !! Therefore the whole notion of
"there is neither Greek (Gentile) nor Jew" doesn't mean Paul is saying they are one, just like he is not saying there is now only ONE GENDER !! It is obvious then that Paul is speaking about something else, and that something is not a CALLING...............because woman are CALLED unto child birth and men are of course not, so what ever this is Paul is speaking about being one and the same is not about anyone's CALLINGS being shifted. I really can't believe people can not see this, Paul juxtaposes the Gentile and Jew being one in Christ Jesus as well as Males and Females being one, and you can't figure out this ONENESS isn't about a calling.
So, what is it Paul is speaking about?
HOW WE COME UNTO Christ Jesus, not our specific CALLINGS !! I might have a Prophecy, Wisdom, and Knowledge ministry while me brother might have a Healing ministry, etc. etc. But we all have to come unto Christ by FAITH ALONE, that is Paul's whole point here, but WHY? Its becomes obvious when one reads the chapter in full without tunnel vision.
Paul is scolding the Galatians for trying to be "Jew Like" in order to make it into the pearly gates of heaven, no doubt some "Jewish Christians" had come in trying to say,
"well we been doing this stuff with God for years (Satan never misses a trick) and you guys are not going to make it to heaven unless you also incorporate the Jewish traditions and keep the Laws of Moses" so the Galatians started keeping the Laws of Moses, keeping the Sabbath, sacrificing animals and Paul is like YOU FOOLS, why starting out in the spirit have you now turned unto the flesh? Meaning why have you started out by FAITH and now turned unto THE LAW !!
Then Paul goes into a rant unto them about why the Law avails nothing, and how it was only given 430 years after the Promise, and how once the Promise (Jesus) comes the Law is no longer needed.
So this whole chapter is Paul SHOUTING at the Galatians to STOP trying to be "Jewish" in order to make it to Heaven, which is what they had done which is why Paul called them foolish !!
So, understanding all that above, why do you and other not understand that Paul is not trying to say the Jews and Greeks/Gentiles are all ONE, but instead is saying the Jews and Greeks are all ONE in how they have to come unto Christ by FAITH ALONE (it has zero to do with any CALLINGS) just like Males & Females both have to come unto Christ Jesus by FAITH ALONE also, even though they are NOT ONE GENDER !! Females are still CALLED unto birthing children, males are not, likewise the Gentiles are called unto taking the Gospel unto the whole world, Israel as a Nation WAS NOT else they would not have been Dead Men's Bones for nigh 2000 years. So what is Israel's CALLING? Well to birth the Messiah (CHECK) and to usher in the Kingdom Age with Jesus. Rev. 20:4 PROVES the church do not remain on earth during the Kingdom Age, only the Martyrs of the 70th week do so. Jesus rules from Jerusalem for 1000 years, that is THEIR CALLING and it has nothing to do with how the Jews come unto Christ, because we know they repent during the 70th week, but they do so after the Pre Trib Rapture at a different time, but the Jews have to come unto Jesus just like we do, but FAITH ALONE.
So everything you think you understand about Gal. ch. 3, you really just don't get what Paul is saying. But instead of reading and learning, you will shake your head, give it a half glance and continue in your wrong think on this.
These things ae much deeper than laymen understand, but if one refuses to heed the advice of pole with 40 years of knowledge, well that is on them, its like a young 18 year old trying to teach a pro football coach how to run the team, or even a guy like Nick Saban being taught by a young freshmen, if they guy will not listen or take teaching he probably will only retard his own development.
So, you willing to admit you were in error on Prophecy not being a callig?