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Covenant of Works

It is not the tree of knowledge but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Yes life is implied for perfect obedience but there was no restriction given on eating of the tree of life. God said "Of every tree in the garden to may eat except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He did not forbid them from eating of the tree of life. They had life. The tree was the source of life and imo is a shadow of what is revealed in the NT about Jesus. (John 14:6; John 8:12; John 1:1-18)

His righteousness at creation did not need to be proven. It existed. He would become unrighteous only if he violated any of God's commands. The one violation that would guarantee death was if he gained the knowledge of evil along with his knowledge of good. If he did not violate it one can presume that he and his posterity would live forever. But you see, he was created, corruptible but not corrupt, and mortal, able to die. The violation that gave him knowledge of evil corrupted him. And the corruption led to death. Which would also require that he no longer have access to the tree of life. And here is where the covenant of works must be interwoven with the covenant of grace---or eternal life through faith apart from works. They are both working together, in and through one another, in a beautiful and harmonious tapestry, with the consummation being mankind in Christ, being both incorruptible and immortal. Not in the same position he was in as created. Speculation into things that are not mentioned and naming them as the truth, and working outward from there, is bad apologetics.
Adam was not created with eternal life
Then what does re-birth, re-generation to eternal life mean? Why is it "re" if Adam were never there to begin with?
and he was not created incorruptible. The tree of life is not said to give eternal life, but is the tree from which life comes. He was never intended to have eternal life. An enemy had to be defeated once and for all and that, evidently, given what we are shown in the whole counsel of God, could only be done in the way in which it was done.
Is it all about 1) defeating an enemy, or all about 2) creating even matter that he might bring that creation into himself, which I am suspecting is what all the enmity is about between God and the spirit demons in the first place. . .or 3) both?

Is that the controversy God has decreed with Satan by which God will be vindicated when he judges (Ro 3:4); i.e., Satan will agree that God is right and just?
Through all mankind becoming as their father Adam. And Christ becoming one of us and defeating that enemy sin and death by defeating the father of lies. And the new man, new creation in Him, becoming incorruptible and immortal. No more knowledge of evil for there is no evil.
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Then what does re-birth, re-generation to eternal life mean? Why is it "re" if Adam were never there to begin with?
If he was created with intrinsic eternal life, he was not subject to death and there would have been no tree that would lead to death. We are regenerated from being in Adam as sinners to being in Christ who is life. I see it (in the bigger picture) as in order for God's enemies to be destroyed there had to be a creature like God, as in image likeness, similar to Him in many ways and exactly like Him in no way, that can suffer a penalty of death, spiritual and physical. That becomes the battle ground between God and His enemies. One like them (man) must perform perfectly the covenant of works which is the only thing (perfect righteousness) that can deliver them out of the hand of His enemies. And then die for them, carrying their inherited sin and their personal sins with Him to the grave. But the grave cannot hold Him because He has nothing of HImself worthy of death. To me that shines a flood light on Paul's saying that we are buried with Christ and rise from the dead with Him. And not all of that is wrong. Some of it may very well be----but as of now, that is how I have come to see it. Our last state is not the same as Adam's first state. It is better. Now we will become immortal and incorruptible. And there will be nothing to corrupt us.
Is it all about 1) defeating an enemy, or all about 2) creating even matter that he might bring that creation into himself, which I am suspecting is what all the enmity is about between God and the spirit demons in the first place. . .or 3) both?
I don't understand #2. I don't think God is ever doing just one thing but that all things are a unit or unity, and there is more that He doesn't tell us than that He does tell us. He tells us everything we need to know. But there is nothing that God is not in because there is nothing that exists apart from Him.
Is that the controversy God has decreed with Satan by which God will be vindicated when he judges (Ro 3:4); i.e., Satan will agree that God is right and just?
I'm not sure. I would have to think to hard on it and it is too late in the day for that. ;)
Thank you. I think I would agree that one’s whole life would be the longest “probationary“ period! The authors I read offered no Scriptures to support their idea of a shorter probationary period.

Ones whole life is dying suffering the pangs of hell as good as dead carrying out the death sentence .Believers are given a new spirit and the promise of a new incorruptible Body .Yoked with Christ he makes our daily suffering lighter

Hebrews 11:12 Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.
OK, I have a link to the PDF for an overview and the rebuttal for Conclusion #1. Do I need permission from someone before posting it?
OK, I have a link to the PDF for an overview and the rebuttal for Conclusion #1. Do I need permission from someone before posting it?
I read the Forum Rules, and didn't see anything about PDFs. Videos are limited to 20 minutes...
OK, I have a link to the PDF for an overview and the rebuttal for Conclusion #1. Do I need permission from someone before posting it?
This is why I asked the question: “Both @His clay and @Josheb are often absent from the forum for a period of time, I assume due to other duties and activities, but always do return, or have. So we may have to wait for their participation when they return and catch up. Perhaps in the counter to the covenant of works which I understand is coming. Hopefully others will join the conversation too. I am looking forward to it. Such a welcome breather from the same old thing."
I read the Forum Rules, and didn't see anything about PDFs. Videos are limited to 20 minutes...
The above quote is from an earlier post by Arial.

The PDF is in a link. The same content posted will take maybe 5+ full 1,000 word posts …

Not wanting to break any rules or expectations of how things are done here.
Hi @Guy Swenson, welcome to the forum (although I believe we've traded posts elsewhere if my memory serves me well.
Thank you. I have not been active on religious discussion forums for decades, so it was probably someone else. Just became active again recently. I appreciate the opportunity to test some content I have been developing.
Grafting ~ by ReverendRV * May 6

Romans 11:24 KJV;
For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?

I was having a discussion with a group about how Roman Catholics and Evangelicals present the Gospel of Jesus Christ; what’s the difference? One Catholic offered the conclusion of the Council of Orange from A.D. 529 as their view of the Gospel. Since I don’t have the space to reproduce it here, it was similar to the Good News of the Evangelical Gospel. I responded by saying that the Protestants agree with much of what the Councils of the early Church stated; but the differences come up because of the later Councils. A Lutheran spoke up and said that if this is the Roman Catholic Gospel, then they owe an apology to the Reformer Martin Luther for Excommunicating him for believing the Gospel that the Church used to profess. ~ This gave me cause to think of our topic verse. It is a symbol of the difference between the people of God, the Jews; and the people of God, the Church. The Horticultural practice of grafting in branches from one tree into another tree is used as a symbol of Gods ‘Favor’ for his people over time. First it was Israel and when they Fell, God favored the Gentiles. ~ But you ask, “What does this have to do with now?”

Something similar has happened in modern times. The early Church had the Gospel but there came a time another branch was grafted into it by the Religion of men. These Horticulturalists trained the Gospel tree’s shape by twisting it in such a way that this added branch now seemed to be the tree’s trunk, and the true trunk appeared to be the spurious branch. You ask, “Why is this new branch a problem?” Because the branch they added is from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; and the tree that it was added to is the Tree of Life! The Bible teaches us these two trees were in the Garden of Eden, and that the Tree Adam and Eve ate from first would control their destiny. The Tree of Knowledge bore fruit that killed them when they ate it; this Tree is symbolic of the Ten Commandments. God intended the Ten Commandments to be used to show people they are Sinners; have you ever Trespassed and picked an apple from someone else’s tree? That’s Stealing, and God punishes Sinners by sending them to a Devil’s Hell. ~ World Religions like Judaism and Catholicism, and Cults like Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses Graft this poisonous branch into the Gospel by saying we are Saved by our good Works. But the Bible says that if we want to be Saved by Works, then Grace is no longer Grace. The remaining good branches of this religious tree stop bearing the fruit of Life; because that good tree is now made bad. ~ Prune things you think you can do to earn your way to Heaven, and make the tree Good…

The Bible says there is coming a day when Israel will be grafted back into the good Olive Tree, but room for them will need to be made by cutting off the Gentiles; your time is ticking. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Tree of Life; here is its fruit! God sent his Unique Son to be born of a Virgin, so that he could be the Sinless sacrifice that Atones for our Iniquity. He shed his blood on the Cross for the Remission of Sin, was buried, but conquered death by rising from the grave! By Grace are ye Saved, through Faith in Jesus as your Lord God and Savior; this is not by Works so that no one can boast in themselves. If you can boast, then your tree does indeed have a branch from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Its fruit is meant to show you naked before God; be ashamed. Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God and be clothed in his Righteousness…

Matthew 12:33 NIV; "Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.
When it comes to earning Righteousness, this is seen in Deuteronomy 28; IE the Mosaic Covenant of Works, not the Edenic Covenant of Works...

The Edenic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant are the same Covenant of Works; perhaps there were Ten Apples on the Tree of Knowledge to break. Jesus Kept the Edenic Covenant by keeping the Mosaic Covenant...

There are two Heads of the Covenant of Works; IE the Edenic and Mosaic Covenants, as seen in Romans 5. Adam is the Head of the Edenic Covenant of Works, and Jesus is the Head of the Mosaic Covenant of Works; one Covenant of Works, but with two Heads. A good example for this are the famous three rivers. There's the Allegheny, the Monongahela, and these two rivers meet to form the one Ohio River. Something similar happens with the Covenant of Works. Without the Allegheny meeting the Monongahela, there would be no Ohio River; the Monongahela River would be flowing where the Ohio River basin is. Therefore, without Christ Keeping the Mosaic Covenant of Works, the Edenic Covenant of Works would always and only flow through the Sea of All Mankind. But since Jesus Kept the 'Limited to Israel' Mosaic Covenant, and because there's only one Covenant of Works; he Kept the Edenic Covenant too, and thus is the Second Adam of the Edenic Covenant. The Edenic Covenant had no Atonement in it; the first Commandment with a positive Promise, came in the Middle of the Mosaic Covenant. The Edenic Covenant only had a negative Promise; that Adam/Man SHALL die. As the Second Adam, he is the Propitiation for the World. As a Prophet like Moses, he is the Savior of Israel only. As a Gentile can enter into the Covenant of Moses, anyone in the Edenic Covenant can enter into the New Covenant that Jesus ratified in the Heavenly Holy of Hollies with his Blood..

I would offer. The word die as in dead as to how it is used in the bible can help. The word die (misunderstood) was the cause of the fall.

Genesis 4:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

God is the savior of all the nations of the world not according to the flesh the temporal what the eyes see like outward Jew (All mankind lives in a body of death) . Mankind must be born again

Not two rivers as teaching authorities. One river the fresh living water of the word (gospel) salt speaks of judgment .

Mixing the oral traditions of the consuls of as laws of men with the water of his word is not a biblical principle needed to rightly divide (sola scriptura)

James 3:12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

I would offer to begin with the idea of "early church" or "church age" is non biblical .At the most its supports Satan the spirit of the antichrists as false prophets, bringing false prophecy (oral traditions of dying mankind ) .Just as the idea of a succession of men some call apostolic succession.

Private interpretations of various consuls of dying mankind through the ages are not the source of faith. God's word alone is .

Abel the prophet is a member of the bride of Christ.. . . he is the first apostles sent with the gospel, the first recorded martyr .

The new testament is a continuation of the old. The new age of sons of God Christians will not be under the Sun (time senititive) There will be no night God is Light, God is Spirit, God is Love.

In the new heavens and earth it will be like the first three days when God introduced himself "Let there be light" and there was the glorious presence of God revealing the things hidden in darkness ( no understanding from God) . Day four seeing pride in the heart of lucifer.
The Spirit switched on the temporal corruption timekeepers . The Sun as the source of glory and the moon a shadow of it therefore using it to his glory the gospel The Sun to represent our living God who is light and his outward testimony Jesus a reflection of the glory .Those days at the end of three began winding down till the last day under the Sun . No need for the Sun and mon in the new heavens and earth .

Revealtion21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

What did divide is the reformation spoken of in Hebrew 9 .The Holy Spirit restored the church made up of all the nations of the world (Judges sent as apostle's with the word of God . No division which some call "church age". It simply destroys the meaning of the word sent messenger (apostle). God sending mankind with the gospel it is not subject to age .

The Catholic are required to change the meaning of sent ones (apostles) to highly venerable puffed up ones as those who lord it over the non -venerable in order to make thier oral traditions of thier fathers something that could benefit their flesh alone

Mankind truly dead in his trespses and sin without God without power in this present world failed to keep the letter of the law. God's instrument of death death . It would seem today the same applies. Assigning death as not really dead never to rise to new life But some sort of second chance that some have named limbo or purgatory .

When we were in the corrupted dying flesh

Romans 7:5-7King James Version5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

In the end of the matter we are saved by the good works of Christ. Yoked with him a daily suffering the pangs of hell (bely of the whale )are made lighter with a future living hope beyond the grave they accompany salvation not a cause of salvation.

hebrews 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name,(power) in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

We can forget where the accompanied power comes from, he will not forget. .

Not of our own self. Living in bodies of death we have no power to please God.
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I would offer. The word die as in dead as to how it is used in the bible can help. The word die (misunderstood) was the cause of the fall.

Genesis 4:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

God is the savior of all the nations of the world not according to the flesh the temporal what the eyes see like outward Jew (All mankind lives in a body of death) . Mankind must be born again

Not two rivers as teaching authorities. One river the fresh living water of the word (gospel) salt speaks of judgment .

Mixing the oral traditions of the consuls of as laws of men with the water of his word is not a biblical principle needed to rightly divide (sola scriptura)

James 3:12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

I would offer to begin with the idea of "early church" or "church age" is non biblical .At the most its supports Satan the spirit of the antichrists as false prophets, bringing false prophecy (oral traditions of dying mankind ) .Just as the idea of a succession of men some call apostolic succession.

Private interpretations of various consuls of dying mankind through the ages are not the source of faith. God's word alone is .

Abel the prophet is a member of the bride of Christ.. . . he is the first apostles sent with the gospel, the first recorded martyr .

The new testament is a continuation of the old. The new age of sons of God Christians will not be under the Sun (time senititive) There will be no night God is Light, God is Spirit, God is Love.

In the new heavens and earth it will be like the first three days when God introduced himself "Let there be light" and there was the glorious presence of God revealing the things hidden in darkness ( no understanding from God) . Day four seeing pride in the heart of lucifer.
The Spirit switched on the temporal corruption timekeepers . The Sun as the source of glory and the moon a shadow of it therefore using it to his glory the gospel The Sun to represent our living God who is light and his outward testimony Jesus a reflection of the glory .Those days at the end of three began winding down till the last day under the Sun . No need for the Sun and mon in the new heavens and earth .

Revealtion21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

What did divide is the reformation spoken of in Hebrew 9 .The Holy Spirit restored the church made up of all the nations of the world (Judges sent as apostle's with the word of God . No division which some call "church age". It simply destroys the meaning of the word sent messenger (apostle). God sending mankind with the gospel it is not subject to age .

The Catholic are required to change the meaning of sent ones (apostles) to highly venerable puffed up ones as those who lord it over the non -venerable in order to make thier oral traditions of thier fathers something that could benefit their flesh alone

Mankind truly dead in his trespses and sin without God without power in this present world failed to keep the letter of the law. God's instrument of death death . It would seem today the same applies. Assigning death as not really dead never to rise to new life But some sort of second chance that some have named limbo or purgatory .

When we were in the corrupted dying flesh

Romans 7:5-7King James Version5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

In the end of the matter we are saved by the good works of Christ. Yoked with him a daily suffering the pangs of hell (bely of the whale )are made lighter with a future living hope beyond the grave they accompany salvation not a cause of salvation.

hebrews 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name,(power) in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

We can forget where the accompanied power comes from, he will not forget. .

Not of our own self. Living in bodies of death we have no power to please God.
Buddy, I'm not sure how most of this has anything to do with the Covenant of Works. Can you single out one point? I see some things, but I see other things too...
Does not the Potter have the right to make out of the same Lump of Clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? What if God, although choosing to show his Wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the Objects of his Wrath—prepared for destruction?

The inference from the immediate Context is that the Vessels made by God for Dishonor, are the same Objects of his Wrath he prepared for Destruction. This gets us back to Infralapsarianism and Supralapsarianism. God made Vessels for Dishonor from the same Lump of Fallen Clay; which is THE Object of his Wrath. The Lump of Clay is the Object of God's Wrath, before God makes Vessels from it. The Vessels made for Honor come from the same Fallen Lump of Clay; but are Graciously Made into a Gravy Boat, instead of made into a Spitoon. The Spotoon is left in the Fallen state in which God's Wrath remains on the Clay it's made from; but the Gravy Boat is Redeemed by Grace through Faith, and God's Wrath is assuaged...

Psalm 2:9 NIV; You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
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Buddy, I'm not sure how most of this has anything to do with the Covenant of Works. Can you single out one point? I see some things, but I see other things too...

His covenant of works.

His faithful labor of love, not ours. .we have no power(dead) not little faith (none)

A covenant of works is God working in dying mankind both (the key) giving them eras to hear his understanding and the power to it to his good pleasure Yoked with Christ he makes it possible,

Philippians 2:13-14 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
Who is it that works in you?

No power is attributed to dying or dead mankind .

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
Does not the Potter have the right to make out of the same Lump of Clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? What if God, although choosing to show his Wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the Objects of his Wrath—prepared for destruction?

The inference from the immediate Context is that the Vessels made by God for Dishonor, are the same Objects of his Wrath he prepared forDestruction. This gets us back to Infralapsarianism and Supralapsarianism. God made Vessels for Dishonor from the same Lump of Fallen Clay; which is THE Object of his Wrath. The Lump of Clay is the Object of God's Wrath, before God makes Vessels from it. The Vessels made for Honor come from the same Fallen Lump of Clay; but are Graciously Made into a Gravy Boat, instead of made into a Spitoon. The Spotoon is left in it's Fallen state in which God's Wrath remains on the Clay it's made from; but the Gravy Boat is Redeemed by Grace through Faith, and God's Wrath is assuaged...

I would offer. Neither lump of clay has a power of its own.

I would think the subject matter is inspiration .(1) From above falling like rain or (2) earthly of the devil?

The atheist jews were turning things upside down, rather than using the living word of God as the teaching master they taught commandment of men as oral tradition "I heard it the through the legion of fathers grape vine. Therefore taking away the understanding of God.

Isaiah 29:16
Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?
I would offer. Neither lump of clay has a power of its own.

I would think the subject matter is inspiration .(1) From above falling like rain or (2) earthly of the devil?

The atheist jews were turning things upside down, rather than using the living word of God as the teaching master they taught commandment of men as oral tradition "I heard it the through the legion of fathers grape vine. Therefore taking away the understanding of God.

Isaiah 29:16
Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?
I agree; the Unfallen Lump of Clay, and the Fallen Lump of Clay neither have a choice in Election. I brought it up in case it plays a part in @Guy Swenson 's objections to the Covenant of Works...
Here is my first rebuttal to the Covenant of Works, focused on Conclusion #1. There are two options - a link to a PDF with all the content for the rebuttal of Conclusion #1, and then a series of 7 posts with the same content - the individual posts are done at the request of others on this forum to enable them to reply to comments more easily. (Forum rules limit the number of words per post.)

I appreciate your candid comments and reviews. My focus is sola scriptura - if I missed something or am making an egregious misinterpretation of scripture, I want to know.

Go here to see a link to see the full rebuttal Conclusion #1 in PDF format:

Post #1 of 7

The Covenant of Works was created and is espoused and endorsed both by historically significant and by modern theologians who have attained the highest academic achievements in religious studies.

Some say it is a linchpin doctrine upon which salvation itself depends. As R. C. Sproul states regarding the importance of the Covenant of Works as a doctrine,

“There is nothing less than our salvation at stake in this issue."

Retrieved from: https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/covenant-works.

(All emphasis is mine.)

Sproul is highlighting how the Covenant of Works is such a foundational teaching and upon it many other doctrines are based. If theologians got this doctrine wrong, other doctrines, such as Original Sin, how we are saved, what Jesus accomplished as our Savior and even how Jesus expects His disciples to obey Him are misleading and wrong.

So, did the theologians get the Covenant of Works right – or completely wrong?

The “Covenant of Works,” which goes by several names including the “Edenic Covenant,” the “Adamic Covenant,” the “Covenant of Life” and the “Covenant of Nature.” This doctrine seeks to explain the terms and conditions by which mankind can receive eternal life and as noted, has a far-reaching impact on other doctrines as well. The Covenant of Works is an essential doctrine for a number of Protestant churches, including those in the “Reformed” or “Covenant Theology” movement. Some of the conclusions from the Covenant of Works have influenced the doctrines and interpretations of Bible texts by other churches as well.

In simplified terms, the Covenant of Works asserts that God initiated a covenant with Adam in the Garden of Eden. The terms of the covenant, stated as conclusions of the doctrine, were these:

Four Major Conclusions of the Covenant of Works:

#1: Preconditions and Probation: “Adam had to, over a probationary period of time, perform ‘works’ of righteousness by meeting the conditions of personal, perfect and perpetual obedience before God would allow Adam to eat from the tree of life.”

  • Adam was given an undisclosed period of time (called “probation”) to prove whether he would demonstrate “personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience” to God – or disobey God and sin.
  • Only after the successful demonstration of these works of “personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience” during the time of his “probation,” would Adam have proven his perfect righteousness, earned eternal life, and be allowed to eat to the tree of life and thereby live forever.

#2: Eternal Life Can be Earned: Adam, by fulfilling the Covenant of Works, could earn perfect righteousness which would create an obligation (or a “debt”) of God requiring Him to give Adam eternal life by him granting access to the tree of life.
  • This offer of perfect obedience being rewarded with eternal life is allegedly stated in Lev. 18:5, where it says: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the Lord.”
  • It is also asserted that Lev. 18:5 is quoted or referred to in the New Testament by Jesus and Paul as a promise of perfect obedience earning eternal life.

#3: Federal Headship: Adam was the “federal head” of humanity, and there were no limitations to the extent, reach and impact of that federal headship. Whatever Adam’s spiritual condition became, it would be imputed, imparted and inherited by all his “naturally generated” progeny or descendants.
  • If Adam passed probation with personal, perfect, perpetual obedience, then the righteousness he merited by those works of perfect obedience and the eternal life he earned would permit his descendants to have eternal life imputed to them.
  • If Adam failed and sinned, then every “naturally generated” (conceived by human insemination) descendant of Adam also participated in the actual sin of disobedience – eating the forbidden fruit – by Adam being the “federal representative” of all humanity – and is also guilty of that sin. Therefore, from conception, every person is judged, condemned and sentenced to an eternity of suffering in the fires of hell.
  • The second Adam, Jesus, was perfectly obedient. Only by His works of personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience did Jesus earn righteousness, merit eternal life and is able to offer both righteousness and eternal life to those whom He chooses.
  • Either Adam, or Jesus, as the second, Adam, is your federal head. Whether you have a condemnation or eternal life, imputed to you is determined by who your federal head is.

#4: Salvation Is by Works: Salvation depended on someone finally fulfilling the Covenant of Works.
  • The Covenant of Works, and the ability to earn eternal life by a person’s perfect obedience earning righteousness, continued until the death of Jesus. (Jesus fulfilled the Covenant of Works, and therefore it no longer was in force after His death.)
  • Unfortunately, due to being “naturally generated,” not one of Adam’s descendants could fulfill the preconditions of a life of personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience, and thereby earn righteousness and eternal life for themselves and their progeny.
  • Why is this? Because every one of Adam’s “naturally generated” descendants inherited the guilt from Adam’s “original” sin. As already noted, from conception, everyone was guilty of Adam’s sin.
  • However, Jesus was not a descendant of Adam by “natural generation,” had no guilt from the original sin, and therefore He could demonstrate personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience to God.
  • Jesus fulfilled the Covenant of Works, and it was ONLY through His works of perfect obedience that Jesus earned righteousness and eternal life that could be imputed or imparted to others of His choosing.