Again, this is very Good. About point 2; saying 'All are Judged' may be acceptable, but Adam alone was Judged. The teaching known as 'Real Participation' says we participated with Adam in the Fall, but this is different from our Representation by Adam as our Federal Head. Also, the Sentencing to Hell is not a part of the Fall. Condemnation is part of the Fall, but if anyone under the Old Covenant Kept it, that would be their Righteousness. If anyone under the Old Covenant Broke it, that would be their Curse (Deut 28); and this is when they would be Sentenced to Hell. The question arises; can we be Condemned and not be Sentenced? That's up to you to Study more about. But in America, we can be Convicted/Condemned in Court; and await the Judge to return for Sentencing...
Now, you may have found some Theologians who teach what you said in P2; but HERE you have found a mini-theologian whose given you more to think about...
Keep up the good work...