A prime example of the abuse of Scripture. Just call your religion the "us" and the "our," and wallah---you have proof!
Should the Catholic reformers have stayed with a religion that forbid lay people from possessing the Bible in the common language? That hanged, burned, decapitated and hung heads on bridge spikes, any who were caught translating the Bible into languages they could read and speak? A church organization that did the same to all dissenters of their tyrannical reign, who failed to bow down to them? WHo had self appointed priests, full of sexual perversions, greed, self seeking, self serving, men of ill character, putting them in the place of Christ? Who invented doctrines nowhere found in Scripture, worshiped human saints they named as saints, extracted indulgences with the promise of heaven, set up idols and prayed to them?
Should they have stayed? Was that truly Christ's one true church? The only thing that has changed is the human slaughter.