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Believers Baptism

May 27, 2023
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I was baptised as a baby in the Roman Catholic church. After I was saved I had a peculiar dream that involved me on the way to get water baptised. As I woke up I "heard" or experienced the words "the fruit of the spirit of faith in restitution". I say heard but I didn't hear any audible sound, it was more like the words were just somehow there in that experience. I immediately wrote that sentence down because I never knew the word "restitution" and it seemed strange to me. I looked it up later and found out it is a Biblical term. I also never knew what the fruit of the spirit was. That came later when I read the Bible more.

So, I have attempted to go to people or churches that will perform water baptism. The Anglican churches do not do adult baptisms if a person has been water baptised as an infant. I have tried baptist churches with no luck yet. I just walked to a local baptist church that has Thursday meetings and nobody was there. I have tried to get several different Christians I know to water baptise me and every time it has fallen through and I don't really know why.

So I suppose my question is, do I need to be water baptised?
I was baptised as a baby in the Roman Catholic church. After I was saved I had a peculiar dream that involved me on the way to get water baptised. As I woke up I "heard" or experienced the words "the fruit of the spirit of faith in restitution". I say heard but I didn't hear any audible sound, it was more like the words were just somehow there in that experience. I immediately wrote that sentence down because I never knew the word "restitution" and it seemed strange to me. I looked it up later and found out it is a Biblical term. I also never knew what the fruit of the spirit was. That came later when I read the Bible more.

So, I have attempted to go to people or churches that will perform water baptism. The Anglican churches do not do adult baptisms if a person has been water baptised as an infant. I have tried baptist churches with no luck yet. I just walked to a local baptist church that has Thursday meetings and nobody was there. I have tried to get several different Christians I know to water baptise me and every time it has fallen through and I don't really know why.

So I suppose my question is, do I need to be water baptised?
Cos there is only one Christian sacrament of baptism eph 4:5
You can only be baptized once cos some sacraments imprint an indelible mark on the soul such as baptism
I was baptised as a baby in the Roman Catholic church. After I was saved I had a peculiar dream that involved me on the way to get water baptised. As I woke up I "heard" or experienced the words "the fruit of the spirit of faith in restitution". I say heard but I didn't hear any audible sound, it was more like the words were just somehow there in that experience. I immediately wrote that sentence down because I never knew the word "restitution" and it seemed strange to me. I looked it up later and found out it is a Biblical term. I also never knew what the fruit of the spirit was. That came later when I read the Bible more.

So, I have attempted to go to people or churches that will perform water baptism. The Anglican churches do not do adult baptisms if a person has been water baptised as an infant. I have tried baptist churches with no luck yet. I just walked to a local baptist church that has Thursday meetings and nobody was there. I have tried to get several different Christians I know to water baptise me and every time it has fallen through and I don't really know why.

So I suppose my question is, do I need to be water baptised?
You said you were already baptized?

Baptism leaves an indelible mark on the soul and cannot be repeated eph 4:5
I was baptised as a baby in the Roman Catholic church. After I was saved I had a peculiar dream that involved me on the way to get water baptised. As I woke up I "heard" or experienced the words "the fruit of the spirit of faith in restitution". I say heard but I didn't hear any audible sound, it was more like the words were just somehow there in that experience. I immediately wrote that sentence down because I never knew the word "restitution" and it seemed strange to me. I looked it up later and found out it is a Biblical term. I also never knew what the fruit of the spirit was. That came later when I read the Bible more.

So, I have attempted to go to people or churches that will perform water baptism. The Anglican churches do not do adult baptisms if a person has been water baptised as an infant. I have tried baptist churches with no luck yet. I just walked to a local baptist church that has Thursday meetings and nobody was there. I have tried to get several different Christians I know to water baptise me and every time it has fallen through and I don't really know why.

So I suppose my question is, do I need to be water baptised?
Sorry Not really referring to saved or salvation but justified cos nobody’s saved until death
Well, there is that now and then.

Of course, we are saved now.
Well, there is that now and then.

Of course, we are saved now.
What about

Jn 3:16 believes present tense continual state of believing
Jn 15:4 abide in me
Mk 13:13 matt 24:13 endures to the end shall be saved

But faith and baptism are the means of justification for adults
What about
What about them?
Jn 3:16 believes present tense continual state of believing
When does everlasting life end?
Jn 15:4 abide in me
Well, abiding is proof one is born of the spirit. Just like proving your faith with your works.
Mk 13:13 matt 24:13 endures to the end shall be saved
Yes, so whats the question here?
But faith and baptism are the means of justification for adults
Mk 13:13 matt 24:13 endures to the end shall be saved
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24.

And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Eph 4:30.

Do you know the biblical doctrine - perseverance of the saints?
But this thread is about baptism.
What about

Jn 3:16 believes present tense continual state of believing
Jn 15:4 abide in me
Mk 13:13 matt 24:13 endures to the end shall be saved

But faith and baptism are the means of justification for adults
Oh, one more. Jude 1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:

Don? Sounds like God has it all under control.
What about them?

When does everlasting life end?

Well, abiding is proof one is born of the spirit. Just like proving your faith with your works.

Yes, so whats the question here?

Eternal life is the life of God in us (grace) and we can lose Christ and grace

We must endure to the end to enter salvation
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24.

And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Eph 4:30.

Do you know the biblical doctrine - perseverance of the saints?
Do you believe in auto-matic perseverance?
Oh, one more. Jude 1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:

Don? Sounds like God has it all under control.
If we remain faithful
Eternal life is the life of God in us (grace) and we can lose Christ and grace

We must endure to the end to enter salvation
Which of the 66 books in the bible do you find that teaching?
If we remain faithful
Well if we are in him, we will remain faithful. God says He will finish in us what He has begun. Do you doubt Him?
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