Nature is as truly a revelation of God as the Bible; and we only interpret the Word of God by the Word of God
when we interpret the Bible by science. As this principle is undeniably true, it is admitted and acted on by
those who, through inattention to the meaning of terms, in words deny it. When the Bible speaks of the foundations,
or of the pillars of the earth, or of the solid heavens, or of the motion of the sun, do not you and every other
sane man, interpret this language by the facts of science? For five thousand years the Church understood the
Bible to teach that the earth stood still in space, and that the sun and stars revolved around it. Science has
demonstrated that this is not true. Shall we go on to interpret the Bible so as to make it teach the falsehood
that the sun moves around the earth, or shall we interpret it by science, and make the two harmonize? Of course,
this rule works both ways. If the Bible cannot contradict science, neither can science contradict the Bible…There
is a two-fold evil on this subject against which it would be well for Christians to guard. There are some good
men who are much too ready to adopt the opinions and theories of scientific men, and to adopt forced and unnatural
interpretations of the Bible, to bring it to accord with these opinions. There are others, who not only refuse
to admit the opinions of men, but science itself, to have any voice in the interpretation of Scripture. Both
of these errors should be avoided.
Source: Book – The Bible In Science, New York Observer, Mar, 26, 1863, pp. 98-99.