You know, I've answered this nonsense already...
No, you have not and Post #86 proves it.
There is not a single verse in the entire post explicitly stating Jesus is physically on earth physically reigning for a literal 1000 years. Anyone and everyone can type "Cntrl F" and search for the word "earth" and readily see not a single verse quoted explicitly states Jesus is on earth. What that search will reveal is you adding the word "earth" to the scriptures in you eisegetic commentary and, again, not answering the question asked.
Calling this "nonsense" is a logical fallacy known as "appeal to ridicule." Fallacy is what ensues when a poster cannot answer the questions asked. We've already seen ad hominem posted...
by utilizing the same system of hermeneutics that you used...
Never happened. I would NEVER add eisegetic inferences to scripture (and if I ever did so I hope someone would have the courtesy to piint it out so I can correct it - as I am now doing with you).
But, let's look at this:
Zechariah 14:1-3
1 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.
2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
It doesn't say "come down," it says what it says, which is a LATERAL action in person, not a vertical one, and it's not figurative in the Hebrew or the Greek of this verse in the OT. The Septuagint predates the Masoretic texts of your modern English translations by centuries, so please don't try to go there to prove your impossible case.
Revelation 19:11-15
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him [was] called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes [were] as a flame of fire, and on his head [were] many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Luke 1:31-32
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
Not a single explicit mention of Jesus physically being on earth.
Your whacked out hermeneutic...
Is irrelevant.
I simply asked for any verse explicitly stating Jesus is physically living on earth, physically reigning for a literal 1000 years and you've attacked me personally with ad homine, called the inquiry nonsense, and attempted to shift the onus away from the one, single, solitary, very valid and legitimate question asked to a fallacious appeal to ridicule and shifting onus.
Your ignorance of language and your lack of desire to pursue the truth....
And you do it to others, too.
Proverbs 1:8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
Proverbs 13:1 A wise son [heareth] his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.
Proverbs 19:27 Cease, my son, to hear the instruction [that causeth] to err from the words of knowledge.
Still no scripture explicitly stating Jesus is physically on earth physically reigning.
I've asked thrice. After each attempt the response failed to answer the question asked. The conclusion is that 1) there is no verse in the Bible explicitly stating Jesus will physically live on the earth physically reigning, 2) the position is, at best, reached ONLY through an inferential reading of scripture, 3) if and when a subscriber to the "physically on earth," position is asked about this that subscriber cannot and will not answer the question asked, cannot and will not post any such scripture, will not be honest and forthcoming and correctly say, "There is no explicit statement; it is a position reached from a solely inferential reading of scripture," 4) will readily resort to a plethora of fallacious responses in an attempt to avoid the facts of scripture, and 5) will not further the discussion (because the answer, "there is none," should have been immediate and we could then move on to discuss why it is someone would believe a doctrine that can be reached only by reading scripture inferentially). I'm going to list those problems again:
There is no verse in the Bible explicitly stating Jesus will physically live on the earth physically reigning,
The position is, at best, reached ONLY through an inferential reading of scripture,
If and when a subscriber to the "physically on earth," position is asked about this that subscriber cannot and will not answer the question asked, cannot and will not post any such scripture, will not be honest and forthcoming and correctly say, "There is no explicit statement; it is a position reached from a solely inferential reading of scripture,"
The "physically on earth" subscriber will readily resort to a plethora of fallacious responses in an attempt to avoid the facts of scripture,
The "physically on earth" subscriber will not further the discussion (because the answer, "there is none," should have been immediate and we could then move on to discuss why it is someone would believe a doctrine that can be reached only by reading scripture inferentially).
All that was asked was, "
Where does scripture explicitly state Jesus will physically be living on earth physically ruling the earth?"
The correct answer should have been immediate and posted in goodwill:
There is none.
So now my question is: Can you see what this position does to you and other subscribers? Can you see having to answer what should be an easily answered question near instantly becomes an occasion of rancor and aggression where you suddenly began attacking your fellow siblings in Christ
instead of answering a very easy to answer question with goodwill?
No other eschatology does this sort of thing to its adherents.
Note: no one here dodged a question, tried to change the subject, baselessly questioned and impugned the faculties of others, or resorted to other logical fallacies. You did all of that all on your own.
For the last time: "
Where does scripture explicitly state Jesus will physically be living on earth physically ruling the earth?"
Can you give and honest, correct, forthcoming answer, "
There are no verses explicitly stating Jesus is physically on earth"? If so, then please do so. If not, then whatever else is posted will not matter because the question asked has not been answered despite having been asked repeatedly. Just answer the question asked, please.
One of the problems with premillennialism is that nowhere does scripture explicitly state Jesus is physically on earth physically reigning for a literal 1000 years..... but it is very difficult to get a premillennialist (especially someone of the Dispensationalist variety) to see scripture's silence on that exact point. It is, likewise, very difficult to get a premillennialist to see and acknowledge the solely-inferential reading of scripture employed in the silence of scripture. It is impossible to discuss the inferential-only reading if it is not recognized and acknowledged.
Where does scripture explicitly state
Jesus will physically be living on earth
physically ruling the earth?
There is no such verse, Josh. I arrived at that position via inferences, not something explicitly stated in scripture, and I apologize to you and the others for the unnecessarily unkind content I posted.