I'm in very good company.
I'm in very good company.
Sincere.If someone said to you as a way of asserting that what they say is unquestionably true, "The depth of my knowledge is equal to my suffering and grief in life. So if you don't understand the things I say today, you are not as spiritually advanced as me (implied) ,and I am still right." (When someone says they are not wrong, they are saying they are right.); as you stood on Mt SInai (not Zion) and looked into their heart, what would your conclusion about the person be?
Not likely.Sincere.
Scripture cannot be broken.That designation doesn't make any difference whatsoever! What matters is the Church, which is comprised of all true believing Israelites AND Gentiles, all of whom lose the bloodline classification distinctions of this world in Yahshuah! If you don't believe that, then you are a purveyor of doctrines of demons! You may be a really nice guy in person, but what you are saying is not of God if and when it contradicts the inspired writings of Yah!
If there is just one Jewish Christian in the land, and Israel is in the New Covenant era, then it is a Christian nation that one day will be Christian through and through.Israel is not a Christian nation, it is Jewish.
The whole existence of Israel is that in its purest form still prophesied for a future fulfillment, God has His hand upon this people and one day very soon when the King of the Jews sits on David's throne in Jerusalem, that all Israel will be Christ-followers and the whole nation ruling on earth. In its prophesied purest form Israel is a Theocracy.There is no such thing as a Christian nations as it pervades most nations (maybe all, though in some converts to Christianity would be in great peril) and no nation is without a multitude of religions within it.
Jewish Christians were commanded the good news of Messiah's arrival be preached to "all nations" because that's where God scattered the Jews two times at the time this was taking place, and two more times still future.Which brings us once again close to the topic of the OP. The predominant view in my understanding, of premillennialism is that Satan is bound now and will be released in the "Great Tribulation." In amillennialism (my perspective of it) the Scripture says he is bound from deceiving the nations. Not that he is completely bound---and evidence shows he is not.
So when he is released for a short time, he is released to deceive the nations. WHat might that mean?
If we look at the fact that even nations that consider Christianity the devil himself, and forbid preaching the gospel, even kill those caught doing so, there are still pockets within those nations where the gospel is preached and Bibles distributed. This is done in direct obedience to Jesus' command that it should be preached to all nations, by very, very, brave Christians. Satan is bound from stopping it.
When he is unbound I believe we will see a worldwide persecution of the church by governments. And those days will be cut short for the sake of the elect.
You asked and I gave you the answer.Not likely.
You have been shown, three times, and when you are shown, this is what you do.Show me Gentiles in the Great Congregation of Hebrews in the desert after God delivered them through Moses.
Even in the face of passages that contradict your beliefs you choose your beliefs over the Word of God. And the strange thing is that you use the Word of God to prove your comments.
A false dichotomy fallacy. Also known as the black-or-white fallacy, either/or fallacy, false choice, no middle ground. considering your other posts, it is stating that if Israel's high priest offered sacrifices for the sins of the children of Israel, and the priest didn't then go out and do the same with the surrounding nations, then Gentiles have no covenant with God and that there is no salvation for Gentiles.Show me that under the Mosaic Covenant and the sacrificial system God commanded that the high priest after offering sacrifices for the sins of the children of Israel going to the Gentiles that surrounded Israel and offering sacrifices for their sin.
He wasn't chosen from his loins, he was chosen from Gentiles.Israel was in his loins.
Which were all Gentiles since Israel was not established as a nation separated from Gentiles, and wouldn't be for some time.Abraham was a descendant of Shem and of Salah and Eber.
Scripture cannot be broken.
Show me Gentiles in the Great Congregation of Hebrews in the desert after God delivered them through Moses.
Show me that under the Mosaic Covenant and the sacrificial system God commanded that the high priest after offering sacrifices for the sins of the children of Israel going to the Gentiles that surrounded Israel and offering sacrifices for their sin.
If you can show me God atoning the sin of Gentiles under the Law, then you have an argument.
Scripture cannot be broken. Even in the face of passages that contradict your beliefs you choose your beliefs over the Word of God. And the strange thing is that you use the Word of God to prove your comments. Sounds like you're neither hot nor cold but Lukewarm.
You accept Scripture when it suits your purpose but reject Scripture when it contradicts what you believe.
That doesn't sound like true Christianity to me.
No, actually I was giving you a chance to be honest, at least with yourself, and learn something. If our were going to do that and save face, which we all like to do when we are embarrassed, you simply could have left the question unanswered. It was a rhetorical question.You asked and I gave you the answer.
Oh, my bad. You weren't trying to get information, you were baiting me to answer so that you can say, "Not likely."
Talk about insincerity at its finest.
National Israel is not in the New Covenant. Entrance into the New Covenant requires knowing Christ as the Messiah and Savior of the world. Besides that, the reasoning is illogical in every direction. Wisdom dictates that one be logical in arriving at conclusions.If there is just one Jewish Christian in the land, and Israel is in the New Covenant era, then it is a Christian nation that one day will be Christian through and through
Jesus is King on the throne now.The whole existence of Israel is that in its purest form still prophesied for a future fulfillment, God has His hand upon this people and one day very soon when the King of the Jews sits on David's throne in Jerusalem, that all Israel will be Christ-followers and the whole nation ruling on earth.
But you have them preaching bad news. "Behold! Only Jews will be saved!" They already believed that! And you have the apostle TO THE GENTILES, Paul, teaching lies, because He says the truly good news is that salvation through faith in Christ, is for the Gentile also. He says people from all nations will be saved in the same way by the same ONE. He says Jesus tore down that wall of division, and contention. But I guess you love that wall!Jewish Christians were commanded the good news of Messiah's arrival be preached to "all nations" because that's where God scattered the Jews two times at the time this was taking place, and two more times still future.
God needed to get His message to the twelve tribes scattered with a simple message to them.
the Bible says seventy souls of Hebrews went into Egypt. In a matter of years while the Hebrews multiplied a new king took over Egypt who didn't know Joseph and eventually made the Hebrews into slaves. Tell what non-Hebrew Gentiles (or Egyptians) volunteered to becoming slaves with the Hebrews? Answer: None.You have been shown, three times, and when you are shown, this is what you do.
A false dichotomy fallacy. Also known as the black-or-white fallacy, either/or fallacy, false choice, no middle ground. considering your other posts, it is stating that if Israel's high priest offered sacrifices for the sins of the children of Israel, and the priest didn't then go out and do the same with the surrounding nations, then Gentiles have no covenant with God and that there is no salvation for Gentiles.
Also it wrongly assumes that there were no non-Hebrews in the congregation, when the Bible specifically names them in the covenant with Abraham, with the sign of circumcision. ANd it presumes what is highly unlikely, that no non-Hebrews came out of Egypt. If there were circumcised non-Hebrews in the Israeli community, they offered the same sacrifices as the Hebrews did, which would make your statement a false one right from the start.
Abraham was a Hebrew from the family of Eber.He wasn't chosen from his loins, he was chosen from Gentiles.
He was told to leave/separate even from his own father.
Which were all Gentiles since Israel was not established as a nation separated from Gentiles, and wouldn't be for some time.
You should know that.
I would offer another perspective. .Israel is not a Christian nation, it is Jewish.
There is no such thing as a Christian nations as it pervades most nations (maybe all, though in some converts to Christianity would be in great peril) and no nation is without a multitude of religions within it.
Which brings us once again close to the topic of the OP. The predominant view in my understanding, of premillennialism is that Satan is bound now and will be released in the "Great Tribulation." In amillennialism (my perspective of it) the Scripture says he is bound from deceiving the nations. Not that he is completely bound---and evidence shows he is not.
So when he is released for a short time, he is released to deceive the nations. WHat might that mean?
If we look at the fact that even nations that consider Christianity the devil himself, and forbid preaching the gospel, even kill those caught doing so, there are still pockets within those nations where the gospel is preached and Bibles distributed. This is done in direct obedience to Jesus' command that it should be preached to all nations, by very, very, brave Christians. Satan is bound from stopping it.
When he is unbound I believe we will see a worldwide persecution of the church by governments. And those days will be cut short for the sake of the elect.
Where can we find that?the Bible says seventy souls of Hebrews
The statement that only Hebrews were made slaves is almost certainly not true. Even Egyptians themselves were sometimes enslaved to pay a debt. The wars that occurred with other nations over Goshen after they migrated into it because of the famine, resulted in those who settled there to also become slaves. Also we have a record of at least one Hebrew, Joseph, marrying an Egyptian and having two sons.the Bible says seventy souls of Hebrews went into Egypt. In a matter of years while the Hebrews multiplied a new king took over Egypt who didn't know Joseph and eventually made the Hebrews into slaves. Tell what non-Hebrew Gentiles (or Egyptians) volunteered to becoming slaves with the Hebrews? Answer: None.
So, it was ONLY the Hebrews that were made slaves.
Ex 12:38 A mixed multitude went up also with them;When Moses delivered the Hebrews out of Egypt it was the Hebrew slaves that were delivered, and all the Hebrews were delivered. There were NO non-Hebrew Gentiles that left with Moses and the children of Israel. Only the Hebrews left Egypt.
It should never be a matter of rationalizing anything when it comes to searching the Bible for truth. It is a matter at arriving at that truth through the means of hermeneutical evaluation of texts, and comparing everything to the whole counsel of God in Scripture. He is not going to contradict Himself. And it must always take into account---"Who is God? Who is Christ? What is their purpose?"Modern thinking is interesting, is it not? We're told by Paul to "comfort" one another with the deliverance, but then there are those who believe that deliverance will happen only after horrid death all around. Be comforted with that...? Some belief systems render Paul's instructions as having originated either from a lunatic or a liar, or the Lord is really angry with the Church.
Which is it; to those of you who believe you'll be here during the horrid tribulation? Was Paul a lunatic, a liar or has the Church betrayed the Lord as did Israel, and therefore the wrath upon both? If the Church is going to be here through half or most or all of it, then the Lord must, in the thinking of those who believe along those lines, be angry with the Church as well, which places the Church on the same level of betrayal as the rejection of Israel.
Surely someone has an idea in how to rationalize this.