@TB2 Cont of post #373 in response to your post #362
Title and author of article being disucces. N.T. Wright's Long Farewell---Ron Henzel.
Subject of article: The ways in which Wright has said farewell to all evangelicalism. That is how Wright is pulling away from traditional protestant doctrine of the Reformation.
"According to Wright…1. The Gospel is not about “getting saved.”
Well of course that sounds heretical when one puts it that way. And it would be if only it were true. But that is a complete misrepresentation of Wright’s position.
The article then quotes Wright as saying:
"I must stress again that the doctrine of justification by faith is not what Paul means by ‘the gospel’. It is implied by the gospel; when the gospel is proclaimed, people come to faith and so are regarded by God as members of his people. But ‘the gospel’ is not an account of how people get saved.”
To which the author responds and you "chopped off":
"The problem is, that Paul tells us what he means by “the gospel,” and it seems to have quite a bit to do with how people get saved:
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand,
and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
(1Cor. 15:1-5, ESV. Emphasis added.)"
And with that chops off the next sentence:
"But ‘the gospel’ is not an account of how people get saved. It is, as we saw in an earlier chapter, the proclamation of the lordship of Jesus Christ."
Wright is redefining what the gospel is according to Wright not according to Paul who says "that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve." This he says is "by which your are being saved."
After three or so paragraphs of riffing on how "heretical" Wright’s statement is, the article then asks so what is Wright’s definition of the gospel, and then quotes Wright as follows:
It is one paragraph (let's omit the propaganda and the deceit) and it it does not even mention Wright. This is the paragraph:
"It also has quite a bit to do with faith: “so we preach and so you believed,” (v. 11), and it is quite clear that Paul’s gospel message of Christ’s death is inseparably connected to the question of how we are justified (declared righteous) before God: “Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.” (Rom 5:9 ESV)"
and then quotes Wright as follows:
“The gospel is the royal announcement that the crucified and risen Jesus, who died for our sins and rose again according to the Scriptures, has been enthroned as the true Lord of the world.”
And then proceeds to lambast Wright again for not including salvation alongside the gospel. But if only the article gave the very next sentence!
This is what you call lambasting Wright by the author:
"Of course, this truth is a necessary prerequisite to the gospel. It is certainly good news (the basic meaning of “gospel”) that Jesus reigns as Lord of all, but how exactly is that good news to
me, unless it somehow answers the question of where I will spend eternity?"
But if only the article gave the very next sentence!
“The gospel is the royal announcement that the crucified and risen Jesus, who died for our sins and rose again according to the Scriptures, has been enthroned as the true Lord of the world. When this gospel is preached, God calls people to salvation, out of sheer grace, leading them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the risen Lord.”
That does not answer the question Henzel asked, "How exactly is that good news to
me, unless it somehow answers the question of where I will spend eternity?" Wright is still changing the biblical definition of the gospel and one has to ask "Why? Why does he find that necessary?"
Not only does the article chop off Wright’s full statements again, but it doesn't have the decency to explain what Wright means when he says this: Wright is referring to the gospel as in "good news" as the term was understood in ancient times as an imperial proclamation to herald, for example, the "good news" that 'Tiberius Caesar has become emperor!" That's what a "good news" pronouncement was most associated with, only here with the "good news" proclamation that "JESUS IS LORD!" That is what a "good news" proclamation was. And guess what??? By believing in that proclamation announcement a person is SAVED!!!
It was not a matter of not having the decency to explain what Wright meant---which you have done for Wright---it is a matter of what Wright said further was not the least bit helpful in explaining why announcing "The crucified and risen Jesus, who died for our sins has been enthroned as the true Lord of the world!" and simply believing that would save anyone. Save them from what? Why do they need to be saved from whatever that is?
And to say as Wright does, that when people hear this "God calls them out of sheer grace leading them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the risen Lord" is to completely remove many other doctrines of Reformed protestant doctrine and the scriptures they come from. It is faith in Jesus as Lord without knowledge of what that even means. Therefore it cannot be faith.
I'm sorry. That is despicable misrepresentation of NT Wright by the article and tells me all I need to know about its so-called "objectivity" and "accuracy."
Most concerning to me is the fact that this article is presented as a compelling source. More concerning still is now the realization that this type of atrocious "reporting" is the type of propaganda, misinformation, and rhetoric that is fueling the heresy-hate-on-Wright camp of "theologically serious evangelicals" vs the spineless, whiny, "evanjellyfish" compromisers.
I have just shown that what was despicable was the complete misrepresentation of the article referenced that contained no accuracy or objectivity. I showed it by what you left out but called riffing against Wright for several paragraphs when what actually followed was one paragraph that did not mention Wright. And by quoting the article something you called "lambasting Wright" but that you did not quote and also did not mention Wright.
As to being concerned that the article was presented as a compelling source----you are the only one who presented it at all.
More concerning still is now the realization that this type of atrocious "reporting" is the type of propaganda, misinformation, and rhetoric that is fueling the heresy-hate-on-Wright camp of "theologically serious evangelicals" vs the spineless, whiny, "evanjellyfish" compromisers.
There is no need to address all this. I simply highlighted in red all the words and statements that qualify as propagandizing and in blue the words you added that were never used, so as to propagandize against something that you are biased against.